Great-Britain, to be levied and recovered in manner aforesaid: And for want of fufficient Distress it shall be Lawful to and for the Lord Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, or any Justice or Justices of the Peace for the County, City, or Place where the Offence shall be committed, and he and they are hereby required, by Warrant or Warrants Punishment under his or their Hand and Seal, or on infufficiHands and Seals, to commit such Offen-ent Distress, der to the next common or publick Workhouse, or House of Correction, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, for any Time not exceeding one Month, nor less than fourteen Days. And whereas by Experience, the Number of present Number of Assistants of the faid Assistants reCompany are so numerous, as at their duced to 30. Meetings (instead of doing Business) to occafion Confusion and Disturbance; Be it Declared and Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Number of Assistants of the faid Company at their future Elections, shall be reduced to Thirty; but each of them the faid Assistants, to be elected, named Who are to and appointed as heretofore they have be elected as been used severally to be. heretofore. Pro Proviso to preserve the Provided always, That this Act, or Right of the any Thing therein contained, shall not Heirs of the extend, or be construed to extend to the late Duke of lessening, taking away, abridging, hinRichmond. dering, prejudicing, or otherwise impeaching of any Right belonging to, or lawfully claimed by the late Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Lord of the Manor of Gravefend, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or Afsigns, for the holding a certain Court within the faid Manor, called Curia Cursus Aquæ, or the Court of the Water-course, for the better Government of Barges, Boats, and Veffels, using the Ferry or Passage from the Town of Gravesend to London, and of the Perfons owning or working the fame, or of any other Rights, Liberties, Powers, and Privileges whatsoever, belonging to the faid late Duke, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Afsigns, relating to the faid Ferry or Passage, or to the Barges, Tilt-boats, or other Boats and Vessels using the faid Ferry or Passage, or plying at the Bridge of the said Town of Gravefend, or the Persons owning or working the fame, or otherwise howsoever. Proviso to Provided always, That this Act or Secure the Rights of the any Thing therein contained, shall not Parishes of extend or be construed to extend to the lessening lessening, taking away, hindering, pre- Milton and judicing, or impeaching of any Grants, Gravefend. Liberties, Franchises, Customs, Privileges, or Usages, now or heretofore lawfully used, held or enjoyed by the Mayor, Jurats, and capital Inhabitants of the Villages and Parishes of Gravefend and Milton, in the County of Kent, touching, concerning, or relating to the Passage and Ferry upon the faid River of Thames, from the faid Villages and Parishes of Gravefend and Milton, to the said City of London, or touching or concerning the Government or Gubernation of the faid Passage and Ferry, but that the faid Mayor, Jurats, and Inhabitants, and their Successors, shall and may do and execute all and every such lawful Act and Acts, Powers and Authorities touching the faid Passage and Ferry, and the Government thereof, as they might or could have done, if this Act had not been made; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. Provided always, and it is hereby Rights of Declared, That it shall and may be law-the Owners ful to and for the Lessees, Owners, or or Leffees of the Occupiers of any Key or Keys betwixt Keys between the Hermitage Bridge and London Bridge, tage & Lonor any or either of them, to use their, don Bridge, and ficured. Penalties & and every of their Lighters, or large Crafts, as has been heretofore lawfully accustomed for the carrying of Goods and Merchandizes to and from their respective Keys and Wharfs, and to and from Ships loading or unloading, and to employ any Person or Persons, being Watermen or Lightermen duly qualified, as in and by the said Act passed in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Third, (intituled, An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River of Thames; and for the better ordering and governing the faid Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen upon the faid River, between Gravesend and Windfor) is directed or appointed to row and work in their respective Lighters, or large Craft, and to do and act any Things, as heretofore they might lawfully do, from such their respective Keys and Wharfs, to any Ships or Vessels, as aforesaid; any Thing in this present Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And be it Enacted by the Autbority Forfeitures, aforesaid, That all the Penalties and Forfeitures which shall be incurred or for how to be recovered. 3 1 forfeited by Virtue of this Act, shall and may be fued and profecuted for by the Rulers and Overseers of the faid Company, or any two of them for the Time being, in fuch Manner as is provided for and directed by the faid Act, passed in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, (intituled, An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts, made touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River of Thames; and for the better ordering and governing the faid Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen, upon the faid River between Gravesend and Windsor :) Penalties, And when the said Penalties and For-&c. how to feitures shall be recovered or levied, the be applied. same shall be paid to the said Rulers and Overseers of the said Company, or the major Part of them for the Time being, and shall be by them paid and distributed to and for the Ufe of the Poor of the said Company, in such Manner as the faid Rulers and Overseers, or the major Part of them, for the Time being, shall Profecutions think fit; and all Prosecutions for the for the faid faid Penalties and Forfeitures shall be be commenccommenced within One Month next ed within a after the Offence shall be committed. Month. And Penalties to |