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All ConftaAnd be it Enacted, by the Authority bles, &c. to aforesaid, That all Constables and Headbe alliftingin boroughs shall be aiding and affifting in

putting this At in Exe- the due Execution of this Act: And cution.

Actions a

that in Cafe any Suit or Profecution shall be commenced against any Perfon or Persons for any Matter, Cause, or Thing done in Pursuance of this Act, or any former Act relating to the Water-service on the faid River, or to the Regulating and Governing the Company and Persons

aforesaid; that in every fuch Cafe, the gainst Perfons Action, Suit, or Prosecution, shall be who put this brought and commenced within Thirty Alt in Exe- Days next after the Fact committed, and cution, to be not afterwards; and such Person or Perbrought in fons so fued, profecuted, or molested,


shall and may, from Time to Time, and Such Perfons at all Times hereafter, plead the General may plead the Issue, and give this, and any fuch former Generalffue, Act, and the special Matter in Evidence

at any Trial to be had thereupon; and that the fame was done in Purfuance, and by the Authority of the said former Acts, or this present Act: And if the same shall appear so to be done, or that fuch Action, Suit, or Profecution shall be brought or commenced after the Time before limited for bringing or commencing the fame, that then the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and if upon such Verdict, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be non-suited, or Upon Nondiscontinue his Action, after the De-fuit, Difcontinuance, or fendant or Defendants shall have appear - Demurrer ed, or if, upon Demurrer, Judgment Defendants shall be given against the Plaintiff or to recover Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants triple Costs. shall have and recover Treble Costs, and have such Remedy for the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in any other Cafes by Law. And that this This Act to Act shall be deemed, adjudged, and taken be deemed a to be a Public Act, and be judicially public Act. taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Justices, and other Persons whatsoever, without specially pleading the fame.

[blocks in formation]


Made by the Rulers, Auditors, and Af-
fsistants of the Watermen and Lightermen
of the River of Thames, between
Gravefend and Windfor, for the bet-
ter Rule and Government of the said
Society or Company, examined, altered,
and approved by the Court of Lord
Mayor and Aldermen of the City of
London, and confirmed by the Right
Honourable Robert Lord Raymond,
Baron of Abbots Langley, in the County
of Hertford, Lord Chief Justice of His
Majesty's Court of King's Bench, pur-
fuant to the Authority and Directions of
the several Acts of Parliament in that
Cafe made and provided.


1. Perfons not to work


T is ordered, That if any Waterman or Lighterman, or Watermen or Lighter

Number. men in Copartnership, who now, or

hereafter shall keep, use, hire or work

any Wherry or Wherries, Boat or Boats, Lighter Lighter or Lighters, or other Craft upon the River of Thames, between Gravefend and Windsor, and shall neglect, or refuse to affix, or fet his or their true Number thereon, not less than four Inches each Figure, in large Figures on the Bows of the Lighters, and Hudds Boards of the Barges, and two Inches each Figure on the Linings on each fide of the Boats or Wherries, just abaft the Wherrit Stoppers, or shall affix or set, or cause to be affixed or fet on any of the aforesaid Craft, any fictitious or other Perfon's Number, other than his or their own Number as aforefaid; every Person or Persons so offending, shall respectively forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, to the Rulers and Overseers of the faid Company, for the Ufe of the Poor of the faid Company, the Sum of Ten Shillings.


ITEM, Whereas divers Apprentices lices apprend do daily contract Matrimony in the marry in the Time of their Apprenticeships, which Termof their is not only prejudicial to the Masters, Apprenticeby spending their Money and lofing their hips. Time, but is also a great Hindrance to His Majesty's Service, by their deferting and abfenting themselves in the Time of War, and their Wives and Chil


Children do often become chargeable to the Parishes whereto they do belong. To prevent the fame for the Future, It is ordained and ordered, That if any Apprentice of any Waterman or Lighterman shall contract Matrimony during his Apprenticeship, upon due Proof thereof made before the Rulers, Auditors and Assistants, or the major Part of them, at any of their publick Courts or Assemblies, the Party so offending, being duly summoned to anfwer the same, shall forfeit and pay to the Rulers and Overseers of the faid Company, for the Use aforesaid, the Sum of Ten Pounds. Provided always, nevertheless, That every Apprentice who shall incur the above Penalty for marrying, shall and may at any Time during the Space of, Three Months next after fuch Proof of his Matrimony as aforesaid, appeal to the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London against such Forfeiture; which faid Court shall and may hear and finally determine the faid Appeal, and relieve the Person appealing in such Manner as they in Justice shall think fit. And it is hereby further ordered, That if the said Person or Persons fo • forfeiting

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