tween fton. for the Town-stairs or Plying-place at which he lives or plies, except fuch Fare shall fignify his or her Knowledge of fuch Waterman, or the Waterman prove his Knowledge of fuch Fare; or the faid Fare shall ask for a Waterman living or plying at such respective Town or Stairs, on Pain of forfeiting for every such Offence, befides making Satisfaction to the Party thereby deprived of his Fare, the Sum of One Shilling to the Ufe aforefaid. XXXIII. ITEM, That all Watermen plying at Plying be- any Town-stairs or Plying-places, beWoolwich tween Woolwich, in the County of Kent, and King- and Kingston upon Thames, in the County of Surrey, shall keep Way, (that is to say) First come to have the Preference of him that comes after; provided this Order shall not extend to hinder or prevent the Watermen of the several Stairs and Plying-places from keeping a Morning Turn, which shall hereafter be kept from Lady-day to Michaelmas, at Seven of the Clock in the Morning, and from Michaelmas to Lady-day at Eight of the Clock in the Morning, at which Hours the Country Watermen shall have equal Privilege and Turn-keeping with the Townsmen, provided neither Townfmen nor Countrymen have had a Fare before before those Hours, above the Value of Six-pence for every Pair of Oars, and Three-pence for every Sculler in each Morning; and every Waterman, within the Limits aforefaid, who shall tranfgrefs in either of those Kinds, shall forfeit and pay, (befides making Satisfaction to the Perfon wronged, according to the Wrong received) for every fuch Offence, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Six-pence. Complaint, or ITEM, That every Ruler and Assistant, XXXIV. and other Officer, having received a Com- Rulers or plaint of and against any Waterman or Assistants reLighterman, or knowing of any Offence Coving any committed by any Member of this So-knowing of ciety, contrary to any of the Rules there-any Offence, of, shall give Notice thereof to the nextShallinform. Court of Rulers held by them, or within Ten Days, on Pain to forfeit and pay, for every fuch Neglect, to the Ufe aforefaid, the Sum of Five Shillings. Shall have their Turns. ITEM, That from henceforth all Per- XXXV. sons navigating any Lighter or Lighters, Lighters or any other Craft, to or from any Ship, or Vessel, or any Place of loading or unloading (where they have a Right to load or unload) shall observe their pro-. per Turn or Turns; that is to say, the faid first Lighter or Craft laid on Board the Ship or Vessel, or coming to any C4 Place XXXVI. Lighters turneda drift. Place of loading or unloading, to have the Preference of them that come after, both in loading and Place of lying, till loaded or unloaded : And each Perfon that by Force, Violence or otherwife, shall hinder or prevent him whose proper Turn it is, so to load or unload, shall forfeit and pay to the Perfon wronged of his faid Turn, the Sum of Forty Shillings; and shall further forfeit and pay to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Five Shillings. ITEM, If any Lighter or Flat-boat be turned a-drift, or by any Means shall happen to be a-drift, or be taken away from any Ship or Vessel, or any Place of loading or unloading, by any Person whatsoever (except the Owner or his Servant) or by their, or either of their Consents, such Lighter, Flat-boat, or other Craft, shall not lose their Turn in loading or unloading those Goods they were to load or unload: Provided the faid Lighter or other Craft be brought on Board the faid Ship or Vessel, or Place • of loading or unloading, the next Flood or Ebb after she so happened to go, or be taken from the faid Ship, or Place of loading or unloading, as aforesaid; and such Perfon or Persons who, without such Confent, Consent, turned the faid Lighter, or other Craft, a-drift from the faid Ship or Veffel, or Place of Loading or Unloading; or who, when the faid Craft is returned on board, or to the Place of Loading or Unloading, shall any ways hinder or moleft the Person employed in working the faid Craft, to load or unload in his proper Turn, as he was to have done be.. fore the turning or going away of the faid Lighter, or other Craft, as aforesaid, he or they, so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the Person wronged Twenty Shillings; and to the Use of the Poor, aforesaid, Five Shillings. Dock 10 put LondonBridge, ex ITEM, That all Lightermen, and their XXXVII. Servants, working in and bringing up Lightermen any Lighter or other Craft on the Flood- a high as tide, and being therein as Tower. Towerhigh as Dock, shall put their faid Lighters, or their Veffels other Craft, under Way, and in their pro- under Way, per Ranks, without striving to get into &c. London-Bridge one before another, which is of dangerous Consequence to Persons, Goods and Lives; and if any Lighterman, or his Servant, or Apprentice, shall offend in either of these Kinds, such Person, so offending, shall forfeit and pay, to the Ufe of the Poor aforesaid, the Sum Sum of Five Shillings, befides making Satisfaction for the Damages sustained. ITEM, That no Lighterman, or his Not to carry Servants, or Apprentice, shall hereafter XXXVIII above one Lighter at a Time thro cept, &c. prefume to row or navigate through London-Bridge, on the Flood-tide, above one Lighter, or one Flat-boat, or other like Craft, at one Time (except at Highwater) nor on the Ebb at a Horfingwater, (that is to say) at such Times of Tide as it is probable the faid Lighter or other Craft may stop in the Bridge, on Pain of making Satisfaction to every Perfon thereby wronged, and also to forfeit and pay, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Five Shillings: And if any Perfon working in any Lighter, or other Craft, for want of Care or Skill to work in the faid Bridge, his Lighter or other Craft shall stop therein, every such Lighterman shall not only make full Satisfaction to the Perfons thereby damnified, but shall also forfeit and pay, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Five Shillings: And if any Controversy shall happen to arife thereupon, the Rulers, for the Time being, shall hear, and endeavour to determine the fame. |