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Waterman having a small Boat, and Plying among the faid Ferrymen any Fare, or Passenger; if any of the said Ferrymen shall untruly under-value the faid Boat, by saying it will drown the Pafsenger, if they pass therein, or otherwise unjustly deprive the said Person of the faid Fare or Passengers, shall forfeit and pay, for every such Offence, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Ten Shillings, befides Satisfaction to the Person so wronged, according to the Wrong received. And if any Plyer, having a small Boat, shall under value any of the said Ferrymen, by saying they can Row fafter than they, or work more Speed in their Passage, and thereby deprive the faid Ferrymen of any Fare or Passenger, by Reason of the Greatness of his Boat; every fuch Offender, for every such Offence, shall forfeit and pay, besides Satisfaction to the Person wronged, the like Sum of Ten Shillings: And if any Waterman, plying the faid Ferry, shall, after the obtaining the Promife of carrying any Fare or Pafsenger, send, or cause to be fent, any of his said Fare or Passengers so plyed to any Place or Stairs, in order to take them into his Boat, elfewhere than at that particular Stairs or Place at which they were first



plied (except the fame were required by the faid Fare or Passenger) shall forfeit and pay for every fuch Paflengeras aforefaid, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Two Shillings: And if any Waterman, plying the said Ferry, shall dispose of any Fare or Passenger which he hath agreed with, to carry to any other Waterman for any Gain or Reward whatsoever to himself; every fuch Offender shall forfeit and pay to the Ufe aforesaid, for every fuch Offence, One Shilling and Sixpence.

LX. Tide ITEM, If any Tilt-Boat-Master, carboat or rying Passengers to and from London and Wherry turning to Gravefend, shall at any Time or Times Windward. hereafter turn to Windward in any of the faid Boats, wherein are any of her Majesty's Subjects, except one Trip in each particular Reach, where Neceffity requires, he shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence as aforesaid, to the Ufe aforesaid, the Sum of Ten Shillings: Or if any Master of a Wherry, working the faid Ferry, and therein offending (except as before excepted) shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence, the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence.

LXI. OfITEM, It is further ordered and agreed, fenders re- That if any Two or more of the Rulers fusing to ap



for the Time being, shall, by a Sum-pear, forfeit mons in Writing under their Hands, 10s. or apand the Seal of the faid Company, fum-pearing, and refusing mon any Person, for any Offence against pay, forfeit any of the Rules and Orders above-men-10s. tioned; and shall shew, or cause to be shewn, the same to him or her, or cause the fame to be left at the usual Place of his or her Abode; that then, and in such Cafe, fuch Offender shall pay the Penalty appointed to be forfeited and paid for fuch Offence to the Person, by fuch Summons appointed to demand and receive the same; or in Default of so doing, shall appear before the Rulers at fuch Time and Place as shall be mentioned in the said Summons, to shew Cause why he or she did not, or ought not to pay fuch Penalty; And if fuch Offender shall neglect so to do, or appearing shall refuse to pay the Penalty by him or her incurred; That then, and in every such Cafe, the Person so refusing shall further forfeit and pay for fuch his or her Nonappearance or Non-payment, the Sum of Ten Shillings.

I have feen and perused these By-Laws, and do approve, allow and confirm the fame, dated the 16th Day of April, Anno Dom.



1708. And in the 7th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c.


A Table

A TABLE of Fees to be taken by the Rulers, Clerk and Officers of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen.

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