Clerk's Fees. : FOR a Deputation to a Master of a Row-Barge, Light-Horseman, or Tilt- £. 5. For a Copy of a Register, an ΟΙ Ο Officers Fees. FOR Binding or Turning over an Apprentice, each f. s. For a Freedom of a Register- For a Deputation to a Master I For the Batchelor's Bowl, ac cording to an ancient Cuf 2 tom I E3 A TABLE A TABLE of the Rates or Prices appointed by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London, to be taken by the Watermen rowing from Place to Place upon the River of Thames, between Gravesend and Windfor. FROM London to Gravesend one whole Fare in Oars 6s. with Company 9d. each Perfon. From London to Grays, one whole Fare, in Oars 5s. with Company, 8d. each Person. From London to Greenhithe, one whole Fare, in Oars 4s. 6d. with Company, 8d. each Person. From London to Purfleet, one whole Fare, in Oars 4s. with Company, 8d. each Perfon. From London to Erith, one whole Fare, in Oars 4s. with Company 8d. each Perfon. From London to Woolwich, one whole Fare, in Oars 3s. with Company 5d. each Perfon. From From London to Blackwall, one whole Fare, in Oars, 2s. 6d. with Company, 4d. each Perfon. From London to Greenwich, one whole Fare, in Oars, 2s. a Sculler's Fare, 1s. 3d. with Company, 4d. each Person. From London to Deptford, one whole Fare, in Oars, Is. 6d. a Sculler's Fare is. with Company, 3d. each Person. From London to Limehouse, one whole Fare, in Oars Is. a Sculler's Fare 6d. From London to New Crane, Shadwell-Dock, andRatcliff-Cross, one whole Fare, in Oars Is. a Sculler's Fare 6d. From New Crane, and all the Stairs below, as far as Limehouse, to Greenwich or Deptford, one whole Fare, in Oars is. a Sculler's Fare od. From London to Wapping-Dock and oppofite, one whole Fare, in Oars 8d. a Sculler's Fare 4d. From London to the Hermitage, one whole Fare, in Oars 6d. a Sculler's Fare 3d. From London to Rotherhithe Church Stairs and Rotherhithe, one whole Fare, in Oars 6d. a Sculler's Fare 3d. From St. Olave's to Rotherhithe Church Stairs, and Rotherhithe-Stairs, E 4 and oppofite, one whole Fare, in Oars 8d. a Sculler's Fare 4d. From Billingsgate or Saint Olave's to Saint Saviour's Mill, one whole Fare, in Oars 6d. a Sculler's Fare 3d. Over the Water directly between London-Bridge and Limehouse, for the next Boat, a Sculler, 2d. From London-Bridge, on either Side, above the faid Bridge, to Somerset-House and oppofite, one whole Fare, in Oars 6d. a Sculler's Fare 3d. From London Bridge, on either Side, to Westminster, one whole Fare, in Oars 15. a Sculler's Fare 6d. From any of the Stairs below Somerfet-House to Westminster-Bridge, one whole Fare, in Oars, 8d. a Sculler's Fare 4d. From London-Bridge, on either Side, above the faid Bridge, and all the Stairs below Somerset-House to Lambeth, Vauxhall, or Marble-Hall, one whole Fare, in Oars Is. 6d. a Sculler's Fare 9d. From Whitehall or Westminster to Lambeth, or Vauxhall-Stairs, or White Hart Stairs, one whole Fare, in Oars, 8d. a Sculler's Fare 4d. From A |