Imej halaman
[blocks in formation]

No fuck to fuffer Goods to be placed on

the Bails, &c.

Ord. 57. p. 59. RULERS, vide p. 90, 91, &c. their Duty.



None to act as chief Steers-Man till approved of and licensed; nor take in above 37 at first, and 3 by the Way.

Ord. 58. p. 59.


Not appearing upon the first Summons, forfeits 1s. upon the fecond 2s. 6d. and upon every fubfequent Summons 5s.

Ord. 24. p. 34.

Against Working on Sundays, and

Swearing, &c.

No Member, unless permitted by some fuftice, or empowered by the Company &c. pall Row on Sundays: None to curfe or fwear, &c.

Ord. 16. p. 27.


The Condition of the RULER'S Bond.

Dereas A. B. is chosen one of the Rulers of the Company

of Watermen and Lightermen for the Bear next ensuing, pursuant to the Statute in that Case made: If therefore the faid A. B. thall well and truly observe, perform, and keep the feveral Rules, Drders and Conditutions made, or to be made, for the Government of the said Company, which on his Part is to be observed, performed and kept, and in all other Things well and honestly behave himself, and faithfully discharge his Truft in the Execution of the said Place, as long as he continues therein, and shall not embezzle or misapply any Part of the Company's Stock which hall come to his hand; then this Obligation to be void, or otherwise to stand and be in full Force and Virtue.


A LIST of the Rulers, Auditors, Assistants, and Comptrollers of the Worskipful Company of Watermen and Lightermen, for the Year 1790.



Daniel Opie
Thomas Bowen
Benjamin Spencer

William Mildway
William Loft

William Simmonds
James Pritchard

John Morris
John Hamer
James Lyon
John Maiden


John Kimbeli
John Penner
Thomas Skinner
Mathew Cotten

John Powell


Henry Cox
William Crage
Richard Hough
Joseph Norman
Joseph Hallum
George Sloat
John Audfley



John Smith John Brookfon

[blocks in formation]


Thomas Beddington

John Saunders
Thomas Johnfon
Joseph Hopkins
Samuel Clemmens
Jofeph Allen
William Miller
John Watford
James Cannon
George Coleman
Thomas Willis
Thomas Mann
Thomas Sloat

Christopher Pashley
William Jefford
Samuel Varney
Francis Harlow
George Baley
Stephen Blakesley
William Martell

Thomas Moad


Wm. DOZE, Clerk.



Of the Watermen and Lightermen of the River of Thames, between Gravefend and Windfor, for the better Rule and Government of the said Society or Company, examined, altered, and approved, by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London; and confirmed by the Right Honourable Sir John Holt, Knt. and the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Parker, Knt. late Lords Chief Justices of Her Majesty Queen Anne's Court of Queen's-Bench, pursuant to the Authority and Directions of the feveral Acts of Parliament in that Cafe made and provided.

by an Act of Parliament made in the 11th and 12th Years of the Reign of His late


Majesty King William the Third, entituled, An Act for the Explanation and better


better Execution of former Acts, made
touching Watermen and Wherrymen Row-
ing on the River of Thames, and for the
better Ordering and Governing the faid
Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen,

upon the faid River, between Gravefend 1. Clause. and Windfor, it is, amongst other Things, enacted, That every Lighterman, or Owner, Keeper, or Worker of any Lighter, or other large Craft on the Thames, between Gravefend and Windsor, shall be, and be taken to be of one and the fame Society or Company with the faid Wherrymen and Watermen; which Wherrymen, Watermen, and Lightermen, are thereby made one Society and Company. II. Clause. And that all Lightermen working on the River of Thames (except Trinity-men, Fishermen, Ballastmen, Western-Barges and Mill-boats, Chalk-hoys, Faggot and Wood-lighters, and other Craft carrying the fame) shall be registered in a Book kept by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, and be liable to such Orders, Rules and Constitutions, made, or to be made, for the better Rule and Government of the faid Company, and the Pains and Penalties to enforce due ObeIII. Clause. dience thereunto. And that there shall be yearly Appointed, Elected, and Chofen,


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