The Constitutions of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen: As Amended by the ... Lord Mayor and Aldermen: ... To which is Prefixed, a Table of Contents of Those By-laws: and Thereunto Annexed, an Abstract of the Respective Duties of Rulers, &cprinted in the year 1730. Reprinted in, 1790 - 142 halaman |
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Halaman iii
... Order 14. Page 8 , 9 . The Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen empowered to approve of the By - Laws made by the Company . Ord . 6. p . 5 . And also to review , alter or amend fuch as are or shall be made fuch Altera- tions being subject ...
... Order 14. Page 8 , 9 . The Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen empowered to approve of the By - Laws made by the Company . Ord . 6. p . 5 . And also to review , alter or amend fuch as are or shall be made fuch Altera- tions being subject ...
Halaman iv
... Orders made , or to be made , for the better Go- vernment of this Company . Ord . 2. p . 2 . But Owners of Keys , and Woodmongers , permitted in their own Lighters ( and in their own proper Business ) to employ Lightermen . Ord . 12. p ...
... Orders made , or to be made , for the better Go- vernment of this Company . Ord . 2. p . 2 . But Owners of Keys , and Woodmongers , permitted in their own Lighters ( and in their own proper Business ) to employ Lightermen . Ord . 12. p ...
Halaman v
... Orders , and Constitutions to be made by the Rulers Auditors and Af- sistants in their general Court , & c . Ord . 6. p . 5 . WATERMEN . None but Watermen and their Apprentices ( except Trinity Men ) shall ply or carry Passengers for ...
... Orders , and Constitutions to be made by the Rulers Auditors and Af- sistants in their general Court , & c . Ord . 6. p . 5 . WATERMEN . None but Watermen and their Apprentices ( except Trinity Men ) shall ply or carry Passengers for ...
Halaman vi
... order . Ord . 19. p . 29 . And within one Month after fuch Audit to be inspected by the Comptrollers . Ord . 50. p . 49 . All Disputes relating to the Company's Ac- compts , which cannot be adjusted by the general Court , shall be heard ...
... order . Ord . 19. p . 29 . And within one Month after fuch Audit to be inspected by the Comptrollers . Ord . 50. p . 49 . All Disputes relating to the Company's Ac- compts , which cannot be adjusted by the general Court , shall be heard ...
Halaman ix
... order in which he came . Ord . 4. p . 16 . None to refuse to appear at a general Court , or to depart thence without leave . Ord . 7. p . 20 . The Comptrollers to be fummoned to every Court of Rulers . Ord . 4. p . 108 , 109 . No ...
... order in which he came . Ord . 4. p . 16 . None to refuse to appear at a general Court , or to depart thence without leave . Ord . 7. p . 20 . The Comptrollers to be fummoned to every Court of Rulers . Ord . 4. p . 108 , 109 . No ...
Istilah dan frasa biasa
Act of Parliament alſo Apprentice Auditors and Aſſiſtants Beadle Boat or Wherry Bridge By-Laws Cafe Caſh cauſe choſen City of London Clerk Company of Watermen Comptrollers Conſtitution Court of Aldermen Court of Lord Court of Rulers Court ſhall Craft faid Company faid Court faid River faid Rulers fame Fees firſt Five Shillings Flat Boat forfeit and pay Forfeiture fuch Offence Gravefend ITEM Juſtice lers loading or unloading Lord Mayor Maſter or Miſtreſs Mayor and Aldermen neral Number Oars Offender ſhall Office Order Overſeers pany Penalties Perſon or Perſons Place Plying-places preſent Purpoſe Regiſter reſpective River of Thames River Thames Rules ſaid ſame ſay Sculler's Fare ſerve ſeveral ſhall forfeit ſhall keep ſhall pay ſhall refuſe Sixpence ſome Stairs ſuch Court ſuch Perſon Sum of Five Summons thereof thoſe Tilt-Boat Ufe aforesaid Uſe uſual Veſſel Watermen and Lightermen Wherrymen whole Fare Windfor
Petikan popular
Halaman 128 - Defendants in such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act...
Halaman 123 - ... common gaol or house of correction, there to remain without bail or mainprize for any time not exceeding...
Halaman 61 - D'Awtry, a member of the same society, living in Broad-street, being two of those Physicians that were presented by the College to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London...
Halaman 66 - Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight, and in the seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God. of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the faith, etc.
Halaman 121 - ... be sent to the house of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month...
Halaman 117 - ... by order of the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the time being, as...
Halaman 123 - Act imposed, unless otherwise directed, shall be recovered before any two justices of the peace for the county, city, or place where the offence shall...
Halaman 130 - It was now continued to 25th March, 1738. "II. And whereas the court of lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London and some other magistrates, have thought fit to set down and ascertain the price for which half-peck and quartern loaves ought to be sold ; which prices the bakers have sometimes complied with, but at other times have refused to do so, to the deceit and oppression of His Majesty's subjects, especially...
Halaman 127 - An act for relieving his Majesty's subjects professing the popish religion from certain penalties and disabilities imposed on them by an act, made in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of King William the Third, intituled, An act for the further preventing the growth of popery.
Halaman 125 - Aft had not been made ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding.