V. And, for the encouragement of fit and able persons vo- Every perfon luntarily to enter into his Majesty's service, be it enacted, That voluntarily inevery fuch person who shall, on or before the first day of May intitled to 31. lifting himself, one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, voluntarily enter bounty mohimself into his Majesty's service, before the faid commiffioners, ney. at their first or any subsequent meeting, shall, by warrant of any three or more of the faid commissioners, receive the fum of three pounds out of the money of the land tax, arifen or to arife in the years one thousand seven hundred and fifty fix, and one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, or either of them, then being in the hands of any receiver general, or of any collector thereof, within the county or place for which the faid commiffioners are appointed; and thereupon the commissioners then Volunteers to present, or any three of them, shall forthwith cause such volun- be delivered teers to be delivered to the officers appointed to receive them; officers, and to the military and shall cause an entry to be made in some book to be kept by an entry to be the faid commiffioners, or such clerk as they shall appoint, of made of their the names of fuch volunteers, and of the parishes or places of names, places their last abode (if they can be known) and of the time and of abode, sums place when and where they did so enter themselves, and of the and the offipaid them, fums paid to them, and by whom such payments were made, cers receiving and of the names of the officers or persons who received such them. volunteers, and for what regiment or company they were received; and shall cause true copies or duplicates of such entries, Duplicates attested by three or more of the faid commiffioners then present, thereof to be within forty days after the delivery of fuch volunteers, to be tranfmitted into the office of his Majesty's secretary at war for the office. time being, to be compared with the muster-rolls. transmitted to the war را 1 ing; and to be VI. And it is hereby declared, That the pay of every such Volunteers to volunteer shall commence from the time that he shall so enter receive pay himself into his Majesty's service, and that every such volun- from the time teer, after he shall have continued in the military service of his of their enter. Majesty, his heirs and successors, during the space of three difcharged at years, if the war shall then be ended, or otherwise at the end the end of of the war, shall be at liberty (if he think fit) to demand his three years, or discharge from the colonel or commanding officer of the regi- they demand of the ment or company to which he shall belong; and such discharge it. shall be granted to him gratis in writing under the hand of fuch colonel or commanding officer, who is hereby impowered and required to give the fame accordingly, on pain of fuffering the penalties usually inflicted for disobedience to orders; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. ney to be paid VII. And it is hereby further enacted, That the warrants by Warrants for this act directed to be issued by the said commiffioners for the bounty-moencouragement of volunteers as aforesaid, shall be fatisfied by without any such receivers or collectors as aforesaid, to whom such warrants deduction. shall be directed, without any abatement for fees, gratuities, charges, poundage, or any other pretence whatsoever, and shall be allowed upon their accounts; any law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding; and the faid receivers general, and their Receivers ge. respective deputies, and the said collectors of the land tax mo-heal, and t. 1 ney, colthe affistance tend meeting ney, or any of them, upon the summons of the faid commiffiof commiffi- oners, or any three or more of them, shall attend at the faid meeroners, to pay ings for receiving volunteers as aforefaid, and duly pay to the the bounty. faid volunteers the rewards prescribed by this act, as they will answer at their peril any delay or obstruction to his Majesty's service which may happen by their defaults. 40s. of every VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That it shall pound paid be lawful for the lord high treasurer, or commiffioners of the out of the be treasury for the time being, to cause forty thillings of every pound of the money which shall be supplied out of the land tax repaid inte exchequer by money for the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty fix, the paymasters and one thousand seven hundred and fifty feven, or either of of the forces. them, for payment of the encouragements aforesaid, to be repaid into his Majesty's exchequer by the respective paymafters of his Amended by a Majesty's forces, out of fuch money as they shall receive for the subsequent aft said forces, to make good the respective credits on the said land of this feffions. taxes, and to be applied to the fatisfaction of such principal and interest (if any) as shall be remaining thereupon. Three comIX. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, miffioners im- That the faid commiflioners, or any three or more of them, in powered to their respective places or stations, shall be, and are hereby aulevy such men as are herein thorized and impowered to raise and levy, and to cause to be raifed described; and levied, at any time or times during the continuance of this act, within their several limits and jurisdictions, all able-bodied idle and disorderly persons, who cannot, upon examination, prove prove themselves to exercise and industriously follow fome lawful trade or employment, or to have fome substance sufficient for their support and maintenance, to serve his Majesty as foldiers; and to call in and to require and command all and every the high constables, of parith and churchwardens, overseers of the poor, petty constables, headtown officers; boroughs and tythingmen, and other parish and town officers, and to meet in their fubdivifions, and issue ge neral search or any of them, within their respective limits and jurisdictions, to be aiding and assisting to them the faid commiffioners, or any three or more of them, in the performance of this his Majesty's service; and for that purpose the faid commissioners, or any three of them, are to meet in their respective sub-divifions, according to the appointment of the justices and commiffioners as" aforesaid, and to issue out their warrants, under their hands and seals, thereby requiring and commanding fuch churchwardens, warrants, &c. overseers of the poor, petty conftables, headboroughs, tythingpersons within men, or other parish or town officers, or for bringing else requiring and comthe descripti- manding the faid high constables to issue their precepts to such on of this act churchwardens, overseers, petty conftables, headboroughs, tybefore them at thingmen, and other parish and town officers as aforefaid, every their second meeting. or any of them, to make or cause to be made a general fearch within their respective parishes, townships, conftablewicks, or other places, for all such persons as they can find, who are or shall appear to them to be within the description of this act, and to bring all such persons before the commissioners, who have power to execute this act, in and for fuch county, shire, stewartry, riding or division, at such time and place as shall have been been appointed by the justices and commiffioners as aforefaid, for the fecond meeting of the said commiffioners, in their respective sub-divisions, which time and place shall be prefixed in the faid warrants and precepts respectively; and afterwards the faid commiffioners, within their respective limits and divisions, shall meet at fuch convenient time or times as they shall think fit, in order to issue their like warrants or precepts, for making general fearches for persons within the said description, and for bringing them before the commiffioners at any future times and places appointed by the justices and commiffioners as aforefaid, during the continuance of this act. : commiffioners X. Provided always, That in case the second meeting ap- If the second pointed to be held in any fub-divifion, shall be at so great a di- meeting be stance of time, as may render it inconvenient to issue warrants too diftant, for bringing perfons before fuch commiffioners at the second in their fubmeeting, then the commiffioners of such fub-divifion respective- divifions may ly may adjourn themselves to fome convenient day, previous to adjourn to a fuch second meeting, in order to issue their warrants as aforesaid. previous day. town officers XI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That it shall After such seand may be lawful to and for the churchwardens, overseers of cond meeting, the poor, conftables, headboroughs, tythingmen, and other offi- the parish and cers of any parish or township, or any of them, at any time af- may fearch for ter the faid second meeting of the said commiffioners, without and secure tarrying for any fuch warrant or precept as aforesaid, to search such persons for, and apprehend all, or any such persons as they, or any of as come within the descrip. them shall find, or shall appear to them, or any of them, to be tion of this within the description of this act, and to secure fuch persons act, and con(in cafe they shall think it necessary) in the gaol or house of vey them before commifli correction, or publick prifon where debtors are not usually cononers to be fined, of the county, town or place, where such persons shall be lifted. apprehended, and the keeper of fuch gaol, house of correction or prifon, shall receive such persons without fee or reward, and the parish officers shall allow such keeper six pence by the day for each person, during the time that they shall remain there, and thall convey them before the commiffioners, at their next meeting for lifting of foldiers, to be examined, and (if judged within the description of this act) to be lifted and delivered into his Majesty's service, according to the true intent and meaning hereof. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, CommiffionThat the commissioners for executing this act, who shall attend ers to examine the faid perthis fervice at the place or places for lifting foldiers as aforesaid, fons, shall strictly examine the persons who shall be brought before them, by the said churchwardens, overseers, constables, headboroughs, tythingmen, or other parish or town officers, as aforefaid; and in cafe the said commiffioners, or the major part of and if found them then present, upon examination of the persons so brought proper for the before them, shall find that fuch persons shall come within the fervice, descriptions herein mentioned, and the said commiffioners, and the officer or officers who shall be appointed to receive the impressed men, shall judge them to be such as are hereby intended : to to deliver them to the military offi cer's; to be entertained as foldiers in his Majesty's service, then an such cafe the said commissioners thall cause such persons to delivered over by the said churchwardens, overseers, conftab headboroughs, tythingmen or other parish or town officers, such officers or persons as shall be appointed to receive such cruits as aforesaid, such officers or persons giving a receipt u der their hands, acknowledging what men are so delivered -him or them, which receipt they are hereby required to give and to pay to XIII. And be it further enacted, That the respective office the parish and who shall receive such new raised men, shall pay to the cle town officers appointed by the commissioners, for the use of the officers 20 s. for every the parish or town so employed in the raising such men, for the fuch man; Officers to give receipts for them; and to the churchwardens, a lum not ex 40s. nor less than ros. if exceeding pains and services therein, twenty (hillings of lawful money Great Britain, for every man so raised; and shall also pay fo every fuch new raised man, who shall have a wife or family any sum not exceeding forty thillings, nor less than ten shilling money of Great Britain, to the faid clerk, to be b of lawful him paid over as is herein after directed, into the hands of th such man have churchwardens or overseers of the poor, for the benefit of fuch a wife or fa mily; : and 6d. per diem to the parith officers, &c. for the time they have parish or township, in which fuch new raised man shall have gained a settlement, and whose wife and family may become chargeable to such parith or township respectively; which fum shall be settled by the commissioners present at the meeting when such person shall be inlisted, or any three or more of them, regard being had to the number of children, or other particular circumstances of such person so inlifted, for both which payments the clerk shall give a receipt, and the sum of fix pence per diem, for keeping every fuch new raised man who thall be delivered as aforesaid, according to the number of days that the officers of the said parish or town shall have kept him in custody, pursuant to the powers granted by this act, until such delivery; the faid allowances of twenty shillings, and of fix pence per diem, in case of dispute, to be ascertained and distributed to or amongst the said churchwardens, overseers, constables, headboroughs, tythingmen, and such other parish and town officers, or any of them, according to the judgment and direction of the said commissioners, or the major part of them then present. Commiffioners XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the aumay allot, out thority aforesaid, That the said commiffioners, or any three or of the money more of them, in their respective divisions, are hereby authoallowed to the rized and impowered, by and out of the faid sum of twenty parish offi. cers, 2s. to the shillings, herein before directed to be paid for the use of the of kept him. Disputes re lating thereto to be fettled by the commiffioners. constables. ficers of the parish or town so employed in the rasing of such men, to allot and order such sum as they shall think fit, to the respective high conftables within their respective limits and jurifdictions, for their pains and service in the execution of this act, not exceeding the sum of two shillings. Able-bodied XV. Provided always, That no person shall be inlisted by men only to be the said commissioners by virtue of this act, who is not fach an inlisted; able-bodied man as is fit to serve his Majesty, and is free from ruptures and every other distemper, or bodily weakness or infir nor papists, rish not to be 1 admiry, which may render him unfit to perform the duty of a fol- and none un10 ber; and that no man be inlisted for his Majesty's service by der 17, nor awirtue of this act, who shall appear in the opinion of the com- bove 45 years esfioners, or officer or officers appointed to receive the impreff- of age, nor ed men, to be under the age of seventeen years, or above the age dfforty five years, or a known papift, or who shall be under the the of five feet four inches without thoes. XVI. And for the better preventing any disputes which may arife out paying for the subsistence of those persons, who, having been pprehended and detained by virtue of this act, may afterwards be harged upon examination before the commissioners and military of- Persons dif m; be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if chargedas not ty perfon being judged by the commiffioners not to be within within the dethe defcription of this act, shall be by them discharged, the of- fcription of hers of the parish or town shall be intitled to no confideration, for the act, patheir expences in keeping fuch person; and if any person being allowed their jodged by the commiffioners to be within the description of this expences; , thall be rejected by the military officer, fuch officer shall pay if within the to the officers of the parith or town fix pence per diem, for the description, whole time that they shall have kept every fuch person, to be andrejected by charged to the account of his respective regiment or company; to pay the exand every officer who shall object to any perfon delivered to him pences of by the commiffioners, thall specify his his objection to such person, keeping them. whether it thall be to his age or fize, or bodily disability, and the objections to grounds of fuch objection shall be forthwith (as far as may be) and enquired specified, enquired into by the faid commissioners, and they shall proceed into by comacordingly; and every officer who shall refuse or discharge any miflioners. perfon delivered to him by the commissioners as fit to serve his Reatons of Majetty within the description of this act, shall without delay be tranfmitted tunimit to his Majesty's fecretary at war, his reafon for fuch re- to the fecrefafal or difcharge, in writing, attested by himself. officer, difcharge to tary at war. XVII. And it is hereby enacted and strictly enjoined by the All inhabiauthority aforesaid, That the inhabitants of every parish and tants required wwnship, where any perfons described as aforesaid, do abide, to be a fitting at are to be found, at the instance of any one or more of the commiffioners appointed for the execution of this act, or of any churchwarden, overseer of the poor, or conftable of the fame parith or township, shall (not having a lawful or reasonable excafe to the contrary) be aiding and affifting in the furtherance of Lis Majesty's fervice by this act described. XVIII. And affift in 10s. premium to encourage fuch inhabitants and others to Poring and apprehending fuch perfons defcribed as aforesaid; it shereby further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any to fuch as th perion thall discover and give information of any able bodied difcover any tan fit to ferve his Majesty within the defcription of this act, pra that he serve his Majellied and inlisted before the commifted bras all be apprehe perfon, for every man fo difcovered seet. ind inlifted, thall receive from the officer to whom such man Fallbedeli chall the sum of ten tillings out of the twenty 25, whic which he is elsewhere directed to pay to the officers of is elsewhere man inted by virtue of this and VOL. XXII. 13. |