impressed men. Notice of ad. journment to be given to any officers at tending this service, &c. faid commiflioners to adjourn themselves to some other con nient day, and they are hereby authorized to give directions 1 detaining in custody, all such persons as shall have been th brought before them by the parish officers to be inlisted, or fu of them as they shall think duly qualified for his Majesty's fe vice; and the faid commissioners shall give notice to any of t officers attending on this service, in the county or place whe such fub-divisions shall lie, of the day of fuch adjournmen and the faid officer is hereby required, either to attend himse or to appoint some other officer to attend such commiffioner and to receive fuch persons as the faid commissioners shall inl into his Majesty's service; and the officer so receiving the ro Officer to pay cruits, shall pay to fuch person as the commiffioners thall ap money for point, fix pence per diem, for the subsistence of every recruit the every recruit; inlisted, from the day of the last meeting of the commiffioner to the faid day of adjournment, the fame to be charged to th account of the several regiments or companies into which th and incidental faid recruits shall be inlisted, together with fuch charges and ex charges. pences as shall appear to the said commiffioners to have been in curred on account of the detaining the said persons from th day of the former meeting of the said commifsioners, to the da of fuch second meeting, not exceeding three pounds. fubfiftence Continuance of this act. Form for making en to the act. XLVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore faid, That this act, and every thing herein contained, shall b and continue in force until the end of the next feffion of par liament. XLIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the several entries which the commiffioners of the lan tries purfuant tax are by this act required to make, of the names and defcrip tions of all volunteers, and also of all impressed men, togethe with the other particulars herein before directed; be made accord ing to the form hereunto annexed. CAP. IX. An act to probibit for a limited time the exportation of corn, grain, meal, malt, flour, bread, biscuit, starch, beef, pork, bacon, and other victual (except fish and roots and rice, to be exported to any port of Europe fouthward of Cape Finisterre) from bis Majesty's colonies and plantations in America, unless to Great Britain or Ireland, or to fome of the faid colonies and plantations, and to permit the importation of corn and flour into Great Britain and Ireland in neutral ships, and to allow the exportation of wheat, barley, oats, meal and flour, from Great Britain to the isle of Man, for the use of the inhabitants there. WHEREAS the exportation of any fort of corn, grain, meals during the malt, flour, bread, biscuit, starch, beef, pork, bacon, or any other fort of victual, from any of his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America, may, at this time, be greatly prejudicial to his Majesty's fubjects; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That no person Enumerated or persons whatsoever, at any time or times during the conti- commodities nuance of the present war with France, shall, directly indi- prohibited to or be exported rectly, export, transport, carry, convey, or cause or procure to from the Bribe exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of or from any tith plantaof the British colonies or plantations in America, or load or lay tions, &c. on board, or cause or procure to be laden or laid on board, any war with ship or other vessel or boat, in order to be exported or carried France. out of the faid colonies or plantations, any fort of corn, grain, meal, malt, flour, bread, biscuit, starch, beef, pork, bacon, or other fort of victual, whether the said commodities shall, or shall not be, the produce or manufacture of, or made in the respective colonies or plantations from whence the same shall be designed to be exported, under the penalties and forfeitures herein after mentioned; that is to say, That all the faid commodities that shall be fo exported, shipped or laid on board, or loaded to be exported, shipped or carried out contrary to this act, shall be forfeited, and that every offender or offenders therein, shall forfeit the sum of twenty shillings of lawful money of Great Britain, for every bushel of corn, grain, meal, malt or flour, and twelve pence of the like money, for every pound weight of bread, biscuit, starch, beef, pork, bacon, or other victual, and so in proportion for any greater or less quantity, which shall be so exported, shipped or put on board to be exported, and also the ship, boat or vessel, upon which any of the faid commodities shall be exported, shipped or laden to be exported, and all her guns, tackle, apparel and furniture thall be forfeited; and one moiety of all such penalties and forfeitures shall be to the King's 28 Officers impowered to Seize the vessels King's majesty, his heirs and successors, and the other moiet to him or them that will fue for the fame; which faid penaltie and forfeitures shall be recovered in the high court of admiral ty, or any other chief court of civil or criminal jurisdiction in fuch refpective colonies or plantations; and that the maste and mariners of any fuch ship, boat, or vessel, wherein any fuck offence thall be committed, knowing such offence and wittingly and willingly aiding and affisting thereunto, and being thereo duly convicted in any fuch courts as aforesaid, shall be imprisoned for the space of three months without bail or mainprize. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or perfons, being nd commodi an officer or officers of the customs, or being lawfully authorized in this behalf by the lord high treasurer of Great Britain, or the ties; commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, or any three or more of them, to take or seize all such of the faid commodities not allowed to be exported by this act, or by his Majesty's royal proclamation, or such order of council in pursuance of this. act, as he or they shall happen to find, know or discover, to be laid on board any thip or other vessel or boat at fea, or in any port, or in any navigable river or water, to the intent or purpose to be exported, transported or conveyed out of any of the said cofonies or plantations, contrary to the true intent of this act; and also the ship, vessel or boat in in which the fame shall be found, and to bring the faid goods to the King's warehouse or warehouses, belonging to the custom-house next to the place where such seizures thall be made, or to some other safe place (where there are no such warehouses) in order to be proceeded against according to law, and in case of recovery, to be divided according to the directions of this act. and lodge the fame in the King's ware houfes. Neceffary provisions forthips age; III. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authoon their voy- rity aforesaid, That this act, or any thing herein contained, shall not extend to prohibit the exportation or carrying out of fuch or fo much of the faid commodities as shall be necessary to be carried in any ship or ships, or other vessel or vessels in their respective voyages, for the sustenance, diet and support of the commanders, masters, mariners, passengers or others, in the same ships or vessels only, or for the victualling or providing any of his Ma+ and for the jesty's ships of war, or other ships or vessels in his Majesty's ferKing's ships; forces, forts, or vice, or for his Majesty's forces, forts or garrifons; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. IV. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority The faid com- aforesaid, That this act, or any thing herein contained, thall not modities may extend to prohibit the exportation of any of the faid commodithe faid colo. ties from the faid colonies or plantations to Great Britain or Irenies or planta- land, or from any of the faid colonies or plantations, to any other tions to Great of the faid colonies or plantations, or from any other port or placein Baitain or Ire- any one of the faid colonies or plantations, to any port or place in fuch colony or plantation respectively, so as the exporter do before the shipping or laying on board the fame, declare the garrifons excepted. becarried Jand, &c. king the fame, and kingdom, island, plantation or colony, and the port or place for taking out a which the faid commodities are respectively designed, and take cocquet for out a cocquet or cocquets, expreffing the particulars of fuch com-giving security. modities, and do likewife become bound with two fureties of known refidence in the faid colonies or plantations, and of ability to answer the penalty mentioned in the bonds, in treble the value of fuch commodities, to the chief officer or officers of his Majesty's customs, or the naval officer, or fome other principal officer belonging to the port or place where the fame shall be shipped or put on board, or to such person or persons as shall be appointed for that purpose, by the lord high treasurer of Great Britain, or the commissioners of the treasury for the time being, or any three or more of them (who are hereby impowered to take such security in his Majesty's name, and to his Majesty's use) that such commodities shall not be landed or fold in any parts whatsoever, other than the kingdom, island, plantation, colony, port or place respectively, for which the same shall be so declared, and that a certificate under the hand and feal, or handsand sealsof the collector, comptroller, or other chief officer of the customs, or if no such, of the naval officer or some other principal officer of the port or place where the same shall be landed, or such person or persons as shall be appointed for that purpose by the lord high treasurer of Great Britain, or the commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, or any three or more of them, shall, within the respective times herein after mentioned (the danger of the seas excepted) be returned to the officer or officers, or person or perfons, to whom fuch security shall have been given as aforesaid, that the faid commodities, expreffing the particulars thereof, have been landed at the port or place for which the same shall have been so declared; and for the taking of fuch security, and giving such cocquets and certificates (which the respective officers and persons aforesaid are hereby on demand required to give) no fee or reward shall be demanded or received, and if any such officer or person shall Penalty on ofmake any false certificate of any such commodities being so ficer making a landed, such officer or person shall forfeit the fum of two hun-false certifidred pounds, and lose his employment, and be incapable of ferv.cate; ing his Majesty, his heirs or fuccessors, in any office relating to the customs; and if any person shall counterfeit, rafe or falfify and on persons any cocquet or certificate, or knowingly publish any fuch coun- counterfeiting terfeit, rafed or false cocquet or certificate, he shall forfeit the &c. certififum of two hundred pounds, and such cocquet or certificate shall cates. be void and of none effect; which said penalties for offences committed in America, shall be recovered in the same courts, Penalties and in the fame manner, as the other penalties inflicted by this where to be act are recoverable; and for offences which shall be committed recovered. in that part of Great Britain called England, fuch penalties shall be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any of his Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, or before the justices of assize, or at the great feffions in Wales, or by information at any general quarter sessions of the peace for the county county, city, riding, division or place, where the offence shall be committed; and in such fuit no essoin, protection, privilege, or wager of law shall be allowed; and for offences which thall be committed in that part of Great-Britain called Scotland, by action or fummary bill or information in the courts of feffions or exchequer in Scotland; and for offences which shall be committed in Ireland, in his Majesty's courts of record in Dublin, or at the general quarter-feffions of the peace for the county, city or place, where the offence shall be committed; and for offences which shall be committed in any other of the dominions belonging to the crown of Great Britain in Europe, in the high court of admiralty, or any other chief court of civil or criminal jurifdiction in such dominions respectively; and such penalties when recovered, shall be divided in equal moieties between his Majesty and the informer; and upon all actions, suits and informations, that shall be brought, commenced, or entered in the faid colonies and plantations upon this act, the offences may be laid or alledged to have been committed in any colony, province, county or precinct, within the faid plantations, at the pleasure of the profecutor or informer. Officer fufpecV. Provided also, That in cafe the officer or officers, or perting certificate fon or perfons, to whom any certificate shall be returned, shall to be false, not have cause to fufpect that such certificate is false and counterfeit, to vacate the the bonds shall not be cancelled or the security vacated, until bonds. Commodities fuch officer or officers, or perfon or perfons, shall have been informed from the perfon or perfons in whose name such certificate shall appear to have been granted, that the matter and contents of fuch certificate are just and true. VI. Provided also, That nothing in this act contained shall may be carried extend or be conftrued to extend to prohibit the transporting, by land, or a carrying, or conveying any of the commodities herein before mentioned, by land, or across rivers, by common ferries, or up plantation to or down the faid rivers, or across harbours where clearances have another. cross rivers, &c. from one not ufually been taken, from any one of the faid plantations or colonies to any other plantations or colonies, or to any part of the fame plantation or colony, or to fubject the perfons transporting, carrying or conveying, or causing to be transported, carried or conveyed, any of the faid commodities in manner aforesaid, to any of the restrictions or regulations herein before prescribed, with respect to fuch commodities exported by fea, from one colony to another. Bonds to be fued within 3 years. Commodities, VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That nocleared before thing in this act contained shall extend to any of the commodi VII. Provided nevertheless, That the faid bond or bonds (if not profecuted within three years) shall be void. 25 March 1757, may be exported. ties aforefaid, which shall be cleared out of any custom-house in any of the colonies or plantations before the twenty fifth day of March one thousand feven hundred and fifty seven; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. His Majesty by IX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforeproclamation, faid, That in cafe his Majesty at any time or times during the con |