grounds of, and in, the manor and parish of Harmston, in the county ot Lincoln. 46. An act for dividing and inclosing several fields, meadows, pastures, common and waste grounds in the parish of Everton, in the county of Nottingham. 47. An act for dividing and inclofing the open and common fields of Breedon, Tonge, and Wilson, in the manor of Breedon, and county of Leicester, and certain commonable and waste grounds, within the respective liberties thereof. 48. An act for inclosing and dividing the common fields, in the manor of East Cotham, in the county of York, and extinguishing the right of warren of the lord of the said manor in part of a tract of ground called the Sea Batts, or Coney Warren, in Eaft Cotham aforesaid. 49. An act for dividing and inclosing the open fields and meadows, common pasture, and waste grounds, in the manor of Thistleton, in the county of Rutland. 50. An act for dividing and inclofing the common fields, common paftures, common meadows, common grounds, and waste grounds, in the manor and parish of Slapton, in the county of Northampton. 51. An act for dividing and inclosing the open and common fields of Oadby, in the county of Leicester, and all the lands and grounds within the same fields. 52. An act for dividing and inclosing certain open, common, and arable fields, meadows, pastures, and waste grounds, within the manor of Burstall, in the parish of Belgrave, in the county of Leicester. 53. An act for dividing and inclosing several open fields, and commonable lands, within the manor and parish of Coleby, in the county of Lincoln54. An act for dividing and inclosing the open and common fields of Desford, in the county of Leicester, and the lands and grounds therein, and also such lands, in the lordship of Peckleton, in the said county, as lie open to the said fields. 55. An act for dividing and inclofing several open and common fields, common meadows, common paftures, and common grounds, in the manor or lordship of Bartin, otherwife Barton in Fabis, in the several parishes of Barton and Clifton, in the county of Nottingham. 56. An act for dividing and inclosing certain open and common fields, meadows, common pastures, and waste grounds, in the parish or township of Bolton upon Dearne, in the county of York. 57. An act for dividing and inclofing certain open, arable fields, in the manor of Bishops Waltham, in the county of Southampton. 58. An act to enable Arthur Hill efquire, and Arthur his fon, and their issue male, to take the name and arms of Trevor. 59. An act to enable Robert Dobyns esquire, now called Robert Yate, and his first and other fons, and their heirs male, to take and use the fur-name of Yate, in pursuance of the will of Walter Yateesquire, deceased. 60. An act for naturalizing John Christian Suhring, and John Henry Subring. The END of the TABLE. THE STATUTES at Large, &c. Anno Regni GEORGII II. Regis Magne Britannia, Franciæ, & Hibernia, tricefimo. T the parliament begun and holden at Weftday of May, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, in the twenty seventh year of the reign of our fovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c. And from thence continued by several prorogations to the second day of December, one thousand seven hundred and fifty fix, Being the fourth fession of this present parliament. Amited to thirt CAP. I. An act to probibit, for a time to be limited, the exportation of corn, malt, meal, flour, bread, biscuit and starch. W HEREAS the exportation of any fort of corn, meal, malt, flour, bread, biscuit and starch, out of the kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, may, at this time be greatly prejudicial to bis Majesty's Subjects; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That no person or persons whatsoever, at any time or times be- No corn, &c. fore the twenty fifth day of December in the year of our Lord to be exported one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, shall, directly or Britain or Ireindirectly, export, transport, carry or convey, or cause or pro- land, before cure to be exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of or 25 Dec. 1757from the faid kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland; or load or lay on board, or cause or procure to be laden or laid on board in any ship or other vessel, or boat, in order to be exported or carried out of the said kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, any VOL. XXII. B fort from Great ! i covery thereof Wales, fort of corn, meal, malt, flour, bread, biscuit or starch, under One moiety of parel and furniture, shall be forfeited; and one moiety of all the Scotland, or Ireland. Master and be committed. Officers im. powered to feize the vef. fels, and commodities; II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or perfons, being an officer or officers of the customs, or being lawfully; authorized in this behalf by the lord high treasurer of Great Britain, or the commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, or any three or more of them, to take or seize all fuch of the faid commodities, not allowed to be exported by this act, or by his Majesty's royal proclamation, or such order of council, in pursuance of this act, as he or they shall happen to find, know, or discover to be laid on board any ship or other vessel or boat, at fea, or in any port, or in any navigable river or water, to the intent or purpose to be exported, transported or conveyed, out of Great Britain or Ireland, contrary to the true intent of this act; and also the ship, vessel or boat, in which the fame mall shall be found, and to bring the faid goods to the king's ware- and to lodge house or warehouses belonging to the custom-house, next to the the goods in the King's place where such seizures shall be made, or to fome other fafe warhoules. place (where there are no fuch warehouses) in order to be proceeded against according to law; and in case of recovery, to be divided according to the directions of this act. on their voy III. Provided always that this act, or any thing herein con- Necessary protained, thall not extend to prohibit the exportation or carrying vifion for shipe out of fuch, or fo much of the faid commodities, as shall be neceffary to be carried in any thip or ships, or other vessel or vef. age i fels, in their respective voyages, for the sustenance, diet and fupport of the commanders, masters, mariners, passengers or others, in the fame ships or vessels only; or for the victualling or providing any of his Majesty's ships of war, or other ships or vessels and for the in his Majesty's service; or for his Majesty's forces, forts or King's ships, garrifons; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith standing. forces, forts, or garrifons, are excepted. cocquet be IV. Provided also, That this act, or any thing herein con- The faid com" tained, shall not extend to prohibit any perfon or persons to ship modities may or put on board any of the commodities aforesaid, to be carried be carried coastwife; that is to say, from any port, creek, or member of coaftwife, if a the kingdoms of Great-Britain or Ireland, to any other port, granted for the creek, or member of the same respectively, having fuch or the fame, and selike coaft-cocquet or fufferance for that purpose, and fuch or the curity given. like fufficient security being first given for the landing and difcharging the fame in some other port, member or creek of the faid kingdoms, and returning a certificate in fix months, as is required by law in cafes where goods which are liable to pay duties on exportation, or carried coast-wife from one port of Great-Britian to another, and not otherwife. lands or colo are designed V. Provided also, That this act, or any thing herein con- The faid come tained, shall not extend to any of the faid commodities which modities may shall be exported, or shipped to be exported, out of or from be exported to Great-Britain to Ireland, or from Ireland to Great-Britain, or Gibraltar, or from Great-Britain or Ireland to Gibraltar, or unto any of his the British ifMajesty's islands or colonies in America, that have usually been nies in Amerifupplied with any of the faid commodities from Great-Britain ca, the expor. or Ireland, for the sustentation of the inhabitants of the faid ter declaring islands, colonies or dominions, or for the benefit of the British where the fame fishery in those parts only; so as the exporter do, before the for, and giving shipping or laying on board the fame, declare the island, colony security. or dominion, islands, colonies or dominions, for which the faid commodities are respectively designed, and do become bound with other fufficient security, in treble the value thereof, to the commiffioners or chief officer or officers of his Majesty's customs, belonging to the port or place where the fame thall be shipped or put on board (who hath or have hereby power to take such security in his Majesty's name, and to his Majesty's use) that fuch commodities thall not be landed or fold in any parts whatsoever, other than the kingdoms, dominions, islands or colonies for which the same shall be so declared; and that B2 Certificates that a certificate under the hand and seal of the collector, compfrom the port troller or other chief officer of the customs; or if no fuch, or of landing to be returned the naval officer, or some other principal officer of the port within a limit- where the same shall be landed, shall within the respective times ed time. feit 2001. and 2001. penalty on counter feiting, &c. a herein after for that purpose mentioned (the dangers of the feas excepted) be returned to the officers who took the said bonds, that the faid commodities have been landed at the port or place for which the same shall be fo declared; and for the taking of Officers to take such security, and giving such certificates (which the respective security, and officers aforesaid are hereby on demand required to give) no fee grant certificates, gratis. or reward shall be demanded or received; and if any officer shall Officer grant- make any false certificate of any fuch commodities being fo ing a false cer- landed, such officer shall forfeit the sum of two hundred pounds, tificate, to for- and lose his employment, and be incapable of serving his Mabe cashiered. jefty, his heirs or successors, in any office relating to the customs; and if any person shall counterfeit, rase or falfify any such certificate, or knowingly publish any such counterfeit, rased or falfe certificate, he shall forfeit the sum of two hundred pounds, and such certificate shall be void and of none effect; which faid penalties for offences committed in Great Britain or Ireland, shall be recovered in the fame courts, and in the same manner, as the other penalties inflicted by this act are recoverable; and for offences committed in the colonies or plantations in America, or other the dominions belonging to the crown of Great Britain in Europe, shall be recovered in the high court of admiralty, or in any other chief court of civil or criminal jurifdiction in such respective colonies, plantations or dominions; and shall be divided into equal moieties between his Majesty and the informer; and the faid bond or bonds, if not prosecuted within three years, shall be void. certificate. Method of recovery, and applica tion thereof. Beans may be exported to VI. Provided also, That nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the exportation of beans to the British forts, castles Africa, on giv. and factories in Africa, or for the use of the ships trading upon ing security. that coast, that usually have been supplied with the fame from Great Britain or Ireland, so as the like security be given for the exporting thereof, as is required by this act to be given by persons carrying any of the said commodities to the British colonies in America. East India company may VII. Provided also, That nothing herein contained shall extend to prohibit the united company of merchants of England, export any of trading to the East-Indies, from exporting any of the said comthe faid com- modities to any of their forts, factories or fettlements, for the their forts and support of the persons residing there, so as the like security be fettlements, given for the exporting thereof, as is required by this act to be giving securi- given by persons carrying any of the said commodities to the modities to ty. British colonies in America. : Wheat, malt, or VIII. Provided also, That this act, or any thing herein conbarley, may be tained, shall not extend to any wheat, malt or barley, to be exported from tranfported out of or from the port of Southampton only, unto Southampton the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, or either of them, for the Guernsey, the only use of the inhabitants of those islands, so as the exporter before |