of the life of or the fame to be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every con- Atdemanding tributor, his or her executors, administrators, assigns or agents, certificate the annuity, upon demand of any half yearly payment of his or her refpective from the mishares of the faid yearly fund (unless the nominee appears in nister and perfon at the faid receipt) shall produce a certificate of the life churchwardens of his, her or their respective nominee, signed by the minister to be produced and churchwardens of the parish where such nominee shall be the nominee, then living, upon the day when the faid half yearly payments if refident in shall become due (if fuch nominee shall be then refiding in that England part of Great Britain called England, dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed) or otherwise, it shall and may be lawful to and for every fuch contributor, or his or her executors, administrators or affigns, at his or her election, to make oath of the truth of his, her or their respective nominee's life upon the day becertified, on when the faid half yearly payment shall become due, before one patin, before a or more justices of the peace of the respective county, riding, justice; city, town or place, wherein such perfon, at the time of making fuch oath, shall reside; and in like manner every fuch contributor, his or their executors, administrators, assigns or agents, whose nominee shall reside in any town or place, being extrapa- and in places rochial, upon the day where any of the faid half yearly payments extraparochial shall become due, shall make a like oath before any fuch justice or justices aforesaid, of the life of such nominee on that day (which oath the faid justice or justices of the peace are hereby impowered to administer) and such justice or justices shall make a certificate thereof; for which oath and certificate no fee or re- The certif. ward shall be demanded or paid; and the said certificate shall cates to be filbe filed in the office of the auditor of the said receipt of the ex- ed in the audichequer. tor's office. LXIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Penalty of maThat if any person shall be guilty of a false oath, or shall forge king a falfe any certificate touching the premisses, and be thereof lawfully oath, or forgconvicted, such person shall incur the pains and penalties inflict. ing a certifi. ed upon persons committing wilful perjury and forgery. cate; to grant cer LXIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Nomineebe. That in case any nominee shall, at the time of fuch demand, be ing refident in refident in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, or in the Scotland, or kingdom of Ireland, and any one or more of the barons of the Ireland, baexchequer there for the time being shall certify, that upon proof rons of the exto him or them made (which proof he and they is and are hereby chequer there authorized and required to take in a fummary way) it doth seem tificates; probable to him or them that the faid nominee is living (which certificate is to be given on examination made without fee or charge) the said certificate being filed as aforesaid, shall be a fufficient warrant for making the said half yearly payment to the respective contributors, their executors, adminiftrators or assigns; and in case any such nominee shall, at the time of fuch demand, be if refident in refident in any parts beyond the feas, the proprietors of all fuch foreign parts, orders, or their agents, shall produce certificates of the life of his, the British miher or their respective nominees, under the hand of the British nifter, if any, : minifter refiding at the place where any fuch nominee shall be F4 liv or the chief magiftrates, to grant certifi cates. living upon the day when such half yearly payment shall becom due; which certificates shall be given without fee or reward and in cafe no British minister shall reside at the place where ar such nominee shall live, then the said proprietors of such or ders, or such agents, shall produce a certificate of the life of hi her or their respective nominees, under the hand and feal of th chief magiftrate of any city, town or place, where any any such no minee shall be then living upon the day when the said half yearl payment shall become due as aforesaid; and every such agent o agents shall also annex to every such certificate or affidavit to b made by him or them, before one or more of the barons of th exchequer, that he or they do believe that such certificate is true which certificate being filed as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient warrant for making the faid half yearly payment to the respective contributors, their executors, administrators or assigns; and in perfonrecty- any perfon or persons shall receive one or more half yearly paybeyond the life ments upon his, her or their annuity or annuities, for any time of the nominee, beyond the death of his, her or their nominee or nominees, when forfeits treble the fame ought to cease, such person or persons knowing such nothe sum, and minee or nominees to be dead, shall forfeit treble the value of 500. Agent to annex his testimony to the certificate. Person fied to the au ditor of the exchequer, the monies so by him, her or them, received, and also the sum of five hundred pounds; the moiety whereof shall go to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, and the other moiety to him or them who will fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, fuit or information, in which no essoin, protection, privilege, wager of law, injunction, or more than one imparlance shall be allowed. Death of nomi- LXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, nee to be certi- That every contributor, his or her executors, administrators or afsigns, within one month next after notice of the death of his, her or their respective nominee or nominees, shall certify such death to the auditor of the faid receipt of exchequer for the time and order to being, and shall also within three months after fuch notice, delibe delivered up, ver or cause to be delivered up to the said auditor, his, her, or their order or orders, by which he, she or they, was and were intitled during the life of such nominee to any share of the faid yearly fund, in case such order and orders be in his, her or their hands or power; and in default thereof, such contributor, his or her executors, administrators and assigns, shall forfeit the fum of ten pounds; to be recovered by action of debt, as aforesaid, and to be had and received for the use of any person who, shall fue for the on penalty of xol. Annuities to be tax-free. fame. LXVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the annuities payable to such contributors out of the faid yearly fund, thall be free from all taxes, charges and impofitions whatsoever. LXVII. And whereas it may so happen that in process of time, feveral of the standing orders may be lost, burnt or destroyed, or may become defaced, obliterated, or incumbered with many affignments thereon, and it may be necessary that new orders should be made forth in lieu thereof; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, That in all or any the faid cafes, any three or more of the be renew the commiffioners of the treasury now being, or the high trea- Orders loft, furer, or any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury burnt or defor the time being, shall, and they are hereby impowered, from moyed, &c. time to time (upon certificate under the hand of the lord chief ed; baron, or any other of the barons of the coif of his Majesty's court of exchequer, that he or they are satisfied, by proof upon oath before him or them made, that any fuch order or orders have been loft, burnt or otherwise destroyed) to cause new orders to be made forth at the exchequer, to be made by him or them, in lieu of fuch orders so certified to be loft, burnt or defroyed; and the respective officers in the said exchequer are hereby directed to pay the interest which shall from time to time become due on such new orders, as if the original order or orders had been produced; and all fuch payments shall be allowed in their respective accounts; provided that the perfon or persons intitled to receive the interest due upon any fuch order or orders Proprietor do give security to the King, to the good liking of the perfon appointed to pay the fame into the exchequer for the use of the publick, fo much money as shall be paid thereupon, if the order or orders fo certified to be loft, burnt or otherwise destroyed, be hereafter produced; and the said commiffioners of the treasury, or the high treafurer for the time being, shall also have power to New orders caufe new standing orders to be made forth, for and in lieu of may be issued fuch orders as thall become defaced, obliterated or otherwise in- in lieu of fuch cumbered as aforesaid; which faid order or orders shall be, at paced, &c. the fame time delivered up and cancelled, and the new order or orders to be made out in lieu thereof, shall be made payable, and delivered to the person or persons who shall appear to be the proprietor or proprietors of the faid order or orders so to be delivered up and cancelled, at the time of such delivery as afore giving security as become de ders. | faid; and the auditor of the receipt as aforesaid, thall always take Entry thereof care that such entries or memorandums be made upon the faid to be made on new orders, as may denote their being made in lieu of fuch de- the new orfaced, obliterated, incumbered or otherwise defective orders cancelled, and as may secure the publick against any double payments, for or by reason of the making out or issuing such new orders in manner aforesaid. LXVIII. And for preventing all frauds and abuses in or about the said standing orders, or any affignments thereof, or the receiving fraudu the annuities due or to grow due thereon; be it enacted by the au- Penalty of forthority aforesaid, That if any person or persons whatsoever small ging or coun. forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or terfeiting cerknowingly or wilfully act and affift in the forging or counter-tificates, &c. felting any certificate or certificates to be given by such cashier lently receiv or cathiers, or any order or orders to be made forth in lieu there- ing annuities. of, in pursuance of this present act, or any affignment or affignments of fuch order or orders, or of the annuities payable thereon, or of any receipt or discharge to the exchequer, for the annuities due or to grow due on any fuch order or orders, or of any letter of attorney, or other authority or instrument, to transfer, or the chief magiftrates, to grant certifi cates. Agent to annex his teftimony to the certificate. Person receiving annuity living upon the day when such half yearly payment shall become due; which certificates shall be given without fee or reward; and in cafe no British minister shall reside at the place where any such nominee shall live, then the said proprietors of fuch orders, or such agents, shall produce a certificate of the life of his, her or their respective nominees, under the hand and feal of the chief magiftrate of any city, town or place, where any such nominee shall be then living upon the day when the faid half yearly payment shall become due as aforesaid; and every such agent or agents shall also annex to every such certificate or affidavit to be made by him or them, before one or more of the barons of the exchequer, that he or they do believe that such certificate is true; which certificate being filed as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient warrant for making the faid half yearly payment to the respective contributors, their executors, administrators or affigns; and if any person or persons shall receive one or more half yearly paybeyond the life ments upon his, her or their annuity or annuities, for any time of the nominee, beyond the death of his, her or their nominee or nominees, when forfeits treble the fame ought to cease, such person or persons knowing such nothe sum, and minee or nominees to be dead, shall forfeit treble the value of 5001. the monies so by him, her or them, received, and also the sum of five hundred pounds; the moiety whereof shall go to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, and the other moiety to him or them who will fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, fuit or information, in which no essoin, protection, privilege, wager of law, injunction, or more than one imparlance shall be allowed. Death of nomi- LXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, nee to be certi- That every contributor, his or her executors, administrators or assigns, within one month next after notice of the death of his, her or their respective nominee or nominees, shall certify such death to the auditor of the faid receipt of exchequer for the time and order to being, and shall also within three months after such notice, delibe delivered up, ver or cause to be delivered up to the faid auditor, his, her, or their order or orders, by which he, she or they, was and were intitled during the life of such nominee to any share of the said yearly fund, in case such order and orders be in his, her or their hands or power; and in default thereof, such contributor, his or her executors, administrators and assigns, shall forfeit the sum of ten pounds; to be recovered by action of debt, as aforesaid, and to be had and received for the use of any person who, shall sue for the fame. fied to the au ditor of the exchequer, on penalty of xol. Annuities to be tax-tree. LXVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the annuities payable to such contributors out of the faid yearly fund, thall be free from all taxes, charges and impofitions whatsoever. LXVII. And whereas it may so happen that in process of time, feveral of the standing orders may be loft, burnt or destroyed, or may become defaced, obliterated, or incumbered with many affignments thereon, and it may be necessary that new orders should be made forth in lieu thereof, be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, That in all or any the faid cafes, any three or more of the burnt de giving security the commiffioners of the treasury now being, or the high trea-Orders loft, furer, or any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury royed, &c. for the time being, shall, and they are hereby impowered, from may be renewtime to time (upon certificate under the hand of the lord chief ed; baron, or any other of the barons of the coif of his Majesty's court of exchequer, that he or they are fatisfied, by proof upon oath before him or them made, that any fuch order or orders have been lost, burnt or otherwise destroyed) to cause new orders to be made forth at the exchequer, to be made by him or them, in lieu of fuch orders so certified to be lost, burnt or destroyed; and the respective officers in the said exchequer are hereby directed to pay the interest which shall from time to time become due on such new orders, as if the original order or orders had been produced; and all fuch payments shall be allowed in their respective accounts; provided that the perfon or persons intitled to receive the interest due upon any fuch order or orders Proprietor do give security to the King, to the good liking of the perfon appointed to pay the fame into the exchequer for the use of the publick, fo much money as shall be paid thereupon, if the order or orders so certified to be loft, burnt or otherwise destroyed, be hereafter produced; and the faid commiffioners of the treasury, or the high treafurer for the time being, shall also have power to New orders cause new standing orders to be made forth, for and in lieu of may be issued such orders as shall become defaced, obliterated or otherwise in in lieu of such cumbered as aforesaid; which faid order or orders shall be, at faced, &c. the fame time delivered up and cancelled, and the new order or orders to be made out in lieu thereof, shall be made payable, and delivered to the person or persons who shall appear to be the proprietor or proprietors of the said order or orders so to be delivered up and cancelled, at the time of such delivery as aforefaid; and the auditor of the receipt as aforesaid, thall always take Entry thereof care that fuch entries or memorandums be made upon the faid to be made on new orders, as may denote their being made in lieu of fuch de- the new orfaced, obliterated, incumbered or otherwise defective orders cancelled, and as may secure the publick against any double payments, for or by reason of the making out or issuing such new orders in manner aforesaid. as become de ders. ': fraudu LXVIII. And for preventing all frauds and abuses in or about the faid standing orders, or any affignments thereof, or the receiving the annuities due or to grow due thereon; be it enacted by the au- Penalty offorthority aforesaid, That if any person or persons whatsoever small ging or coun. forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or terfeiting cerknowingly or wilfully act and affift in the forging or counter-tificates, &c. feiting any certificate or certificates to be given by such cashier lently receiv. or cashiers, or any order or orders to be made forth in lieu there- ing annuities. of, in pursuance of this present act, or any affignment or affignments of fuch order or orders, or of the annuities payable thereon, or of any receipt or discharge to the exchequer, for the annuities due or to grow due on any fuch order or orders, or of any letter of attorney, or other authority or instrument, to transfer, |