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Cap. 3. For allowing the importation of such fine Italian organzine filk into this kingdom from any port or place whatsoever, as shall have been Thipped on or before the day therein mentioned.

Cap.4. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight; and for inforcing the payment of the rates to be affefsed upon Somerset House in the Strand.

Cap. 5. For punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. Cap. 6. For the regulation of his Majesty's marine forces while on shore.

Cap. 7. For appointing commissioners for putting in execution an act of this session of parliament, intituled, An att for granting an aid to bis Majesty, by a land tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight, and for enforcing the payment of the rates to be assessed upon Somerset House in the Strand; and for rectifying a mistake in the faid act; and for allowing farther time to the receivers of certain aids, for setting infuper for monies in ar


Cap. 8. For enlarging the terms and powers granted and continued by several acts of parliament, for repairing the harbour of Dover in the county of Kent.

Cap. 9. To indemnify persons who have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments; and to indemnify justices of the peace, and others, who have omitted to register their qualifications within the time limited by law; and for giving further time for those purpofes, and the filing of affidavits of articles of clerkship.

Cap. 10. For the encouragement of

seamen employed in the royal navy; and for establishing a regular method for the punctual, frequent, and certain payment of their wages; and for enabling them more eafily and readily to remit the same for the fupport of their wives and families; and for preventing frauds and abuses attending such pay


Cap. 11. To amend an act made in the third year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An alt for the better explanation, and fupplying the defects of the former laws for the fettlement of the poor, fo far as the fame relates to apprentices gaining a settlement by indenture; and alfo to impower justices of the peace to determine differences between masters and mistresses and their servants in hufbandry, touching their wages, though fuch servants are hired for less time than a year.

Cap. 12. To encourage the growth and cultivation of madder in that part of Great Britain called England, by afcertaining the tithe thereof there.

Cap. 13. For allowing a further time for holding the first meetings of commiffioners or trustees for putting in execution certain acts made in the last seffion of parliament. Cap. 14. For further explaining the lawstouching the electors of knights of the thire to serve in parliament for that part of Great Britain called England.


Cap. 15. For the encouragement of the exportation of culm to Lisbon, in the kingdom of Portugal. Cap. 16. To enforce and render more effectual an act made in the twenty fifth year of his present Majesty's re gn, intituled, An act for annexing certain forfeited eftates in Scotland to the crown unalienably; and for making fatisfaction to the lawful creditors thereupon; and to establish a method of of managing the fame, and applying the rents and profits thereof, for the better civilizing and improving the highlands of Scotland, and preventing disorders there for the future.

Cap. 17. To explain, amend, and render more effectual an act passed in the twenty ninth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An att for appointing a fufficient number of constables for the fervite of the city and liberty of West: * minfter; to compel proper perfons to take upon them the office of jurymen, to present nusances and other offences within the faid city and liberty.


Cap. 18. For draining and preserving certain fen lands and low grounds in the ifle of Ely and county of Cambridge, between the Cam, otherwife Grant, Oufe, and Mildenhall rivers, and bounded on the fouth eaft by the hard lands of Ifleham, Fordham, Sobam, and Wicken; and for impowering the governor, bailiffs, and commonalty of the company of conservators of the great level of the fens, called Bedford Level, to fell certain lands within the faid limits, commonly called Invested Lands.

Cap. 19. For draining and preferving certain fen lands, low grounds, and commons, in the parishes of Chatteris and Doddington, in the isle of Ely, in the county of Cambridge. Cap. 20. For applying a fum of money granted in this feffion of parliament, for rebuilding London Bridge; and for rendering more effectual an act paffed in the twenty ninth year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to improve, widen, and enlarge, the possage over and through London Bridge.

Cap. 21. For allowing further time for inrolment of deeds and wills made by papists; and for relief of protestant purchafers.

Cap. 22. For granting to his Majesty

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Cap. 23. For the more easy and speedy

recovery of small debts within the western division of the hundred of

Brixton in the county of Surry... Cap.24. For the more easy and speedy : recovery of small debts within the borough of Great Yarmouth, and the liberties thereof.

Cap. 25. For establishing a free market for the fale of corn and grain, within the city or liberty of Weft minster.

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Cap. 26. To explain, amend, and enforce an act made in the last fef fion of parliament, intituled, An act for the better ordering of the militia forces in the several counties of that part of Great Britain called England.

Cap. 27. For repealing an act made in the twenty fifth year of his prefent Majesty, to restrain the making insurances on foreign ships bound to or from the East Indies. Cap. 28. To permit the importation of falted beef, pork, and butter, from Ireland, for a limited time. Cap. 29. For the due making of bread; and to regulate the price and aflize thereof; and to punish persons who thall adulterate meal, flour, or bread.

Cap. 30. For applying the money granted by parliament towards defraying the charge of pay and cloathing for the militia, for the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight; and for defraying the expences incurred on account of the militia, in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven. Cap. 31. For granting to his Majesty certain fums of money out of the finking fund, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight; and for empowering the proper officers to make forth duplicates of exchequer bills, tickets, certificates, receipts, annuity orders, and other orders, in lieu of fuch as shall be loft, burnt, or otherwise destroyed; and for obliging the retailers of wines, commonly called Sweets, or Made Wines, to take out a wine licence.


Cap. 32. For repealing the duty granted by an act made in the fixth year of the reign of his late Majesty, on silver plate, made, wrought, touched, affayed, or marked in Great Britain; and for granting a duty on licences, to be taken out by all perfons dealing in gold or filver plate; and for discontinuing all drawbacks upon silver plate exported; and for more effectually preventing frauds and abuses in the marking or stamping of gold or filver plate.


Cap. 33. For enabling his Majesty to raise the fum of eight hundred thousand pounds, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and for further appropriating the supplies granted in this session of parliament.

Cap. 34. For enlarging the times for the first meetings of commiffioners or trustees, for putting in execution certain acts of this session of parliament; and for other purposes therein mentioned,

Cap. 35. To continue feveral laws therein mentioned, for granting a liberty to carry sugars of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of any of his Majesty's fugar colonies in America, from the said colonies directly into foreign parts, in ships built in Great Britain, and navigated according to law; for the preventing the committing of frauds by bankrupts; for giving further encouragement for the importation


of naval stores from the British co

lonies in America; and for preventing frauds and abuses in the admeasurement of coals in the city and liberty of Westminster; and for preventing the stealing or destroying of madder roots.

Cap. 36. For continuing certain laws therein mentioned relating to British fail cloth, and to the duties payable on foreign fail cloth; and to the allowance upon the exportation of British made gunpowder; and to the encouragement of the trade of the sugar colonies in America; and to the landing of rum.or spirits of the British fugar plantations, before the duties of excife are paid thereon; and for regulating the payment of the duties on foreign exciseable liquors; and for the relief of Thomas Watson, with regard to the drawback on certain East Indian callicoes; and for rendering more commodious the new passage leading from Charing Cross. Cap. 37. To permit the exportation of certain quantities of malt now lying in his Majesty's storehouses ; and to allow the bounty upon such corn and malt as was shipped and cleared for Ireland, on or before a limited time; and to authorize the transportation of flour, meal, bread, and biscuit, to the islands of Guernfey and Ferfey, for the use of the inhabitants there, in lieu of the wheat, malt or barley, which may now, by law, be transported to those islands.

Cap. 38. For applying a fum of money granted in this feffion of parliament towards carrying on the works for fortifying and securing the harbour of Milfordin the county of Pembroke.

Cap. 39. For vesting certain meffuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, for the better securing his Majesty's docks, thips, and stores, at Portsmouth, Chatham, and Plymouth, and for the better fortifying


fying the town of Portsmouth, and citadel of Plymouth, in trustees, for certain ufes; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 40. To afcertain the weight of truffes of straw, and to punish decelts in the fale of hay and straw in truffes in London, and within the weekly bills of mortality, and within the distance of thirty miles thereof; and to prevent common falfemen of hay and straw from buying the fame on their own account, to fell again; and also to restrain salesmen, brokers, or factors, in cattle, from buying on their own account, to sell again, any live cattle in London, or within the weekly bills of mortality, or which are driving up there

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Cap. 42. For making perpetual several acts therein mentioned, for preventing theft and rapine on the northern borders of England; for the more effectual punishing wicked and evil disposed persons going armed in disguise, and doing injuries and violences to the persons and properties of his Majesty's subjects, and for the more fpeedy bringing the offenders to justice; and also two clauses to prevent the cutting or breaking down the bank of any river, or fea bank; and to prevent the malicious cutting of hop binds; for the more effectual punishment of persons maliciously fetting on fire any mine, pit, or delph of coal, or canal coal; and of persons unlawfully hunting or


taking any red or fallow deer in forests or chases, or beating or wounding the keepers or other officers in forests, chases, or parks; and also so much of an act as relates to the power of appealing to the circuit courts in civil cafes, in Scotland.

Cap. 43. For repairing and widening feveral roads in the counties of Dorfet and Devon, leading to and through the borough of Lyme Regis. Cap. 44. For repairing the road from the village of Magor, to the bridgefoot, in the town of Chepstow, in the county of Monmouth; and other roads in the counties of Monmouth and Gloucester.

Cap. 45. For afcertaining and collecting the poors rates, and for better regulating the poor in the parith of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the county of Surry.

Cap. 46. To amend an act paffed in the last session of parliament, intituled, An att for building a bridge or bridges cross the river of Thames, from a curtain place in Old Brentford, in the parish of Ealing, in the county of Middlesex, known by the name of Smith, or Smith's Hill, to the opposite shore in the county of Surrey.

Cap. 47. For the more easy and speedy repairing of publick bridges within the county of Devon. Cap. 48. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act of parliament passed in the twenty fourth year of his present Majesty's reign, for enlarging the term and powers granted by an act passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majetty, for repairing and amending the several roads leading from Woodstock, through Kiddington and Enstone, to Rollright Lane, and Enflow Bridge to Kiddington aforesaid; and for making the faid act more effectual.

Cap. 49. For amending several roads leading

leading from the town of Tiverton, in the county of Devon.

Cap. 50. For repairing and widening the roads from Donington High Bridge to Hale Drove, and to the Eighth Mile Stone, in the parish of Wigtoft, and to Langret Ferry, in the county of Lincoln.

Cap. 51. For repairing the high road leading from Brent Bridge in the county of Devon, to Gafking Gate, in or near the borough of Plymouth, in the said county.

Cap. 52. For enlarging the term granted by an act made in the twenty fixth year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or a fixth part of a penny fteriing, upon every Scots pint of ale and beer which shall be brewed for fals, brought into, tapped, or fold, within the town and parish of Preston Pans, in the shire of East Lothian, otherwise Haddingtoun, for repairing the harbour of the faid town, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 53. To explain, amend, and render more effectual an act passed in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of his late majesty King William the Third, intituled, An alt for erecting hospitals and workhouses within the city and county of the city of Exon, for the better employing and maintaining the poor there.

Cap. 54. For repealing so much of the act of the fifteenth year of his present Majesty, for enlarging the term and powers granted by an act of the thirteenth year of his late majesty King George the First, for repairing the roads from Cirencefter Town's End to Saint John's Bridge in the county of Gloucester, as directs that the inhabitants of the several parishes and hamlets therein named, shall pass toll free; and for repairing the street from the High Cross in Cirencester to the Town's End there; and for other purposes

therein mentioned; and for enlatging the terms and powers granted by the faid two former acts. Cap. 55. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act of the twenty fifth year of his present Majefty's reign, intituled, An att for repairing the post road from the city of Edinburgh, through the counties of Linlithgow and Sterling, from the Boat-house Ford, on Almond Water, and from thence to the town of Linlithgow, and from the faid town of Falkirk, and from thence to Stirling; and also from Falkirk to Kilfyth, and to Inch Bellie Bridge, ost the poft road to the city of Glasgow; and for building a bridge cross Almond Water.

Cap. 56. For enlarging the powers granted by an act pafled in the eighteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for rendering more effectual the several acts paffed for the erecting of hospitals and workhouses within the city of Bristol, for the better employing and maintaining of the poor thereof; and for making the faid act more effectual. Cap. 57. For making more effectual four several acts of parliament, made in the fixth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Ann; the eleventh year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First; and in the tenth and thirteenth years of the reign of his present Majesty respectively, for repairing the highways from Old Stratford in the county of Northampton to Dunchurch, in the county of Warwick. Cap. 58. To continue and render more effectual two acts of parliament made in the twelfth year of the reign of his late Majesty, and in the eighteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing the roads leading from Birmingham to Edghill, in the county of Warwick.

Cap. 59. For building a bridge cross


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