Vessels con sold for Her produce a certificate from the custom house at the place from which he cleared outwards, stating that a sufficient security had been given by the owners of such vessel, that such extra quantity of casks or of other vessels should only be used for the reception of palm oil, or for other purposes of lawful commerce: Seventhly-A greater quantity of mess tubs or kids than are requisite for the use of the crew of the vessel as a merchant vessel: Eighthly-A boiler of an unusual size, and larger than requisite for the use of the crew of the vessel as a merchant vessel, or more than one boiler of the ordinary size: Ninthly-An extraordinary quantity either of rice or of the flour of Brazil, manioc, or cassada, commonly called farinha, of maize or of Indian corn, or of any other article of food whatever, beyond what might probably be requisite for the use of the crew; such rice, flour, maize, Indian corn, or other article of food not being entered on the manifest as part of the cargo for trade: Tenthly-A quantity of mats or matting larger than is necessary for the use of the crew of the vessel as a merchant vessel: Any one or more of these several circumstances, if proved, shall be considered as primâ facie evidence of the actual employment of the vessel in the transport of negroes or others, for the purpose of consigning them to slavery, and the vessel and cargo shall thereupon be condemned to the Crown, unless it be established by satisfactory evidence on the part of the master or owners, that such vessel was, at the time of her detention or capture, employed on some legal pursuit, and that such of the several things above enumerated as were found on board of such vessel at the time of her detention, or had been put on board on the voyage on which, when captured, such vessel was proceeding, were needed for legal purposes on that particular voyage. V. And be it enacted, That any ship or vessel which shall demned to be be condemned under any such order or authority as aforesaid Majesty's may be taken into Her Majesty's service, upon payment of such sum as the Lord High Admiral or the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty shall deem a proper price for the same, or, if not so taken, shall be broken up and be entirely demolished, and the materials thereof shall be publicly sold in separate parts. service or broken up. VI. And be it enacted, That the several enactments set provisions of forth in an Act passed in the fifth year of His late Majesty King 11 G.4 & 1 W. George the Fourth, intituled, An Act to amend and consolidate 4, c. 55, and the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade; and also in 1 & 2 Vict. c. an Act of first of King William the Fourth, chapter fifty-five, seized under intituled, An Act to reduce the Rate of Bounties payable upon the Seizure of Slaves; and also in an Act of the first and second of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-seven, intituled, An Act for the better and more effectually carrying into effect the Treaties and Conventions made with Foreign Powers for suppressing the Slav Trade; relative to persons giving false evidence being guilty of Extending 5 G. 4, c. 113; 47, to vessels this Act. i perjury; to maintaining and providing for captured slaves pending adjudication; to condemning slaves as forfeiture to the Crown; to the manner of disposing of the slaves subsequent to adjudication; to rewarding the captors with a bounty on the vessel as well as on the slaves; to authorizing the commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, if to their discretion it shall seem meet, to order payment of one moiety of the bounty, where slaves may not have been condemned or delivered over in consequence of death, sickness, or other inevitable circumstance; to the mode of obtaining such bounties; to authorizing the High Court of Admiralty to determine as to doubtful claims of bounty, and also on any question of joint capture; and to enforcing any decree or sentence of any Vice-Admiralty Court, shall be applied, mutatis mutandis, to seizures of vessels under this Act, in like manner, form, and effect as if all the said matters and things, and all the said powers, and penalties, provisions, enactments, and clauses, were repeated and set forth, mutatis mutandis, in this Act. Act may be altered this VII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present session of Par- Session. liament. 5 & 6 VICTORIA, C. CXIV. An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the Second and Third Years of Her present Majesty, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, as relates to Portuguese Vessels. [12th August, 1842.] WHEREAS in the third year of the reign of Her Majesty an 2 & 3 Vict., Act was passed, intituled, An Act for the Suppression of the c. 73. Slave Trade: And whereas it is expedient and proper that so much of the said Act as relates to Portuguese vessels should be repealed: Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that so much of the said Act so much of of the third year of the reign of Her Majesty as relates to Por- recited Actas tuguese vessels shall be repealed, and so much accordingly is relates to hereby repealed, save and except in respect to such Portuguese vessels revessels as may have been or shall be seized or captured under pealed, exthe provisions of the said Act before this present Act shall have cept, &c. passed into a law, and the seizor or captor shall have had notice thereof. Portuguese II. And be it enacted, That due means of giving to all per- Notice of the sons whom it may concern notice of the fact that this Act has passing of passed into a law shall be taken as speedily as possible by the be given by Lord High Admiral, or the Commissioners for executing the the Admioffice of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, and by Her ralty and Majesty's Secretaries of State, or by persons under their au- authority. thority. this Act to proper Limiting the duration of the recited Act. III. And be it enacted, That the said Act of the third year of the reign of Her Majesty shall in nowise continue in force and effect in respect to Portuguese vessels seized and detained on and after the first day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, at the Cape of Good Hope and at Cape Horn, and at all places lying eastward of Cape Horn and westward of the Cape of Good Hope, or in respect to any Portuguese vessel seized and detained on and after the first day of February, which shall be in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, at any other place whatever. APPENDIX TO SECTION SIXΤΗ. Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of EXTRACT FROM PREAMBLE. WHEREAS, by the Treaty concluded at Ghent on the 24th day of December, 1814, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States, an Article was agreed to and inserted, of the following tenor, viz.: "Art. X. Whereas the Traffic in Slaves is irreconcileable with the principles of humanity and justice; and whereas both His Majesty and the United States are desirous of continuing their efforts to promote its entire abolition; it is hereby agreed, that both the Contracting Parties shall use their best endeavours to accomplish so desirable an object:"and whereas, notwithstanding the laws which have at various times been passed by the two Governments, and the efforts made to suppress it, that criminal traffic is still prosecuted and carried on: and whereas Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America, are determined that, so far as may be in their power, it shall be effectually abolished. ARTICLE VIII.- The Parties mutually stipulate, that each shall prepare, equip, and maintain in service on the Coast of Africa, a sufficient and adequate squadron, or naval force of vessels, of suitable numbers and descriptions, to carry in all not less than eighty guns, to enforce, separately and respectively, the laws, rights and obligations of each of the two countries for the suppression of the Slave Trade: the said squadrons to be independent of each other, but the two Governments stipulating nevertheless to give such orders to the officers commanding their respective forces, as shall enable them most effectually to act in concert and co-operation, upon mutual consultation, as exigencies may arise, for the attainment of the true object of thi Article; copies of all such orders to be communicated by each Government to the other respectively. 1, of Her Majesty's ship on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of England and the chiefs of and of the neighbourhood, on the part of themselves and of their country, have agreed upon the following articles and conditions: ARTICLE I.-The export of slaves to foreign countries is forever abolished in the territories of the chiefs of ; and the chiefs of engage to make and proclaim a law prohibiting any of their subjects, or any person within their jurisdiction, from selling or assisting in the sale of any slave for transportation to a foreign country; and the chiefs of promise to inflict a severe punishment on any person who shall break this law. ARTICLE II.-No European, or other person whatever, shall be permitted to reside within the territory of the chiefs of for the purpose of carrying on in any way the Traffic in Slaves; and no houses, or stores, or buildings of any kind whatever, shall be erected for the purpose of Slave Trade, within the territory of the chiefs of ARTICLE III.-If at any time it shall appear that Slave Trade has been carried on through or from the territory of the chiefs of the Slave Trade may be put down by Great Britain by force upon that territory, and British officers may seize the boats of found anywhere carrying on the Slave Trade; and the chiefs of and ARTICLE IV. The subjects of the Queen of England may always trade freely with the people of in every article they may wish to buy and sell, in all the places and ports and rivers within the territories of the chiefs of throughout the whole of their dominions; and the chiefs of pledge themiselves to show no favour, and give no privilege to the ships and traders of other countries, which they do not show to those of England. ADDITIONAL ARTICLE I.-The slaves now held for exporta- For continfion shall be delivered up to for the purpose of being gent cases. carried to a British colony, and there liberated: and all the implements of Slave Trade, and the barracoons, or buildings exclusively used in the Slave Trade, shall be forthwith destroyed. ADDITIONAL ARTICLE II. - Europeans or other persons now For continengaged in the Slave Trade, are to be expelled the country; the gent cases. houses, stores, or buildings hitherto employed as slave factories, if not converted to lawful purposes within three months of the conclusion of this Engagement, are to be destroyed. APPENDIX TO SECTION EIGHTH. 1. NETHERLANDS. SPECIAL ORDER. By the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. WHEREAS a Treaty between Great Britain and the Netherlands for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, was signed at the Hague on the 4th of May, 1818; and Instructions for Cruizers, marked A, and Regulations for Mixed Courts of Justice, marked B, were annexed thereto, and declared to form an integral part thereof; and the ratifications of the same were exchanged on the 25th of May, 1818: and whereas the High Contracting Parties mutually agreed thereby, that twelve ships of their Royal Navies, respectively furnished with the Instructions contained in Annex A to the Treaty, might search and send in for trial, vessels suspected of the illegal Traffic in Slaves: and whereas we think fit that Her Majesty's ship under your command should be one of those authorized to act under the Treaty, We furnish you with a copy of the said Treaty and of its Annexes, marked A and B; and you are hereby expressly authorized, empowered, and ordered, to act in the suppression of the Traffic in Slaves according to the said Treaty. Given under our hands, this 12th day of June, 1844. To Commander of Her Majesty's ship By command of their Lordships, SIDNEY HERBERT. G. COCKBURN. Treaty between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, for preventing their Subjects from engaging in any Trafic in Slaves. Signed at the Hague, May 4th, 1818. In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, animated with a mutual desire to adopt the most effectual measures for putting a stop to |