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cargo, together with the master, crew, passengers, and Slaves found on board, as also the papers which shall have been seized on board the vessel, and one of the lists made out in duplicate of the said papers, the other remaining in his possession. Such officer shall, at the same time deliver to the said Authorities one of the declarations made out in duplicate, as hereinbefore specified, adding thereto a statement of any changes which may have taken place from the time of detention to that of the delivery, as well as a copy of the declaration of any removals which may have taken place as above provided for. In delivering over these several documents, the officer will make attestation of their truth on oath, and in writing.

7. If the Commander of a cruizer of either of the High Contracting Parties, who shall be duly furnished with the aforesaid Special Instructions, shall have reason to suspect that a merchant vessel sailing under a convoy, or in company with a ship of war of the other party, is engaged in the Slave Trade, or has been fitted out for the purpose of that traffic, he shall confine himself to the communicating his suspicions to the Commander of the convoy or of the ship of war, and he shall leave it to the latter to proceed alone to a visit of the suspected vessel, and to deliver her up, if the case require it, to the Jurisdiction of her own country.

8°. The cruizers of the two nations shall conform strictly to the tenour of these Instructions, which are to be considered as a development of the clauses of the principal Convention of the 30th November, 1831, as well as of the Convention to which they are annexed.

taine, l'équipage, les passagers, et les Esclaves trouvés à bord, comme aussi les papiers saisis à bord, et l'un des deux exemplaires de l'inventaire des dits papiers, l'autre devant demeurer dans sa possession. Le dit Officier remettra en même tems à ces Autorités un exemplaire du procès-verbal cidessus mentionné, et il y ajoutera un rapport sur les changemens qui pourraient avoir lieu depuis le moment de l'arrestation jusqu'à celui de la remise, ainsi qu'une copie du rapport des transbordemens qui ont pu avoir lieu, ainsi qu'il a été prévu ci-dessus. En remettant ces diverses pièces, l'Officier en attestera la sincérité sous serment, et par écrit.

7°. Si le Commandant d'un croiseur d'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes, dûment pourvu des Instructions Spéciales ci-dessus mentionnées, a lieu de soupçonner qu'un navire de commerce naviguant sous le convoi, ou en compagnie d'un bâtiment de guerre de l'autre partie, se livre à la Traite des Noirs, ou a été équipé pour ce trafic, il devra se borner à communiquer ses soupçons au Commandant du convoi ou du bâtiment de guerre, et laisser à celui-ci le soin de procéder seul à la visite du navire suspect, et de le placer, s'il y a lieu, sous la main de la justice de son pays.

8°. Les croiseurs des deux nations se conformeront exactement à la teneur des présentes Instructions, qui servent de développement aux dispositions de la Convention principale du 30 Novembre, 1831, ainsi que de la Convention à laquelle elles sont annexées.

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By the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.

WHEREAS, by a Treaty dated the 26th July, 1834, His Majesty the King of Denmark has acceded to the Conventions of the 30th November, 1831, and 22nd March, 1833, between Great Britain and France, for the suppression of the Slave Trade; and it has been stipulated in the said Treaty, that certain cruizers belonging to the said three countries respectively, should be authorized under the Special Instructions therein mentioned, to visit and detain, within particular limits, merchant vessels of the other nations engaged in the Traffic in Slaves, or suspected of being fitted out for that traffic: and whereas we think fit that the vessel you command shall be one of the British cruizers furnished with the said Special Instructions,—

We herewith transmit to you a copy of the said Treaty of the 26th July, 1834, and you are accordingly authorized and empowered, by virtue of this present Order, and of the accompanying Warrant from the Government of His Majesty the King of Denmark, to visit merchant vessels under the Danish flag, suspected of being engaged in the Traffic in Slaves, within the limits set forth in the 1st Article of the Conven tion of the 30th November, 1831, inserted in the Treaty above referred to, (with the conditional extension therein explained,) and to deal with such as shall have engaged in a Traffic in Slaves, or shall be suspected of being fitted out for that traffic, as pointed out in the Treaty; and we charge and require you to conform most strictly to all the provi

sions and stipulations contained therein, taking care to exercise the authority so conferred upon you in the mildest manner, and with every attention which is due between allied and friendly nations, and to cooperate cordially with the Commanders of any Danish vessel of war employed in the same service.

Given under our hands, this 12th day of June, 1844.

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Treaty between His Majesty, the King of the French, and the King of Denmark, containing the Accession of His Danish Majesty to two Conventions between Great Britain and France, for the more effectual suppression of the Slave Trade. Signed at Copenhagen, July 26, 1834.

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the French, having concluded on the 30th of November, 1831, and the 22nd March, 1833, two Conventions intended to insure the complete suppression of the Slave Trade;

The High Contracting Parties, conformably to the Ninth Article of the first of these Conventions, which states that the other Maritime Powers shall be invited to accede to it, having addressed an invitation to that effect to His Majesty the King of Denmark; and His said Majesty, animated with the same sentiments which induced him to suppress that trade in the Danish Colonies at a period when this measure had not yet been taken by any other Power, and earnest to concur with his two August Allies in the same humane object, having without hesitation assented to the proposal;

The three High Powers, with the view of accomplishing this

SA Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, et Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, ayant conclu le 30 Novembre, 1831, et le 22 Mars, 1833, deux Conventions destinées à assurer la répression complète de la Traite des Noirs;

Les Hautes Parties Contractantes, conformément à l'Article IX de la première de ces Conventions, qui établit que les autres Puissances Maritimes seront invitées à y accéder, ayant adressé une invitation à cet effet à Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemarck; et Sa dite Majesté, animée des mêmes sentimens qui lui ont inspiré l'abolition de ce trafic dans les Colonies Danoises à une époque où cette mesure n'avait encore été prise par aucune autre Puissance, et empressée de concourir avec ses deux Augustes Alliés au même but d'humanité, n'ayant pas hésité à accueillir leur proposition;

Les trois Hautes Puissances, dans la vue d'accomplir ce dessein

generous design, and of giving due authenticity and all accustomed solemnity to the Accession of His Danish Majesty, and to the Acceptance thereof by His Britannic Majesty, and by His Majesty the King of the French, have resolved to conclude to this effect a formal Treaty, and have in consequence named for their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Sir Henry Watkin Williams Wynn, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Order of the Guelphs, one of His Britannic Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Denmark;

His Majesty the King of the French, M. Napoléon Lannes, Duc de Montebello, Peer of France, Knight of the Royal Order of the Legion of Honour, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Denmark;

His Majesty the King of Denmark, M. Hans de KrabbeCarisius, his Minister of State, and Chief of his Department for Foreign Affairs, Knight Grand Cross of his Order of Dannebrog with the Silver Cross, and Knight of the second class of the Order of St. Anne in Russia with diamonds:

Who, after having reciprocally exchanged their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles

ARTICLE I. His Majesty the King of Denmark accedes to the Conventions concluded and signed on the 30th of November, 1831, and on the 22nd March, 1833, between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Ma

généreux, et pour donner à l'Accession de Sa Majesté Danoise, ainsi qu'à son Acceptation par Sa Majesté Britannique et Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, l'authenticité convenable, et la solennité d'usage, ont résolu de conclure à cet effet un Traité formel, et ont en conséquence nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, le Très Honorable Sir Henry Watkin Williams Wynn, Chevalier Grand-Croix de l'Ordre Hanovrien des Guelphes, Membre du Très Honorable Conseil Privé de Sa Majesté Britannique, et son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire à la Cour de Danemarck;

Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, le Sieur Napoléon Lannes, Duc de Montebello, Pair de France, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal de la Légion d'Honneur, son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près la Cour de Danemarck:

Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemarck, le Sieur Hans de Krabbe-Carisias, son Ministre intime d'Etat et Chef de son Département des Affaires Etrangères, Grand-Croix de son Ordre de Danebrog avec la Croix d'Argent, et Chevalier de l'Ordre de Sainte Anne de Russie de la seconde classe en diamans:

Lesquels, après avoir réciproquement échangé leurs pleins-pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles


ARTICLE I. Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemarck accède aux Conventions conclues et signées le 30 Novembre, 1831, et le 22 Mars, 1833, entre Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, et Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, relative

jesty the King of the French, relating to the suppression of the Slave Trade, as well as to their Annex, excepting the reservations and modifications expressed in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Articles hereinafter given, which Articles shall be considered Additional to the said Conventions and to their Annex, and excepting the differences which necessarily result from the situation of His Danish Majesty, as a Party acceding to these Treaties after their conclusion.

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the French, accept the said Accession: all the Articles of these two Conventions, and all the conditions of their Annex, shall, in consequence, be held to have been agreed upon, concluded, and signed directly between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty the King of the French, and His Majesty the King

of Denmark.

Their said Majesties engage and promise reciprocally to each other to fulfil faithfully all the clauses, conditions, and obligations thereof, excepting the reservations and modifications herein stipulated for; and in order to prevent any uncertainty, it has been agreed that the said Conventions, and the Annex containing the Instructions to Cruizers, shall be inserted here word for word, as follows:

ment à la répression de la Traite des Noirs, ainsi qu'à leur Annexe, sauf les réserves et modifications exprimées dans les Articles II, III, et IV ci-après, qui seront considérés comme Additionnels aux dites Conventions et à leur Annexe, et sauf la différence qui résulte nécessairement de la situation de Sa Majesté Danoise, comme Partie accédante à ces Traités après leur conclusion.

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, et Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, acceptent la dite Accession; en conséquence, tous les Articles de ces deux Conventions, et toutes les dispositions de leur Annexe, seront censés avoir été convenus, conclus, et signés directement entre Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, et Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemarck.

Leurs dites Majestés s'engagent et se promettent réciproquement d'en exécuter fidèlement toutes les clauses, conditions, et obligations, sauf les réserves et modifications ci-après stipulées; et afin de prévenir toute incertitude, il a été arrêté que les dites Conventions, avec l'Annexe contenant les Instructions pour les Croiseurs, seront insérées ici mot-à-mot, ainsi qu'il suit :

[Here follow the Conventions of November 30, 1831, and March 22, 1833, and the Annex containing the Instructions to Cruizers, for which see France, page 302-318.]

ARTICLE II. It is agreed, with reference to Article III of the Convention of the 30th November, 1831, hereinabove transcribed, that His Majesty the King of Denmark shall fix, according to

ARTICLE II. Il a été convenu, relativement à l'Article III de la Convention du 30 Novembre, 1831, ci-dessus transcrite, que Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemarck fixera selon ses convenances, le nombre

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