The under tracting Parties will consult together, and will agree upon other means better adapted for the complete attainment of the objects they have in view. ARTICLE VIII. signed Plenipotentiaries have agreed, in conformity with the Thirteenth Article of the Treaty signed by them on this day, the twenty-fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirtynine, that this Annex, consisting of eight Articles, shall be united to the said Treaty, and be considered an integral part thereof. This twenty-fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. (L.S.) J. H. Mandeville. Contratantes consultarán juntas, y convendrán sobre los medios mejor adaptados para el completo logro de los objetos que tienen en vista. ARTICULO VIII. Los Plenipotenciarios infrascriptos han convenido, en conformidad con el Articulo Decimo-tercio del Tratado firmado por ellos hoy veinte cuatro de Mayo, de milochoci entos treinta y nueve, que este Adicional, consistente de ocho Articulos, será unida al dicho Tratrado, y será considerado como parte integrante del Tratado fir mado hoy veinte y cuatro de Mayo, de mil ochocientos treinta y nueve. (L.S.) FELIPE Årana. ARTICLES ADDITIONAL to the Treaty concluded this twentyfourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, between Her Britannic Majesty and the Argentine Confederation, for the suppression of Slave Trade. ARTICLE I. It is agreed and understood, that if there should be any delay in appointing the judge and the arbitrator to be nominated on the part of the Argentine Confederation, to act in each of the Mixed Courts of Justice to be established under this Treaty; or if those officers, after being appointed, should at any time be absent; then and in either of such cases, the judge and arbitrator who shall have been appointed on the part of Her Britannic Majesty, and who shall be present in the said Courts, shall, in the absence of the Argentine judge and arbitrator, proceed ARTICLE II. It is also agreed, notwithstanding the provisions of the First Article of the Annex B, that so long as no Argentine judge and arbitrator shall have been nominated, it will be unnecessary for the Argentine Confederation to nominate the secretary or actuary mentioned in the said Article; that in the mean while the secretary or actuary of that Court which may exist within the territory of the Argentine Confederation, shall be named and paid by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, and that the entire expense of both the Courts to be established under this Treaty, shall be borne by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty. ARTICLE III. If, in the drawing up of this Treaty in the Spanish language, any involuntary error has been made in the translation, the English text is to be adhered to. The present Additional Articles shall form an integral part of the Treaty for the suppression of the Slave Trade, signed this day, and shall have the same force and validity as if they were inserted word for word in that Treaty, and shall be ratified as soon as possible within the term of eight months from the date of the present Treaty. en ausencia del juez y arbitrador Argentinos, á hacer la apertura de dichos Tribunales, y á adjudicar en aquellos casos que sean producidos ante ellos segun el Tratado; y la sentencia prononciada sobre tales casos por el dicho juez y arbitrador Britanicos, tendrá la misma fuerza y validez, como si el juez y arbitrador por parte de la Confederacion Argentina hubiesen sido nombrados, y hubiesen estado presentes y ejerciendo su encargo en los Tribunales Mixtos en los casos en cuestion. ARTICULO II. Tambien se conviene, no obstante las provisiones del Primer Articulo del Adicional B, que mientras que no hubiesen sido nombrados juez y arbitrador, será innecesario que la Confederacion Argentina nombre el secretario ó actuario designado en dicho Articulo; que en el interin el secretario ó actuario del Tribunal que exista dentro del territorio de la Confederacion Argentina, será nombrado y pagado por el Gobierno de Su Magestad Británica, y que todos los costos de ambos Tribunales que deben establecerse segun el Tratado, serán sufridos por el Gobierno de Su Magestad Británica. ARTICULO III. Si al vertirse este Tratado al idioma Español, se incidiese en algun error involuntario en la traduccion, el texto Ingles deberá ser seguido. Los presentes Articulos Adicionales formarán una parte integrante del Tratado para la supresion del Tráfico de Esclavos firmado hoy, y tendrán la misma fuerza y validez, como si estuviesen insertos palabra por palabra en aquel Tratado, y serán ratificados tan pronto como sea posible dentro del término de ocho meses de la fecha del presente Tratado.· Done at Buenos Ayres, this twenty-fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. (L.S.) J. H. MANDEVILLE. Hecho en Buenos Ayres, hoy veinte y cuatro de Mayo, de mil ochocientos treinta y nueve. (L.S.) FELIPE ARANA, 15. URUGUAY. SPECIAL ORDER. By the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High WHEREAS a Treaty between Great Britain and Uruguay, for the abolition of the Slave Trade, was signed at Monte-Video on the 13th of July, 1839, and Instructions for Cruizers, marked A, and Regula tions for Mixed Courts of Justice, marked B, were annexed thereto, and declared to form an integral part thereof; and the ratifications of the same were exchanged on the 21st of January, 1842: and whereas the High Contracting Parties mutually agreed thereby, that ships of war of both countries, respectively furnished with the Instructions contained in Annex A to the Treaty, might search and send in for trial, vessels suspected of the illegal Traffic in Slaves: and whereas we think fit that Her Majesty's ship under your command should be one of those authorized to act under the Treaty, We furnish you with a copy of the said Treaty and its Annexes, marked A and B; and you are hereby expressly authorized, enpowered, and ordered, to act in the suppression of the Traffic in Slaves according to the said Treaty. Given under our hands, this 12th day of June, 1844. To Commander of Her Majesty's ship G. COCKBURN. By command of their Lordships, SIDNEY HERBERT. Treaty between Her Majesty and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves. Signed at Monte-Video, July 13, 1839. HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Excellency the President of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, being mutually animated by a sincere desire to co-operate for the utter extinction of the barbarous Traffic in Slaves, have resolved to proceed to the conclusion of a Treaty for the special purpose of immediately attaining this object, so far as relates to the total and final abolition of the Slave Trade of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay; and have respectively named for this purpose as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: Her Britannic Majesty, John Henry Mandeville, Esquire, her Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata; And His Excellency the President of the Republic, Don José Ellauri, Doctor of Law, Minister of the Government, and for Foreign Affairs; Who, having duly communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: ARTICLE I. The Slave Trade of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay is hereby formally declared to be henceforward totally and finally abolished in all parts of the world. ARTICLE II. The President of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay hereby engages, that immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, and from time to time afterwards, as it may become needful, he will take the most effectual measures Su Magestad la Reyna del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, y Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, hallandose mutuamente animadose del mas vivo deseo de cooperar á la completa extincion del barbaro Trafico de Esclavos, han resuelto proceder á la conclusion de un Tratado con el fin especial de conseguir este obgeto, por lo que respecta á la total y final abolicion del Trafico de Esclavos de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay: y á este fin han nombrado por sus Plenipotenciarios, á saber: Su Magestad Britanica, al Caballero Don Juan Enrique Mandeville, su Ministro Plenipotenciario cerca de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata; Y Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica, al Doctor Don José Ellauri, Ministro de Gobierno y Relaciones Exteriores; Los cuales, habiendose comunicado sus respectivos plenos poderes, y hallandolos en debida forma, han convenido y concluido los Artículos siguientes: ARTICULO 1. El Comercio de Esclavos de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay es por este formalmente declarado, desde hoy en adelante, total y finalmente abolido en todas partes del mundo. ARTICULO II. El Presidente de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay se compromete por el presente a tomar inmediatamente despues del cange de las ratificaciones de este Tratado, y despues, de tiempo en tiempo, segun sea necesario, las mas eficaces medidas para for preventing the citizens of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay from being concerned, and the flag of that Republic from being used in carrying on, in any way, the Trade in Slaves; and especially, that within two months after the said exchange, he will promulgate throughout the territories of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, a penal law, inflicting a punishment the most severe on all those citizens of that Republic who shall, under whatsoever pretext, take any part whatever in the Traffic in Slaves. ARTICLE III. His Excellency the President of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay also engages that, in further pursuance of the stipulation contained in the Ist Article of this Treaty, he will take the necessary means for assimilating, as soon as possible, the laws of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, to those of Great Britain, in as far as regards the crime of Slave Trading; and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Excellency the President of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, hereby mutually engage, that, by an Additional Convention hereafter to be concluded between the two High Contracting Parties to the present Treaty, they will concert and settle the details of the measures by which the law of piracy, which will then become applicable to that traffic by the legislation of each of the two countries, shall be immediately and reciprocally carried into execution with respect to the vessels and subjects or citizens of each. ARTICLE IV. In order more completely to prevent all infringement of the spirit of the present Treaty, the two High Contracting Parties mutually consent, that impedir que los ciudadanos de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay se interesen de modo alguno en hacer el Comercio de Esclavos, y que se use del pabellon de la Republica para dicho comercio; y especialmente se compromete já promulgar dentro de dos meses despues de verificado el dicho cange, una ley penal en todo el territorio de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, imponiendo el mas severo castigo á todos los ciudadanos de la dicha Republica, que por cualquier pretexto, tomen la menor parte en el Trafico de Esclavos. ARTICULO III. Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay se compromete tambien, en prosecucion de la estipulacion contenida en el Primer Artículo de este Tratado, á tomar las medidas necesarias para asimilar, tan pronto como ser posible, las leyes de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, á las de la Gran Bretaña, por lo que respecta al crimen del Trafico de Esclavatura; y Su Magestad la Reyna del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, y Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, se obligan mutuamente por este, á concertar y arre glar, por medio de una Convencion Adicional al presente Tratado, que debe celebrarse mas adelante entre las dos Altas Partes Contratantes, todos los pormenores de la medida que se adopte para poner en exe cucion inmediata y reciprocamente la ley de pirateria aplicable á dicho trafico, segun la legislacion de cada uno de los dos paises, con respecto á los buques y subditos, ó ciudadanos de cada uno. ARTICULO IV. Para impedir mas completamente toda contravencion al espiritu del presente Tratado, las dos Altas Partes Contratantes consienten mutuamente, |