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If no Slaves be on board, state the fact.

Form No. 5.

DECLARATION to be made by the Commander of Her Majesty's Ship at the time of seizure, and delivered to the Court before which the Vessel is taken for adjudication.

[blocks in formation]

suppression of the Slave Trade, do hereby declare, that on


day of

being in latitude

and longitude

of Greenwich,

I seized the


is Master, for

having violated the said

further declare that the vessel had on board at the time of

and I

[blocks in formation]

Here insert any particulars worthy of notice as to the state in which the vessel was found, and any facts as to the circumstances or causes of seizure.

And I do also declare, that I found this vessel in the following state :ï

Given under my hand, this

day of

Commanding Her Majesty's Ship

Form No. 6.

FORM OF AFFIDAVIT to be made by the Commander, or Officer in charge of a detained Vessel, on bringing the ship's papers into Court.

In the business of the



was Master.

Appeared personally

Britannic Majesty's ship of war

of Her


made oath, that the documents, letters, and writings, hereunto annexed, marked from No. - to No.-inclusive, were to the best of his knowledge and belief, all the papers found on board the said vessel at the time of her seizure: and that If no papers are


found subse

the further documents, letters, and writings, hereunto annexed, quently to seimarked from No. - inclusive, were, to the best of zure of the veshis knowledge and belief, all the papers which have since been sel, this parafound on board of the said vessel; and that the said further grapheto be papers were seized at the dates, and under the circumstances, as follows:

and, lastly, the said deponent maketh oath, that the whole of the said papers, herein referred to and annexed, are now brought and delivered up in the same plight and condition as when received or found by this deponent, without any fraud, addition, subtraction, alteration, or embezzlement whatever, save the numbering and marking thereof.

All circumstances attending the finding or delivery up of such further papers are to be fully stated in this Affidavit.

On the day of the said

was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit.

Before me,

This Affidavit must be signed and sworn to by the Commander of the seizing ship, or the Officer in charge of the detained vessel, before the person duly authorized to administer the oath.

Here state any changes which may have taken place with re

spect to the ves

sel, her crew, the Slaves, if any, and her cargo, between the period of her detention and the time of delivering in the ship's papers.

Form No. 7.

AFFIDAVIT to be made by the Commander of Her Majesty's Ship, or the Officer in charge of the detained Vessel, at the time of bringing the ship's papers into Court, as to any changes which may have taken place subsequent to the period of seizure.

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This Affidavit must be signed and sworn to by the Commander of the seizing ship, or the Officer in charge of the detained vessel, before the person duly authorized to administer the oath.

Form No. 8.

CERTIFICATE containing a List of Papers, to be made out in duplicate, at the time of seizure, one copy to be retained by the Commander of Her Majesty's ship, the other to be delivered to the Court before which the vessel is taken for adjudication.

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I further certify, that the papers which I have numbered No. 1 to No. - inclusive, are the whole of the documents, letters, and writings, seized on board, which are hereunder specified and described, namely:

No. 1.
3. &c.

Here specify and describe the papers found on board, according to number.

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Commanding Her Majesty's ship

If no Slaves be on board, state the fact.

Form No. 9.

AUTHENTIC DECLARATION to be made out in duplicate by the
Commander of Her Majesty's ship, at the time of seizure, one
of which he is to retain, the other is to be delivered to the
Court before which the vessel shall be taken for adjudication.

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rized by the

dated the

holding in Her Britannic Majesty's Navy, duly autho

and commanding Her Majesty's ship

between Great Britain and

for the suppression of the Slave Trade, do

hereby declare, that on the

day of



and longitude


for having violated the said

being in

of Greenwich, I seized is Master, and I further declare

that the vessel had on board at the time of seizure a crew


persons, passengers, and Slaves, and that the following are the names of the crew and passengers, and the number of the male and female Slaves, viz.

[blocks in formation]

Here state the condition of the Slaves found on board.

Here insert an exact description of the state of the vessel and

her cargo; and

any facts as to

the circum

stances or causes

of seizure.

And I further declare the condition of the Slaves was as follows:

And I do hereby declare that I found this vessel and her cargo in the following state :

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