708 RETURN OF THE ARMY IN FLANDERS 'MARCH, 1815. IV.-WEEKLY State of the HANOVERIAN FORCES serving in FLANDERS, under RETURN of Ordnance in the Brigade of Hanoverian Artillery. 4 6-pounders. 25 inch howitzers. : : 1 1 : 32 176 : 204 UNDER THE COMMAND OF THE PRINCE OF ORANGE. 709 the command of GENERAL His ROYAL HIGHNESS the PRINCE of ORANGE. V.-STATE of the BELGIC TROOPS, taken from the State of the 15th Jan., 1815. E. BARNES, Adj.-Gen. RETURN OF THE ARMY IN FLANDERS MARCH, 1815. Corps. VI.—STATE of the DUTCH TROOPS serving in FLANDERS under the command of GENERAL H.R.H. the HEREDITARY PRINCE of ORANGE, G.C.B., &c. &c., taken from the Monthly Return of the 25th Feb., 1815. Detachment of the 2nd Regiment of Light | | Colonels. Lieut.-Colonels. Lieutenants. Captains. Majors. Ensigns. 7th do. of Militia 13th do. do. 15th do. do. Total 3. 1534 65 Veterinary Surgeons. Surgeons, 2nd Class. Present. Absent. Command. Total. Present. Present. Absent. Command. Total. Present. Present. Absent. Command. Total. Horses. Joined. | Dead. Discharged. Sick. Sick. RECAPITULATION OF THE TOTALS. UNDER THE COMMAND OF THE PRINCE OF ORANGE. 711 |