The Judges of England: With Sketches of Their Lives, and Miscellaneous Notices Connected with the Courts at Westminster, from the Time of the Conquest, Jilid 2Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848 |
Edisi lain - Lihat semua
The Judges of England: With Sketches of Their Lives, and ..., Jilid 2 Edward Foss Paparan coretan - 1966 |
The Judges of England: With Sketches of Their Lives, and Miscellaneous ... Edward Foss Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2014 |
The Judges of England: With Sketches of Their Lives, and Miscellaneous ... Edward Foss Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2014 |
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¹ Dugdale's 11 Henry 15 John 52 Henry 9 Henry Abbot Abbrev afterwards appointed Archbishop Archdeacon assizes Banco barons bench Bishop Bishop of Winchester bishoprick brother castle chancellor charter chief justiciary church Claus Common Pleas counties court Curia Regis custody daughter death died Dugdale Dugdale's Baronage Dugdale's Chron Dugdale's Orig Earl Edward entry Essex Excerpt Exchequer father favour Fines of Richard fines were levied Finibus Fuller's Worthies Geoffrey grant heir held Hubert de Burgh Hugh hundred marks Ibid ITIN justices itinerant justicier keeper Kent King John king's lands latter Lincoln Madox's Exch manor married Matthew Paris mentioned Nicholas Nicolas's Synopsis Norfolk Pateshull Peter Placit probably Ralph de Neville record reign of Henry Reign of Richard Robert Roger de Wendover roll royal scutage seal Series Sheriff sheriffalty Simon Stephen de Segrave tallage Thomas Walter de Grey Wendover Westminster wife William writs
Petikan popular
Halaman 5 - Communia placita non sequantur curiam nostram, sed teneantur in aliquo certo loco.
Halaman 242 - No, Sir," replied Roger Bigod, " but by your partiality to foreigners, and your own prodigality, the realm is involved in misery Wherefore we demand that the powers of government be delegated to a committee of barons and prelates, who may correct abuses, and enact salutary laws.
Halaman 5 - We, or, if we should be out of the realm, our chief justiciary, shall send two justiciaries through every county four times a year, who, with four knights, chosen out of every shire by the people, shall hold the said assizes, in the county, on the day, and at the place appointed.
Halaman 5 - Nos vel si extra regnum fuerimus capitalis justiciarius noster mittemus duos justiciarios per unumquemque comitatum per quatuor vices in anno qui cum quatuor militibus cujuslibet comitatus electis per comitatum capiant in comitatu et in die et loco comitatus assisas predictas...
Halaman 5 - ... per unumquemque comitatum per quatuor vices in anno, qui, cum quatuor militibus cujuslibet comitatus electis per comitatum, capiant in comitatu et in die et loco comitatus assisas praedictas.
Halaman 442 - This is the only time in which he appears in a judicial position ; and he held it then no doubt in his character of Constable of the Tower, where the sittings were to take place. He was Earl of Warwick for life only, in right of Margery, his second wife, the sister and heir of Thomas de Newburgh, the last earl.
Halaman 16 - ... another entry on them in the same year, subsequently noticed, relative to Ralph de Neville. His lordship does not again mention Richard de Marisco during John's reign: he adds, however, that there is "no farther entry in the records on the subject [of the great seal] 1 Rot.
Halaman 394 - The munificence of his expenditure may be judged from the stately dinner he gave in 1256 at his house in Tothill Fields, when he entertained the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland, Prince Edward, and the nobles and prelates of the kingdom. It is recorded that his guests were so numerous that he was compelled to erect tents for their reception, and that seven hundred dishes were scarcely sufficient ! for the first course.
Halaman 4 - ROLLS record the sums of money issued out of any of the royal treasuries by way of imprest, advance, or accommodation ; and which are afterwards to be accounted for. Only five of these rolls remain ; those of 7, 12, 14, 15, and 16 John. That of 12 John has been published ; and it and the Misa? roll of 1 1 John are peculiarly valuable, as they are the only Chancery records of those years which now exist.
Halaman 5 - The common pleas shall not follow our court, but shall be held in some certain place.