The Oxford Magazine, Jilid 5-6

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Halaman 210 - Let him study the Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament. Therein are contained the words of eternal life. It has God for its author; salvation for its end ; and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter.
Halaman 260 - Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this kingdom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statutes in parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the same? — The king or queen shall say, I solemnly promise so to do.
Halaman 199 - ... and execution, for which they are very unfit, but the checks of government really in the hands of the governed. For these purposes, if it were possible to suppose that the great enemy of mankind could be rendered instrumental to their happiness, so far the devil himself should be supported by the people.
Halaman 109 - Journal, was this day apprehended -and brought before me, one of his majefty's juftices of the peace for the city of London, by Edward Twine Carpenter, of HofierJane, London, printer. . JOHN WILKES, Alderman.
Halaman 160 - Foy for arrack, &c. which were to be forwarded to Paris. I believe they were sent, but they never passed through my hands, nor do I know whether Mr.. Wildman has yet been paid for those trifles, the whole of which amounted only, as he told me, to about thirty pounds. Your endeavours to create a coolness between Mr.
Halaman 233 - At the humble petition of the lord mayor, sheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin, be it enacted,
Halaman 239 - After this, finding he could take no advantage against me, then in a treacherous way he resolved to assassinate me in this manner: hearing I was to come to Whitehall on horseback with two...
Halaman 160 - I knew I could be useful to you in Middlesex; and I did then, and do still think, that there was no method by which I could do greater service...
Halaman 2 - I am amazed that the press should be only made use of in this way by newswriters, and the zealots of parties ; as if it were not more advantageous to mankind, to. be instructed in wisdom and virtue, than in politics; and to be made good fathers, husbands and sons, than counsellors and statesmen.
Halaman 149 - ... to command for the public good, however dangerous, difficult, or defperate." The queftion was then put, " That «' James Eyre, Efq; the prefent Recorder, be no more aavifed with, retained or employed, in any of the affairs of this corporation ; he being deemed by this Court unworthy of their future truft or confidence.

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