As You Like itGeorge Bell & Sons, 1899 - 119 halaman |
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Adam Aliena Amiens banish'd banished Bastinado bear beard Beau better BIBLIOTECA DE CATALUNYA brother Celia Charles chide comes court cousin daughter diest doth ducdame Duke F Enter Orlando Enter Rosalind Enter Touchstone Exeunt Exit eyes fair faith father fool forest of Arden fortune foul Ganymede gentle give grace hath heart Heigh-ho Hero and Leander hither honour horn Hymen Jaques JOHN DENNIS kiss ladies Le Beau live look lord lover man's Martext master mistress Monsieur motley fool never Phebe pity poor pray prithee SCENE shepherd Silvius sing Sir Rowland song speak swear sweet tell thank thee thing thou art Thou hast Thrasonical Touch Touchstone and Audrey tree truly twill verses weep Wilt thou wise withal woman word wrestler wrestling young youth ΙΟ