| Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1699 - 196 halaman
...truft in Him: For who is GOD fave the LORD? Or who is a Rocl^fave our GOD ? The LORD liveth,and bleffed be my Rock^, and let the GOD of my Salvation be exalted: It is GOD that avengeth me, andjubdueth the People under me-" He delivereth me front mine Enemies:... | |
 | Anthony Horneck - 1705 - 608 halaman
...Lord for his Goodnefs,and for his wonderful Works to the Children of Men. The Lord liveth, and blefled be * my Rock, and let the God of my Salvation be exalted. * He delivers me from my Enemies; yea, thou lifteft ' me up above thofe that rife up againft me : Therefore... | |
 | Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 halaman
...truths, wrought, with an irresistible power on my heart, that good word of His ; ' The Lord liveth; and blessed be my Rock ; and let the God of my salvation be exalted. It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me. He delivereth me from mine enemies :... | |
 | John Piggott - 1714 - 558 halaman
...my Strength 1 «"'* caU vfon the Lord, who is worthy to be prais'd — 'The Lord liveth) and blejfed be my Rock ; and let the God of my Salvation be exalted. It is God that a•vengeth me, and fubdueth the People under me. He deliver eth me from mine Enemies... | |
 | 1804 - 664 halaman
...the «nd." I have been musing too on these delightful words of the Psalmist : "The Lord ijveth, and blessed be my rock: and let the God of my salvation be exalted." On my rock Christ 1 now build. Lord, strengthen my confidence and hope in thee !* July 8, Friday, he... | |
 | Elizabeth Singer Rowe - 1796 - 996 halaman
...art my God, and 1 will praise thee ; my " father's God, and I will exalt thee; the Lord li" veth, and blessed be my rock, and let the God " of my salvation be exalted. Thy benignity is " better than life, therefore my lips shall praise " thee." rise, whatever darkness... | |
 | 1804 - 496 halaman
...the expression, fios-iesa all things.— In times of adversity, their song is, " The Lord liveth ; blessed be my rock ; and let the God of my salvation be exalted." In them is fulfilled the saying of an ancient : " Whether a man be rich or poor, if he have a good... | |
 | Philip Doddridge - 1803 - 712 halaman
...sure abode, my everlasting confidence! My gourds wither, my children die ; but The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock, and let the God of my salvation be exalted JI see, in one instance more, the sad effects of having over-loved the creature ; let me endeavour... | |
 | Philip Doddridge - 1803 - 680 halaman
...sure abode, my everlasting confidence! My gourds wither, my children die ; but The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock, and let the God of my salvation be exalted % I see, in one instance more, the sad effects of having over-loved the creature ; let me endeavour... | |
 | Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 504 halaman
...The strangers shall lade 46 awa)>-, anifl be afraid out of their close places. The Lo«Dliveth , and blessed [be] my rock ; and let the God of my salvation be 47 exalted.?v[lt is] Cod that avengeth me, and suhdueth the peo48 pie unto me. He delivereth me from... | |
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