Since foes have scope to beat both thee and me. Aum. Northumberland comes back from Boling broke. K. Rich. What must the king do now? Must he submit? The king shall do it. Must he be depos'd? : sin! 6 We'll make foul weather with despised tears; 6 - on their sovereign's head:] Shakspeare is very apt to deviate from the pathetick to the ridiculous. Had the speech of Richard ended at this line, it had exhibited the natural language of submissive misery, conforming its intention to the present fortune, and calmly ending its purposes in death. JOHNSON. Would not this ill do well?-Well, well, I see North. My lord, in the base court he doth at tend To speak with you; may't please you to come down K. Rich. Down, down, I come; like glistering Phaeton, Wanting the manage of unruly jades. [NORTH. retires to BOLING. In the base court? Base court, where kings grow base, To come at traitors' calls, and do them grace. In the base court? Come down? Down, court! For night-owls shriek, where mounting larks should down king! sing. [Exeunt, from above. Sorrow and grief of heart Boling. What says his majesty? North. Makes him speak fondly, like a frantick man : Enter King RICHARD, and his Attendants, below. Boling. Stand all apart, And show fair duty to his majesty. My gracious lord, [Kneeling. K. Rich. Fair cousin, you debase your princely knee, To make the base earth proud with kissing it: - Base court-] Bas cour, Fr. Up, cousin, up; your heart is up, I know, although your knee be low. Boling. My gracious lord, I come but for mine own. K. Rich. Your own is yours, and I am yours, and all. Boling. So far be mine, my most redoubted lord, As my true service shall deserve your love. K. Rich. Well you deserve :--They well deserve to have, That know the strong'st and surest way to get.- Boling. Yea, my good lord. K. Rich. Then I must not say, no. [Flourish. Exeunt. SCENE IV. Langley. The Duke of York's Garden. Queen. What sport shall we devise here in this garden, To drive away the heavy thought of care? 1 Lady. Madam, we'll play at bowls. Queen. 'Twill make me think, The world is full of rubs, and that my fortune Runs 'gainst the bias. 1 Lady. Madam, we will dance. Queen. My legs can keep no measure in de light, When my poor heart no measure keeps in grief: 1 Lady. Madam, we'll tell tales. 1 Lady. Of either, madam. Of sorrow, or of joy? Of neither, girl: For if of joy, being altogether wanting, 1 Lady. Madam, I'll sing.. Queen. "Tis well, that thou hast cause; But thou should'st please me better, would'st thou weep. 1 Lady. I could weep, madam, would it do you good. Queen. And I could weep, would weeping de me good, And never borrow any tear of thee. But stay, here come the gardeners : Let's step into the shadow of these trees. Enter a Gardener, and Two Servants. : My wretchedness unto a row of pins, [Queen and Ladies retire. • Against a change: Woe is forerun with woe.] The poet, according to the common doctrine of prognostication, supposes dejection to forerun calamity, and a kingdom to be filled with ru. mours of sorrow when any great disaster is impending. The sense is, that publick evils are always presignified by publick pensiveness, and plaintive conversation. JOHNSON. Gard. Go, bind thou up yon' dangling apricocks, Which, like unruly children make their sire 1 Serv. Why should we, in the compass of a pale, Keep law, and form, and due proportion, Gard. Hold thy peace : He that hath suffer'd this disorder'd spring, The weeds, that his broad-spreading leaves did shel ter, That seem'd in eating him to hold him up, 1 Serv. What, are they dead? Gard. They are; and Bolingbroke Hath seiz'd the wasteful king.-Oh! what pity is it, That he had not so trimm'd and dress'd his land, As we this garden! We at time of year • Her knots disorder'd,] Knots are figures planted in box, the lines of which frequently intersect each other. |