Parliamentary Papers, Jilid 22H.M. Stationery Office, 1836 |
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adjutant Army?-I Articles of War Artillery awarded aware battalion better Bridewell British Army Brixton captain cavalry cells certainly chef de bataillon circumstances Coldstream Guards Colonel commanding officer commissions committed comrades conceive conduct conscription conseil consequence considered corps crime defaulters degradation depôt discharge discipline disgraceful drill drink drunk drunkenness duty effect enlisted examined as follows feeling flogging French Army frequent gaol garrison Guards habits halberds hard labour honour hundred lashes imprisonment India inducement inflicting corporal punishment infliction of corporal instances insubordination legion of honour Maidstone means medal ment mess military prisons months native Army necessary never non-commissioned officers offences opinion parade pension persons power of inflicting present promotion quartered ranks received recruits regimental court martial respect sent sentence serjeant serjeant-major served soldiers solitary confinement sous-officiers speak substitute superior Supposing tried troops witness withdrew young
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Halaman v - Presents will and ordain that this Our Commission shall continue in full force and virtue, and that you, Our said Commissioners, or any three or more of you may from time to time proceed in the execution thereof, and of every matter and thing therein contained, although the same be not continued from time to time by adjournment. AND...
Halaman v - Now, know ye that we, reposing great trust and confidence in your knowledge and ability, have authorized and appointed, and do by these presents authorize and appoint, you...
Halaman v - Esquire, Greeting : Whereas We have thought it expedient, for divers good causes and considerations, that a Commission should forthwith issue...
Halaman xxii - ... 6. That, although we have been unwillingly convinced of the necessity of still retaining the power of corporal punishment, and in proportion to our conviction of that necessity, we earnestly recommend that no pains may be spared to endeavour to make its infliction less frequent. 7- That, with the view of diminishing the frequency of this punishment, the offences to which it is limited, and the occasions upon which it should be resorted to, should be more clearly defined.
Halaman v - Presents give and grant unto you, or any three or more of you, full power to call before you such persons as you shall judge likely to afford you any information upon the subject of this Our Commission ; and...
Halaman 307 - Army are universally actuated by a spirit of justice, and impressed with those sentiments of kindness and regard towards their men, which they on so many occasions have proved themselves to deserve ; but his Royal Highness has reason to apprehend, that, in many instances, sufficient attention has not been paid to the prevention of crime.
Halaman x - For mutiny, insubordination and violence, or using or offering violence to superior officers. " 2. Drunkenness on duty. "3. Sale of, or making away with arms, ammunition, accoutrements, or necessaries, stealing from comrades, or other disgraceful conduct. "It will doubtless occur to...
Halaman 276 - Presidencies ; and that it shall be competent to any regimental, detachment, or brigade court-martial to sentence a soldier of the Native Army to dismissal from the Service for any offence for •which such soldier might now be punished by flogging...
Halaman v - Three or more of you, to obtain information thereupon by the examination of all persons most competent, by reason of their knowledge, habits or experience to afford it ; and also by calling for all Documents, Papers...
Halaman 276 - that the practice of punishing soldiers of the native army by the cat-o' -nine-tails, or rattan, be discontinued at all the presidencies ; and that henceforth it shall be competent to any regimental, detachment, or brigade court-martial, to sentence a soldier of the native army to dismissal from the service for any offence for which such soldier might now be punished by flogging, provided such sentence of dismissal shall not be carried into effect unless confirmed by the general or other officer...