Acts and Resolves Passed by the ... Legislature of the State of Maine

Kulit Depan
Stevens & Sayward., 1841

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Halaman 380 - That the holders of stock in any banking corporation aforesaid, in this commonwealth, when its charter shall expire, shall be chargeable in their private and individual capacities, and shall be holden for the payment and redemption of...
Halaman 337 - ... hereby vested with all the powers, privileges, and immunities which are or may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects...
Halaman 340 - That the president and directors for the time being, are hereby authorized and empowered by themselves or their agents, to exercise all the powers herein granted to the corporation, for the purpose of locating, constructing, and completing...
Halaman 341 - That a toll be, and hereby is granted and established, for the sole benefit of said corporation, upon all passengers and property of all descriptions which may be conveyed or transported upon said road, at such rates per mile as may be agreed upon and established from time to time by the directors of said corporation.
Halaman 372 - No policy shall be issued until a certificate from the auditor has been obtained authorizing such company to issue policies. The auditor shall examine the capital, and a majority of the directors...
Halaman 581 - Resolved, That the governor be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to each of our senators and representatives in Congress...
Halaman 385 - ... corporation, as may be needful in the premises, according to the course of chancery proceedings ; and, at his discretion, may appoint agents or receivers to take possession of the property and effects of the corporation, subject to such rules and orders as may from time to time be prescribed by the supreme judicial court, or any justice thereof in vacation. And said commissioners shall have power to appoint a clerk of their board, prescribe his duties, and fix his compensation, whenever the public...
Halaman 416 - That the board of directors shall superintend the concerns of said company, and shall have the management of the funds and property thereof, and of all matters and things thereunto relating, not otherwise provided for by said company.
Halaman 460 - ... all bank stock and shares (or property) in any incorporated company for a bridge or a turnpike road, or shares in any other incorporated company possessing taxable property, according to the just value thereof ; and also the amount of all goods, wares and merchandize, or any other stock in trade, including stock employed in manufactories...
Halaman 376 - In case of excess, the directors under whose administration it shall happen shall be liable for the same in their natural and private capacities ; and an action of debt may in...

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