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against any officer or officers of the Commonwealth, for misconduct and mal-administration in their offices. But previous to the trial of every impeachment, the Members of the Senate shall respectively be sworn, truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question according to evidence. Their judgment, however, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold or enjoy any place of honour, trust, or profit, under this Commonwealth: but the party so convicted shall be, nevertheless, liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to the laws of the land.

IX. Not less than fixteen Members of the Senate shall constitute a Quorum for doing bufsiness.

§ 3.


1. THERE shall be in the legislature of this Commonwealth a. Representation of the People, annually elected, and founded upon the principle of equality.

II. And

II. And in order to provide for a Representation of the Citizens of this Commonwealth founded on the principle of equality, every corporate town containing one hundred and fifty rateable polls, may elect one Representative: every corporate town containing three hundred and seventy-five rateable polls, may elect two Representatives: every corporate town containing fix hundred rateable polls, may elect three Representatives; and proceeding in that manner, making two hundred and twenty-five rateable polls the mean increasing number for every additional Representative.

Provided nevertheless, that each town now incorporated not having one hundred and fifty rateable polls, may elect one Representative: but no place shall hereafter be incorporated with the privilege of electing a Representative, unless there are within the same one hundred and fifty rateable polls.

And the House of Representatives shall have power from time to time to impose fines upon such towns as shall neglect to chuse and return Members to the fame, agreeably to this Conftitution.

The expences of travelling to the General

Assembly, and returning home once in every feffion and no more, shall be paid by the Government out of the public treasury, to every Member who shall attend as seasonably as he can, in the judgment of the House, and does not depart without leave.

III. Every Member of the House of Representatives shall be chofen by written votes ; and for one year at least next preceding his election, shall have been an inhabitant of, and have been seized in his own right of a freehold of the value of one hundred pounds within the town he shall be chosen to represent, or any rateable eftate to the value of two hundred pounds; and he shall cease to represent the said town, immediately on his ceasing to be qualified as aforefaid.

IV. Every male person, being twenty-one years of age, and refident in any particular town in this Commonwealth for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of fixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a Representative or Representatives for the faid town.

V. The Members of the House of Reprefentatives shall be chofen annually in the month of May, ten days at least before the last Wednefday of that month.

VI. The House of Representatives shall be the grand inquest of this Commonwealth; and all impeachments made by then shall be heard and tried by the Senate.

VII. All money-bills shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.

VIII. The House of Representatives shall have power to adjourn themselves, provided fuch adjournment shall not exceed two days at a time.

IX. Not less than fixty Members of the House of Representatives shall constitute a Quorum for doing business.

X. The House of Representatives shall be the judge of the returns, elections, and qualifications of its own Members, as pointed out in the Constitution; shall chuse their own Speaker, appoint their own officers, and settle the rules and orders of proceeding in their own House. They shall have authority to punish by imprifonment


fonment every person, not a Member, who shall be guilty of disrespect to the House, by any diforderly or contemptuous behaviour in its presence; or who, in the town where the General Court is fitting, and during the time of its fitting, shall threaten harm to the body or estate of any of its Members, for any thing faid or done in the House; or who shall affault any of them therefor, and who shall assault or arrest any witness or other person ordered to attend the House, in his way in going or returning, or who shall rescue any person arrested by the order of the House.

And no Member of the House of Reprefentatives shall be arrested or held to bail on mesne process, during his going unto, returningfrom, or his attending the General Affembly.

XI. The Senate shall have the fame powers in the like cafes; and the Governor and Council shall have the same authority to punish in like cases. Provided, that no imprisonment on the warrant or order of the Governor, Council, Senate, or House of Representatives, for either of the above-described offences, be for a term exceeding thirty days.


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