| George Lindley - 1831 - 674 halaman
...Wood, 6s. cloth. PORTER.-A TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURES OF PORCELAIN AND GLASS. By GR PORTER, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts,...COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanmth, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance.... | |
| Robert Cox - 1836 - 434 halaman
...Porter, Esq. FRS 1 vol. foolscap Svo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcnts, B.. cloth. PORTLOCK. - REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and deseribed under the Anthority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE Portlock. FR S. etc... | |
| Charles Caleb Colton - 1837 - 496 halaman
...Wood, 6s. cloth. PORTER.-A TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURES OF PORCELAIN AND GLASS. By GR PORTER, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, 6s. cloth. PORTLOCK.- REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh,... | |
| Charles Edward Trevelyan - 1838 - 270 halaman
...Treasury. 8vo. with 60 Plates, comprising rery numerous Figures, 9*. cloth. PORTLO€K. — REPORT O» THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone snd Fermanagh, examined and dexcrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of O*dnancc.... | |
| Albertine Adrienne de Saussure Necker - 1839 - 354 halaman
...of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, MA etc. Svo. withGO Plates, pricey*. Captain Portlock's Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and descrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. Svo. with 48 Plates,price... | |
| Robert Southey - 1839 - 388 halaman
...GR Porter, Esq. FRS Foolscap Svo. with Vignette Title and 60 Woodcuts, 6t. cloth. PORTLOCK. -REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and descrihed under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE Portlock, FRS etc... | |
| Sharon Turner - 1839 - 670 halaman
...PORCF.LAIN AND GLASS. By GR PORTEK, Esq. FRS 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, Gs. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone mid Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance.... | |
| William Turton - 1840 - 408 halaman
...GR Porter, Esq. FRS Foolscap 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Wood cnts, 6t. cloth. PORTLOCK. -REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and deseribed unde the Anthority of the Muster-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE Portloch, FRS etc Svo.... | |
| John Lindley - 1840 - 448 halaman
...OF PORCELAIN* AND GLASS. By GR POUTER, Esq. FKS Fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Title and 50 Woodcuts, Os. cloth. PORTLOCK.-REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone anil Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and lioard of Ordnance.... | |
| Mrs. Barwell (Louisa Mary) - 1842 - 428 halaman
...PORCELAIN AND GLASS. By GR Porter, Esq. FRS Foolseap Svo. with Vigneste Title and 50 WondPORTLOCE! - REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fcrmanogh, examined and deserihed and' r the Authority of the Master-General aiid Board of Ordoanec.... | |
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