Richard the Third: A Poem

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Longmans, 1845 - 278 halaman

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Halaman 13 - COL. HAWKER'S INSTRUCTIONS to YOUNG SPORTSMEN in all that relates to Guns and Shooting.
Halaman 31 - DISCOURSES ON THE PRINCIPAL POINTS OF THE SOCINIAN CONTROVERSY— the Unity of God, and the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead; the Supreme Divinity of Jesus Christ; the Doctrine of the Atonement; the Christian Character, &c. By RALPH WARDLAW, DD 5th Edition, 8vo. 15s. cloth. WATERTON.-ESSAYS ON NATURAL HISTORY, Chiefly Ornithology. By CHARLES WATERTON, Esq., Author of "Wanderings in South America.
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Halaman 27 - SHAKSPEARE, BY BOWDLER. THE FAMILY SHAKSPEARE; in which nothing is added to the Original Text ; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud. By T. BOWDLER, Esq.
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Halaman 25 - REPTON, Esq.; being his entire works on these subjects. New Edition, with an historical and scientific Introduction, a systematic Analysis, a Biographical Notice, Notes, and a copious alphabetical Index. By JC LOUDON, FLS &c.
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