THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN, FROM THE FIRST INVASION OF IT BY THE ROMANS WRITTEN ON A NEW PLAN. By ROBERT HENRY, D.D. ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF EDINBURGH, MEMBER OF ΤΗΣ THE FIFTH EDITION. IN TWELVE VOLUMES. VOL. VI. LONDON: PRINTED FOR CADELL AND DAVIES; F.C. AND J. RIVINGTON; R.LEA; J. CUTHELL; CHAP. IV. Sect. 1. An account of the sciences that were cul- tivated in Great Britain, from A. D. 1066. to A. D. Hiftory of the Arts in Great Britain, from the the landing of William Duke of Normandy, A. D. 1066., to the death of King John, Sect. 2. The History of the fine or pleasing arts of History of Commerce, Coin, and Shipping in Great Britain, from the landing of Wil- - 255 The History of the Manners, Virtues, Vices, remarkable Customs, Language, Dress, Diet, and Diversions of the people of Great Britain, from the landing of William Duke |