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" I should, however, be glad to know for what particular profession he is designed. If he be assiduous and divested of strong passions (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure) he may do very well in your college; for it must be owned that the industrious... "
The miscellaneous works of OLiver Goldsmith [ed. by S. Rose]. - Halaman 55
oleh Oliver Goldsmith - 1812
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1801 - 424 halaman
...lead to pleafure) he may do very well in your college ; for it muft be owned, that the induftrious poor have good encouragement there, perhaps better...than in any other in Europe. But if he has ambition, ftrong paffions, and an exquifite fenfibility of contempt, do not fend him there, unlefs you have no...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Jilid 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 304 halaman
...passions, (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure,) he may do very we'll in your college : for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have good...impossible to conceive how much may be done' by a proper * This is all gratit dictum, for there never was a character so unsuspicious and so unguarded as the...
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The Quarterly Review, Jilid 57

1836 - 568 halaman
...lead to pleasure), he may do very well in your college ; for it must be owned, that the intlustrious poor have good encouragement there, perhaps better...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. ' Above all things let him never touch a romance or novel : these paint beauty in colours...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith

Oliver Goldsmith - 1812 - 428 halaman
...passions, (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure) he may do very well in your college; for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have a proper education at home. A boy, for instance, whounderstandsperfectly well Latii^French, Arithmetic, Arithmetic, and the principles of the civil...
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The Quarterly Review, Jilid 57

1836 - 576 halaman
...passions (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure), he may do very well in your college ; for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have good...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. ' Above all things let him never touch a romance or novel : these paint beauty in colours...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With an Account of His Life and ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1838 - 544 halaman
...passions, (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure.) he may do very well in your college; for e ; as soon as it was fit to take him out of the hands...removed thence to Christ-church college in Oxford. lor instance, who understands perfectly well Latin. French, arithmetic, and the principles of the civil...
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American Quarterly Review, Jilid 21

Robert Walsh - 1837 - 572 halaman
...strong passions (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure) he may do very well in your college; for it must be owned that the industrious poor have good...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. It is impossible to conceive how much may be done by a proper education at home. A boy,...
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The life of Oliver Goldsmith, Jilid 1

sir James Prior - 1837 - 550 halaman
...passions (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure), he may do very well in your college ; for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have good...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. It is impossible to conceive how much may be done by a proper education at home. A boy,...
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The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B.: From a Variety of Original Sources, Jilid 1

Sir James Prior - 1837 - 550 halaman
...passions (for passions in vouth always lead to pleasure), he may do very well in your college ; for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have good...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. It is impossible to conceive how much may be done by a proper education at home. A boy,...
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The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: From a Variety of Original Sources, Jilid 2

Sir James Prior - 1837 - 550 halaman
...passions (for passions in youth always lead to pleasure), he may do very well in your college ; for it must be owned, that the industrious poor have good...him there, unless you have no other trade for him but your own. It is impossible to conceive how much may be done by a proper education at home. A boy,...
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