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" The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To soothe the stranger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart, And tears began to flow. His rising cares the Hermit spied, With answering care opprest : « And whence, unhappy youth, » he... "
The miscellaneous works of OLiver Goldsmith [ed. by S. Rose]. - Halaman 37
oleh Oliver Goldsmith - 1812
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The Gentleman's and London Magazine: Or Monthly Chronologer, 1741-1794

1741 - 832 halaman
...prefs'il, and fmil'd ; And (kill'd in legendary lore, The ling'rmg hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth ; The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To foothe a ftranger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart, And...
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Vicar of Wakefield, Jilid 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1766 - 256 halaman
...preft, and fmil'd ; And fkill'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries , The cricket chirrups in the hearth ; The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To footh the ftranger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart, And...
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Annual Register, Jilid 9

Edmund Burke - 1767 - 634 halaman
...prefs'd and fmil'd ; And fkill'd in legendary lore, The ling'ring hours begoil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth } The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To Tooth the ftranger's wo ; For grief was heavy at his heart, And...
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A Companion for a Leisure Hour

Samuel Derrick - 1769 - 196 halaman
...preft, and fmil'd, And fkill'd in legendary lore, The ling'ring hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth; The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To footh the Granger's woe ; i'or grief was heavy at his heart, And...
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A Collection of the Most Esteemed Pieces of Poetry, that Have Appeared for ...

Moses Mendez - 1770 - 334 halaman
...preft, and fmil'd, And fldll'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart To footh the Granger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart, And...
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Poems for Young Ladies: In Three Parts : Devotional, Moral, and Entertaining ...

1770 - 268 halaman
...and fmij'd, And, fkill'd in legendary lore, The ling'ring hours beguil'd. While round, in fympathetic mirth, Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth. The crackling faggot flies. Ewt But nothing mirthful could affuage The penfive ftranger's woe, For grief had feiz'd his early age,...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue. And ...

1780 - 226 halaman
...preft, and fmil'd, And fkill'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth ; The crackling faggot flies.But nothing could a charm impart To fboth the ftranger's woe; His rifing cares the hermit fpy'd,...
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Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, Jilid 1

1781 - 516 halaman
...fmil'd ; And, ikill'd in legendary lore, The ling'ring hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetick mirth It's tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart. To foothe the ftranger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart....
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A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes, Jilid 4

G. Pearch, Robert Dodsley - 1783 - 344 halaman
...preft, and frnil'd, And, fkill'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling faggot flies. J?ut nothing could a charm impart, To foothe the Granger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart,...
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Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative,: With Some of Modern Date ..., Jilid 2

Thomas Evans - 1784 - 332 halaman
...preft, and finil'd, And, ftill'd in legendary lore. The ling'ring hours beguil'd. Around in fympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth, The crackling faggot flies. But nothing could a charm impart, f . To foothe the ftranger's woe ; For grief was heavy at his heart,...
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