The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions, Foreign and Domestick. For the Year 1716-1738, Jilid 23

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Sun Fire Office, 1738

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Halaman 165 - WE, your majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjefh, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in parliament aflembled, beg leave to return your majefty our humble thanks for your moil gracious fpeech from the throne.
Halaman 176 - Then the lord chancellor, by his majefty's command, faid, My lords, and gentlemen, It is his majefty's royal will and pleafure...
Halaman 262 - ... he immediately felt a violent pain both at the top of his thumb and up his arm, even before the viper was loosened from his hand : soon after he felt a pain, resembling that of burning, trickle up his arm ; in a few minutes his eyes began to look red and fiery, and to water much : in less than an hour he perceived the venom seize his heart with a pricking pain, which was attended with faintness, shortness of breath, and cold sweats ; in a few minutes after this his belly...
Halaman 262 - ... and purgings: during the violence of these symptoms, his sight was gone for several minutes, but he could hear all the while. He said, that in his former experiments he had never...
Halaman 21 - One of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middlefex, and for the City and Liberty of Weftminfter.
Halaman 100 - People aflembled at the Execution,, or having given Orders to the Soldiers under his Command, to fire, and thereupon, they, the Soldiers, or any of them, having accordingly fired ; and, upon the firing, either by...
Halaman 215 - And it is further enacted, that no drover, horse-courser, waggoner, butcher, higler, their or any of their servants, shall travel or come into his or their inn or lodging upon the Lord's Day, or any part thereof, upon pain that each and every such offender shall forfeit twenty shillings for every such offence...
Halaman 195 - ... adjudged to pay the same to the common gaol or house of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for the space of three months, or until such penalty shall be paid.
Halaman 215 - ... no person or persons whatsoever, shall publicly cry, show forth, or expose to sale, any wares, merchandizes, fruit, herbs, goods or chattels whatsoever, upon the Lord's Day, or any part thereof, upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit the same goods so cried or showed forth, or exposed to sale.
Halaman 170 - That the Subjects of the Crown of Great Britain have a clear and undoubted Right to navigate in the American Seas, to and from any Part of his Majefty's Dominions ; and for carrying...

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