Civil service précis

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Longmans, Green and Company, 1869

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Halaman 1 - That he is properly certified as free from any physical defect or disease which would be likely to interfere with the proper discharge of his duties ; Third.
Halaman 55 - I request that you will be pleased to move the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to direct a...
Halaman 7 - Precis, which should be, not letter by letter, but in the form of a narrative, is that any one •who had not time to read the original letters might, by reading the Precis, be put in possession of all the leading features of what passed. The merits of such a Precis are — (1) to contain all that is important in the Correspondence, and nothing that is unimportant ; (2) to present this in a consecutive and readable shape, expressed as distinctly as possible : (3) to be as brief as is compatible with...
Halaman 107 - Government cannot undertake to protect officially the natives of Abyssinia who may chance to be residing in the territory of the Sublime Porte. But Her Majesty's Consul at Jerusalem will be instructed to use his good offices for them in case of need, as members of a Christian church in spiritual communion with the established church in this country.
Halaman 55 - SIR: I am commanded by my lords commissioners of the admiralty to acquaint you, for the information of Earl Russell, that Bear-Admiral Sir Baldwin Walker, in a letter dated the 2d ultimo, reports that the Confederate States...
Halaman 108 - MY LORD — I have the honour to acknowledge...
Halaman 7 - DIRECTIONS. (1) The object of the Abstract, Schedule, or Docket is to serve as an Index. It should contain the date of each letter ; the names of the persons by whom and to whom it is written ; and, in a$ few words as possible, the subject of it.
Halaman 57 - Russell directs me to say that he is of opinion that such prosecution should be instituted as soon as sufficient evidence is collected to sustain it. I am, &c., E.
Halaman 47 - An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Management and " Improvement of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, Parks and Chases ; of the Land Revenue of The Crown within the "Survey of the Exchequer in England, and of the Land Revenue of The Crown in Ireland; and for extending certain " Provisions relating to the same to the Isles of Man and Alderney...
Halaman 75 - The present Convention shall be ratified by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and by His Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Tangier as soon as possible within 40 days from the date hereof.

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