WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1783. Only fix ftates attending, namely, Maffachusetts, RhodeInland, Pennfylvania, Delaware, Virginia and Norths Carolina; and from the ftate of Maryland, Mr. Chafe, the prefident adjourned Congrefs to ten o'clock to morrow. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1783. Congress affembled. Prefent feven ftates, viz. Maf fachusetts, Rhode-Ifland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma ryland, Virginia and North-Carolina, and from the itate of New Hampshire, Mr. Fofter. Sundry letters and memorials were read, re: among which a letter of the 23d November, from the minifter plenipotentiary of the United Netherlands, and a note fpecting the capture and condemnation of the floop Chefter, and a letter of the 28th of October from governor Hancock, in behalf of the government of the common. wealth of Massachusetts, which were committed. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1783. Congrefs affembled. Préfent as before; and from the Rate of South-Carolina, Mr. Read. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1733. Congrefs affembled. Prefent as before. A letter of this day from the commander in chief, was read, informing Congress of his arrival in this city, with the intention of afking leave to refign the commiffion he has the honor of holding in their fervice, and defiring to know their pleasure in what manner it will be most proper to offer his refignation-whether in writing or at an audience; whereupon Refolved, That his excellency the commander in chief be admitted to a public audience, on Tuesday next, at twelve o'clock. Refolved, That a public entertainment be given to the commander in chief on Monday next. On motion of Mr. Monroe, feconded by Mr. M'Henry, VOL. X. B by the United States in Congrefs affembled, the 13th of September laft, relative to the act of the legislature of Virginia, of the 2d January, 1781, betranfmitted by exprefs, to the executive of Virginia. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1783. Congrefs affembled. Prefent Maffachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennfylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North. Carolina; and from the ftate of New Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, and from the ftate of South-Carolina, Mr. Read. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1783. Congrefs affembled. Prefent as before. On motion of Mr. Williamfon, feconded by Mr. Jefferfon, Refolved, That letters be immediately dispatched to the executives of New-Hampshire, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, South-Carolina and Georgia, informing them, that the fafety, honor and good faith of the United States, require the immediate attendance of their delegates in Congrefs; that there have not been during the fitting of Congress at this place, more than feven ftates reprefented, namely, Maffachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and NorthCarolina, and most of those by only two delegates; and that the ratification of the definitive treaty and several other matters, of great national concern, are now pending before Congress, which require the utmost dispatch, and to which the aflent of at least nine states is neceffary. According to order, his excellency the commander in chief was admitted to a public audience, and being feated, the president, after a pause, informed him, that the United States in Congrefs affembled, were prepared to receive his communications; whereupon he arose and addreffed Congrefs as follows: Mr. PRESIDENT, THE great events on which my refignation depended having at length taken place, I have now the honor of offering offering my fincere congratulations to Congrefs, and of prefenting myfelf before them, to furrender into their hands the truft committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the fervice of my country. Happy in the confirmation of our independence and fovereignty, and pleafed with the opportunity afford.d the United States, of becoming a refpectable nation, I refign with fatisfaction the appointment I accepted with diffidence a diffidence in my abilities to accomplish fo arduous a task; which however was fuperfeded by a confidence in the rectitude of our caufe, the fupport of the fupreme power of the union, and the patronage of heaveni The fuccefsful termination of the war has verified the moft fanguine expectations; and my gratitude for the interpofition of Providence, and the affittance I have received from my countrymen, increases with every review of the momentous conteft. While I repeat my obligations to the army in general, I should do injuftice to my own feelings not to ac. knowledge, in this place, the peculiar fervices and dif. tinguifhed merits of the gentlemen who have been attached to my perfon during the war. It was impoffible the choice of confidential officers to compofe my family fhould have been more fortunate. Permit me, fir, to recommend in particular, thofe who have continued in the fervice to the prefent moment, as worthy of the fa. vourable notice and patronage of Congrefs. I confider it an indifpenfable duty to close this last act of my official life by commending the interets of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, and thofe who have the fuperintendance of them to his holy keeping. Having now finished the work afligned me, I retire from the great theatre of action, and bidding an affecit. onate farewel to this augult body, under whofe orders I have fo long acted, I here offer my commiflion, and take my leave of all the employments of public life. He then advanced and delivered, to the president his commiffion, with a copy of his addrels, and having rei fumed his place, the prefident returned him the follow. ing answer. SIR, SIR, THE United States in Congrefs affembled receive, with emotions too affecting for utterance, the folemn refiguation of the authorities under which you have led their troops with fuccefs through a perilous and a doubtful war. Called upon by your country to defend its invaded rights, you accepted the facred charge, before it had formed alliances, and whilft it was without funds or a government to fupport you. You have conducted the great military contelt with wifdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power through all difalters and changes. You have, by the love and confidence of your fellow-citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and tranfmit their fame to pofterity. You have perfevered, till these United States, aided by a magnanimous king and nation, have been enabled, under a juít Providence, to close the war in freedom, fafety and independence; on which happy event we fincerely join you in congratulati ons. Having defended the ftandard of liberty in this new world having taught a leffon useful to thofe who inflict and to those who feel oppreffion, you retire from the great theatre of action, with the bleffings of your fellow-citizens-but the glory of your virtues will notterminate with your military command, it will continue to animate remotest ages. We feel with you our obligations to the army in general, and will particularly charge ourselves with the interests, of those confidential officers, who have atended your perfon to this affecting moment. We join you in commending the interefts of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, be feeching him to difpofe the hearts and minds of its citi zens, to improve the opportunity afforded them, of be coming a happy and refpectable nation. And for you we addrefs to him our earnest prayers, that a life fo beloved, may be foftered with all his care; that your days may be happy as they have been illuftrious; and that he will finally give you that reward which this world, sannot give. WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1783. Congress aflembled. Prefent as before. Mr. Hand, a delegate for Pennfylvania, attended and took his feat. On motion of Mr. Jefferfon, feconded by Mr. Howell, Refolved, That the poftmafter general be, and he is hereby directed to give orders to his deputy, at the place where Congress is fitting, to furnish an extra poit or pofts whenever required by the president. Purfeant to the order of the 10th of September laft, the fuperintendant of finance and treasurer, laid before Congrefs an account of all the notes which have been illued by them on the credit of the United States, with an ac count of what part of thofe notes were in circulation, according to the state of the former on the 4th November, and of the latter on the 29th September, when their ac counts are severally closed, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1783. Congress affembled. Prefent as before. Purfuant to the order of the 5th September, 1783, the fuperintendant of finance, as agent of marine, having caufed the fhip Alliance to be furveyed, reported the state fhe is in, and an estimate of the expence neceffary to give her a good repair. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1783. Congrefs affembled. Prefent as before. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1783. Six ftates only attending, namely, Maffachusetts, Rhode. Inland, Pennfylvania, Delaware, Virginia and NorthCarolina; and from the state of New-Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, and from the ftate of Maryland, Mr. Chase, the prefident adjourned Congress to ten o'clock to morrow. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1783. Five fates only attending, namely, Maffachusetts, Pennfylvania, |