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Seven states being represented, they proceeded to the choice of a president; and the ballots being taken, The honorable Thomas Mifflin was elected. The prefident not being present, the states proceeded to the choice of a chairman; and the ballots being taken, The honorable Daniel Carroll was elected

On motion of Mr. Duane, seconded by Mr. M'Henry, Resolved, That the thanks of Congress be given to the bonorable Elias Boudinot, late prefident of Congress, in teftimony of their approbation of his conduct in the chair, and in the execution of public business.

On motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Ofgood, Resolved, That all committees appointed by the last Congrefs, and having business before them be, and they are hereby authorised to proceed in the fame, and that they make report as foon as may be.

On a report from the secretary at war, to whom was referred a letter from colonel Moylan:

Resolved, That colonel Stephen Moylan, colonel Samuel Elbert, colonel Charles Coltesworth Pinckney, and colonel William Russel, be promoted to the rank of brigadiers by brevet.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Clarke, Mr. Peters and Mr. S. Huntington, to whom was referred a letter of the 4th October, from the paymaster gene


Resolved, That the paymaster general be informed, that all monies drawn on account of pay, by commanding officers and paymasters of regiments, and not paid over to the officers and foldiers of the corps for which fuch pay was drawn, should be accounted for in the settlement of their accounts with the paymaster general; and fuch accounting will be a sufficient discharge to the commanding officers and paymasters refpectively.

Resolved, That the paymaster general depofit in the hands of regimental agents, the certificates for the arrears of pay due to the officers and foldiers of the respective lines, to be by them delivered to the individuals to whom they belong, or deposited for their benefit as the fupreme executive of the state to which the respective agents belong, shall direct.



Resolved, That the superintendant of finance, jake measures for compelling the officers late in the issuing department, forthwith to furnish the paymaster general, with accounts against the officers of the respective lings, for articles furnished out of the public magazines in that department, to the end that no further delay may prevent the adjustment of the accounts of those officers with the paymaster general.

On a report of the secretary at war:

Resolved, That John Pierce, paymafler general, be directed to fettle the accounts of captain Pendleton, for himself and company of artificers, and those of the late regiment of colonel Bedle, and give certificates of the balance or balances, should there be any due, as is given to the line of the army.

On motion of Mr. M'Henry, feconded by Mr. Gerry, Resolved, That the chairman in the absence of the prefident, be, and he is hereby empowered and directed to adjourn Congress on the 6th instant, to meet at Annapolis on the 26th, agreeable to the resolution of the 21st of October last.



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Mr. Jefferson, a delegate for Virgina, attended and took his feat.

Congress took into confideration the report of the committee appointed to enquire fully into the proceedings of the department of war, and the fame being read: Ordered, That it be entered on the journals. The report is as follows:

'The committee confifting of Mr. Rutledge, Mr. Peters, Mr. Carrol, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Bland, appointed to enquire into the proceedings of the department of war, and to report the result of their enquiries,-report,

That they have enquired fully into the proceedings of the department of war, from the first Monday in January, to the first Monday in July 1782, and from that time, until the first Monday in January 1783, and find that the fecretary at war, hath faithfully executed and difcharged the several powers and duties committed to and required of him, by the refolves of Congress.

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On motion of Mr. Williamfon, seconded by Mr. Ofgood, Resolved. That Samuel Hodgdon, commiffary of military ftores, under the appointment of the secretary at war, be continued in that office until the farther order of Congress, and that he be empowered to continue such affist. ants as may be necessary to take care of the military stores.

That Joseph Carleton, secretary in the war office, be continued in office until the further orders of Congrefs.

That the secretary at war, instruct Mr. Hodgdon, not to remove from the town of Providence, in the state of Rhode-Island, and the Head of Elk, the military stores at present deposited at those places respectively, till the further orders of Congress.

On motion of Mr. Gerry, seconded by Mr. William. fon,

Resolved, That the chairman of Congress in the absence of the prefident, give the necessary directions respecting the president's household.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Ofgood, Mr. Williamfon and Mr. Tilton, to whom was referred a letter of the 30th March last, from major general Lincoln.

Resolved, That major general Lincoln, be credited in the books of the treasury the sum of five millions, four hundred and twenty four thousand, one hundred and nine dollars, and that the feveral departments, be charged with the amount of the bills drawn in their favor & And that all fuch bills as may hereafter be presented for payment, be charged to the departments in whose favor from the face of the bill, they shall appear to have been drawn, and that major general Lincoln, be credited for the amount thereof.

A motion was made by Mr. Gerry, seconded by Mr. M'Henry,

That the commander in chief be authorised and di. rected, after the evacuation of New York by the British forces, to discharge the federal army, except five hundred men, with proper officers, or such number as he may judge neceffary for garrifoning the posts, and guarding the public magazines of the United States: And that this motion be referred to the commander in chief, to sake order.

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On the question to agree to this, the yeas and nays

being required by Mr. M'Henry.

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On motion of Mr. S. Huntington, seconded by Mr. Wil. liamfon,

Resolved, That the resolution passed yesterday, empowering the chairman to adjourn Congress on the 6th, be reconfidered and altered to the 4th.

On motion, Resolved, That this Congress be, and it is hereby adjourned to meet at Annapolis on the 26th of this present month.



NUMBER of members met according to adjournment, but there not being a fufficient number of states affembled to proceed to business, Congress was ad journed from day to day, till


When the following states and members appeared :

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and Mr. R. D. Spaight.

South-Carolina, Mr. J. Read. The delegates for Pennsylvania and Maryland produced credentials, which were read.

The prefident then laid before Congress, a joint letter from the ministers of the United States at Paris, dated at Paffy the 10th of September 1783, accompanied with the definitive treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America, signed at Paris the 3d of September 1783, which were read.


Mr. J. T. Chase, a delegate for Maryland, attended and produced credentials; whereby it appears, that on the 9th of this present month, Mr. John Hall and Mr. Jeremiah Townley Chase, were duly elected additional members, to represent the said state in Congrefs.

Six states only attending, namely, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and North-Carolina; and from the state of Maryland Mr. Chase, and from New-Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, the prefi. dent adjourned Congress to 10 o'clock to morrow.


Congrefs assembled. Present seven states, viz. Maf. fachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina; and from the state of New Hampshire, Mr. Fofter.

The letters from the minifters of the United States, ac foreign courts were read, and referred to a committee.


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