| 696 halaman
...in all thofe cafes in which the original States fhall be fo fubjeft. 3. Thar they (hall be fubjeft to pay a part of the federal debts contracted or to be contracted, (o be apportioned anthem by Congreff, accord ng to the fame common rale and meafure, by which apportionments... | |
 | Mathew Carey - 1789 - 632 halaman
...aflembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers in the faid territory, (hall be fuhjeft to pay a part of the federal debts contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenfes of government to IK apportioned on them by congrefs, according... | |
 | 1787 - 374 halaman
...afiembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers in the (aid territory, fhall be fubjecl to pay a part of the federal debts contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the exnences ot governme^ O be apportioned on them by Congrels, according... | |
 | Jedidiah Morse - 1792 - 522 halaman
...aflembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlen in the faid tern tor}', fliall be fubjeft to pay a part of the federal debts contracted, or to be contracted, and a proportionable part of the expenccs of government to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | William Winterbotham - 1795 - 514 halaman
...States, in Congrefs aflembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers in the laid territory fliall be fubject to pay a part of the federal debts contracted, ,or to be contracted, and a proportionable part of the expenfes of government, to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 584 halaman
...Congrefs aflembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers, in the faid territory, fhall be fubject to pay a part of the federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenfes of government, to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 588 halaman
...Congrefs affembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers, in the faid territory, fhall be fubject to pay a part of the federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenfes of government, to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | William Winterbotham - 1796 - 590 halaman
...alTemblcd., conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlcrs in the faid territory fhall be fubjeft to pay a part of the federal debts contracted, or to be contracted, and a proportionable part of the cxpenles of government, to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | 1800 - 306 halaman
...affembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and fettlers in the faid territory, (hall be fubjeft to pay a part of the federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenfes of government, to be apportioned on them by Congrefs, according... | |
 | Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 884 halaman
...assembled, conformable thereto. The inhabitants and settlers in the said territory shall be subject to pay a part of the federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenses of government, to be apportioned on them by congress, according... | |
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