| 1735 - 676 halaman
...the mod northweitern poim thereof, and from thence on a due weft courlc to ihe River Miflillippi ; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the laid River Miififfippi umil it (hall iiiterkcl the northernmoit, part of the thirtv-tirlt lU-grte of... | |
 | 1783 - 736 halaman
...Woods, to the faid Lake of the Woods ; thence through the faid lake to the moft north-vvcftern point thereof, and from thence, on a due weft courfe, to the river Mimflippi ; thence by a line to be drawn along tlie middle of the faid river Miiliffippi, until it... | |
 | 1783 - 532 halaman
...moft north-weftern point l hereof, and from thrnce on a due Weft Courfe to the river MifTilTirrpi ; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid ri*er Mifii(ii|.pi until it dial) inUTlivt ibe porthtinmoft nart of the thirty fiift degree of North... | |
 | 1783 - 492 halaman
...Woods, to the faid Lake of the Woods ; thence through the faid Lake to the moft north-weftern point thereof, and from thence on a due weft courfe to the River Miffiffippi ; thence by a line to be drawn along the River Miffiffippi, Until it fhall interfect the... | |
 | 1785 - 450 halaman
...ftofith-weuern point thefeof, aw - • thence thence on a due weft courfe to the rirer MiffifEppi } thenee by a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid river Miflifiippi, until it lhall interfeft the northcrnmoit part of the thirty-firft degree of north latitude... | |
 | William Gordon - 1788 - 618 halaman
...moft north-weftern point thereof, and from thence on a due weft courfe to the river Miffifiippi -, thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid rivef Mifiiffippi, until it Ihall interfedt 'the northernmoft part of the thirty-firft degree of north... | |
 | William Gordon - 1788 - 500 halaman
...Woods, to the faid Lake of the Woods ; thence through the faid lake to the moft north-weftern point thereof, and from thence on a due weft courfe to the river MiffifTippi ; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid river Miffiffippi, until it... | |
 | Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 halaman
...the moflr north-weftern point thereof, and from thence on a due weft courie to the river Mifliffippi; thence by "a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid river Miffiffippi, until it fliall interfect the northernmoft part of the thirtythirty-firft degree of north... | |
 | 1790 - 286 halaman
...the mod north-weftern point thereof, and from thenc on a due weft courfe to the river Miffiffippi; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the faid river MiffiffipF fa pi, ( 220 ) pi, until it fhall interfeft the northernmoff part of the thirty-firft degree... | |
 | Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 halaman
...moft north-weftern point thereof, and from thence en a due weft courle to the river Mifliffippi ;| thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of the /aid river Mifliflippi, until ic fhall interfect the northernmoft part of the thirtythirty-firft degree... | |
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