Reminiscences of an Intercourse with Mr. Niebuhr, the Historian: During a Residence with Him in Rome, in the Years 1822 and 1823

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Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835 - 192 halaman

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Halaman 142 - On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation ; illustrating such work by all reasonable arguments, as for instance the variety and formation of God's creatures in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms ; the effect of digestion, and thereby of conversion ; the construction of. the hand of man, and an infinite variety of other arguments ; as also by discoveries ancient and modern, in arts, sciences, and the whole extent of literature.
Halaman 141 - Letters to a Gentleman in Germany, written after a trip from Philadelphia to Niagara, edited by Dr.
Halaman 118 - BURNS. -THE PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY; containing the Doctrines, Duties, Admonitions, and Consolations of the Christian Religion. By JOHN BURNS, MDFRS New Edition.
Halaman 116 - Treatises on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation.
Halaman 71 - I had taken an everlasting leave of an old and agreeable companion, and that whatsoever might be the future date of my History, the life of the historian must be short and precarious. I will add two facts, which have seldom occurred in the composition of six, or at least of five quartos, (1) My first rough manuscript, without any intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.
Halaman 120 - Ivanhoe pictures of by-gone manners, and all the graceful facility of style and picturesqueness of description of his other charming romances, with a minute fidelity to the facts of history, and a searching scrutiny into their authenticity and relative value, which might put to the blush Mr.
Halaman 116 - Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology. By the Rev. WILLIAM WHEWELL, MA, FRS, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. IV. The Hand ; its Mechanism and vital Endowments as evincing • design.
Halaman 120 - TRAVELS OF AN IRISH GENTLEMAN, IN SEARCH OF A RELIGION. With Notes and Illustrations. By the Editor of Captain Rock's Memoirs.
Halaman 118 - We again most strongly recommend this little unpretending volume to the attention of every lover of nature, and more particularly of our country readers. It will induce them, we are sure, to examine more closely than they have been accustomed to do, into the objects of animated nature, and such examination will prove one of the most innocent, and the most satisfactory sources of gratification and amusement. It is a book that ought to find its way into every rural drawing-room in the kingdom, and...
Halaman 142 - The Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. By the Rev. THOMAS CHALMERS, DD, Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh.

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