Forest Life, Jilid 2

Kulit Depan
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1842 - 484 halaman

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Halaman v - Copland. — A Dictionary of Practical Medicine : Comprising General Pathology, the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Morbid Structures, and the Disorders especially incidental to Climates, to Sex, and to the different Epochs of Life; with numerous approved Formulae of the Medicines recommended.
Halaman 326 - Historical Treasury; comprising a General Introductory Outline of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, and a Series of separate Histories of every principal Nation that exists ; their Rise, Progress, and Present Condition, the Moral and Social Character of their respective inhabitants, their Religion, Manners and Customs, &c.
Halaman 322 - Murray's Encyclopaedia of Geography ; comprising a complete Description of the Earth : Exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of All Nations. Second Edition ; with 82 Maps, and upwards of 1,000 other Woodcuts. 8vo. price 60s. Neale.
Halaman iv - London's Encyclopaedia of Agriculture: comprising the Laying-out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property, and the Cultivation and Economy of the Productions of Agriculture.
Halaman 62 - I did but prompt the age to quit their clogs By the known rules of ancient liberty, When straight a barbarous noise environs me Of owls and cuckoos, asses, apes, and dogs...
Halaman iv - Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports ; a Complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, &c. By DP ELAINE. With above 600 Woodcuts (20 from Designs by JOHN LEECH).

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