| 1755 - 772 halaman
...fpeculationti of morality witt prove but a broken reed. la yoLi. p. 41. the author defines virtue to be the M doing good to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the fake of cver..-.fiing happinefs." Mere implicit obedience, therefore, to the will of God will not,... | |
| William King - 1758 - 296 halaman
...campleat Definition of Virtue, or Morality, fhould take in all theie Particulars, and can be only this : The doing Good to Mankind, in Obedience to the Will of God, and for the Sake of everlafting Happinefs. EL THE Nature and Obligations of MAN, As a fenfible and rational BEING. i .... | |
| William Paley - 1788 - 584 halaman
...has no advantage over virtue, even with refpect to this world's happirwfs. CHAP. CHAP. VII. VIRTUE. VIRTUE is, " the doing good to mankind, in " obedience to the will of God, and for the " fake of everlajling happinefs." According to which definition, " the good of " mankind" is the fubjecl,... | |
| Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 424 halaman
...regular fupcrflruftureof praftical tthics. The philofophers of this fchool (p) define virtue to be " the doing good to mankind, in obedience to the will of God, and for the fake of everlailing hapj)iuefs:" So that with them "the good of mankind" is thcfufjefí, " the will... | |
| 1799 - 614 halaman
...virtue ? — wherein does it essentially consist ? remain undecided. Dr. Paley defined vinue to be, " doing good to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the sake of everlasting happiness." This, however, is a very defective "definition ; so also is hie definition of obligation (which Mr.... | |
| 1799 - 618 halaman
...virtue ? — wherein does it essentially consist ? remain undecided. Dr. P^ley defined virtue to be, " doing good to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the sake of everlasting happiness." This, however, is a very defective definition ; so also 's his definition of obligation (which Mr.... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1800 - 614 halaman
...celebrated writer that the artillery of our author is chiefly directed. Paley defines virtue to be « the doing good to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the fake of everlafting happincfs.' This definition, it is contended, is liable to objection in all its... | |
| 1801 - 862 halaman
...the foundation of virtue; and particularly difcufle* Dr. Paley's definition, that virtue confifts "in doing good to mankind, in obedience to the will of God, and for the fake of everlafting happinefs." That definition, he contends, is objectionable in all its parts, becaufe... | |
| Thomas Belsham - 1801 - 578 halaman
...the reft, and is therefore our primary purfuit and ultimate end*. 1C . Dr. PA LEY de6nes virtue, " doing good to mankind, in obedience to the will " of God, and for the fake of everlafting ** happinefs." ** The good of mankind is the fubje&, the ** will of God is the... | |
| 1802 - 558 halaman
...fpeculations of morality will prove but a broken reed. - . " In vol. ip 41. the author defines virtue to be the ' doing good to mankind in obedience to the will of God, and for the lake of everlaiitng happinefs.' Mere implicit obedience, therefore, lo the will of God will not, according... | |
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