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Great Britain, at the 5th of January, 1821; -Distinguishing the Capitals of the several Funds, Debt since 1st of August, 1786; the Average Price of Stocks; and the Sums Annually applicable to Commissioners on Account of Land Tax Redeemed.

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able in Ireland, at 5th January, 1821, in British Currency....

[blocks in formation]


£435,184 12 32

£4 per Cent.


[blocks in formation]

tof per Centage on Loans and outstanding Treasury

hal Interest on £9,095,483 70 at 63 10 per Cent.

247,403 10 24

318,341 18 4

17,407 7 84
76,945 9 4


£1,538,909 6 74

25 per Cent.

Chargeable upon Sinking Fund:

789,159 17 7

terest cancelled in Ireland, towards de

haying the Charge of Treasury Bills, raised Anno 1816, &c., the remainder being can elled in England

159,927 6 03

duct for Sinking Fund for said Bills

28,076 18 53

131,850 7 7

tual Sinking Fund of Ireland, in Ireland

657,309 10 06

Reduction National Debt Office, 16th March, 1821.

S. HIGHAM, Secretary

An Account of the Unfunded Debt and Demands outstanding, on the 5th day of January, 1821:

Under the heads of,-Exchequer, Treasury, Army, Navy, Ordnance, Barracks, and any other head of Public Service; specifying the same-distinguishing, under each head respectively, the particulars of which such Debt or Demands consisted; and also, what part of the said Debt or Demands was then provided for, and in what manner; and what part thereof was unprovided for.

[blocks in formation]

SPEECH of the King of Portugal, read to the Cortes by His Majesty's Command, on the occasion of his taking the Oath to the Bases of the Constitution. Lisbon, 4th July, 1821.



If it be natural for every good Man to feel particular joy on revisiting his dear native land after a short absence, what must not be the delight of a Prince, who, after a prolonged absence of more than 13 years, finds himself restored to the seat of His August Ancestors, and received with sentiments corresponding with the paternal affection of his heart, at once by the whole Nation, in the person of its worthy Representatives, happily assembled together, and united by their love of King and Country, in this August Congress.

Yes, Gentlemen, I am persuaded that nothing but a pure love for your King, a disinterested anxiety for the public welfare, and the unanimous wish of the Nation, has conducted you hither, to form a Congress upon which the eyes of Portugal, of Europe, and of the whole World, are fixed, expecting the happy regeneration of a People, destined by their valour, no less than by their virtues, to occupy one of the most distinguished places in the page ge of history.

On his receiving the auspicious news, that, in the Capital of the Monarchy were about to be assembled, Citizens conspicuous by their learning and personal qualities, designated by the public opinion, and freely chosen, in order to save their Country from the imminent shipwreck which threatened it, on an ocean of evils, accumulated during the long series of years since the establishment of our primitive Constitution;-it was equally impossible for your King any longer to delay his return to the original cradle of the Monarchy, and that a Portuguese Monarch should, for the first time, cease to desire to unite himself to the Representatives of the Nation, for the purpose of concerting with them the means of relieving its necessities, and of securing its prosperity.

Were it possible that the idea of proscribing Monarchy should enter the minds of Portuguese, your King would find no other example in the sentiments of his Predecessors, than that of abandoning the Nation, without thoughts of culpable vengeance, though with the most lively grief, to the decrees of Providence: but the Portuguese, and with pleasing satisfaction I proclaim it to the World, have not for an instant forgotten that they are Portuguese, whose device has ever been "Valour and Loyalty."

Protesting, in the Act of convocation of the Cortes, that the edifice of the new Constitution which they were about to rear, should rest on the immoveable basis of the hereditary monarchy's continuing in the House of Braganza, and reiterating the oaths of fidelity sworn to me by the whole Nation, on my accession to the Throne of my August Ancestors, the People sanctioned the fundamental principle of all

Constitutional Monarchies, which is, that, as the exercise of the Sovereignty consists in the exercise of the Legislative Power, it cannot reside separately in any one of the integral parts of the Government, but only in the union of the Monarch and the Deputies, chosen by the People as you have been, in order to form together the Supreme Council of the Nation, -to which Council our Ancestors have given the name of Cortes, and to which, collectively, appertains the ordinary exercise of the Legislative Power; in such manner, that, should a Monarch ever assume to himself the exercise of that power, independently of the Chamber of Deputies, the Government would be considered as degenerated into a despotism; as, on the other hand, it would pass into the no less degenerate state of ochlocracy, should the Chamber of Deputies assume to exercise alone the Legislative Power.

Penetrated with these incontestible principles of the Constitutional right of Nations, no sooner was I made acquainted that the People of this Kingdom of Portugal had elected the Deputies destined to represent them in the Cortes, than I resolved to set out without delay, in order to occupy in that Assembly the eminent post to which, by the recognised principle of succession, it had pleased God to call me.

It not being compatible, however, with the general good of the Monarchy to transfer the seat of Government from Brazil to Europe, without first making such dispositions as might secure the union of the 2 Countries and the regular march of affairs, until the establishment of the future Constitution; I proceeded to take the Measures which appeared to me the most conducive to that end, and of which I ordered my Ministers and Secretaries of State to lay before you a circumstantial account. I then proceeded, without loss of time, to unite myself with the Representatives of the People, in order to commence, with mutual accord, being animated with equal patriotism, the important work which must emanate from this August Assembly, wholly composed of Individuals selected by the spontaneous and free will of the Nation; all the Members whereof have, previously and individually, sworn to accomplish and execute the Acts which are to proceed from an Authority, whose legitimate powers can be contested neither by the Natives, who have conceded the same, nor by Foreigners who are incompetent to pronounce upon such a subject.

You are already informed, by means of the Communication which I ordered to be made to you, through my Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, that the first step which I took in the career of the Constitutional Government, (which form of Government I thought it incumbent on me to embrace for the general good of the People,) was to take, myself, and to order to be taken by the Members of my Royal Family, and by the Army and People of the Ultramarine Provinces, the same oath of adherence to the general will of the Nation, legitimately expressed by these Cortes, and to which I determined to send Deputies, chosen according to the form and manner adopted in this Kingdom. In a short time we shall see Representatives from all those Provinces arrive, in order to join this August Assembly; and, in accordance with their oath, associate with us, in the name of their Constituents, in that great work, which is destined to bind still more closely, the ties of perpetual union amongst all those who glory in possessing and meriting the name of Portuguese, in the 4 quarters of the Globe.

As the organ of my unalterable sentiments, and of the sincere wishes that I have ever formed, during the whole course of my government, for the prosperity of the Monarchy, my Ministers of State will explain to you the several objects of which we shall have to treat, and upon which I, having no other view but the good of the Nation, think it necessary that you should observe and reflect, in order that we may conclude, with the least possible delay, the most important task that we have undertaken.

PROCLAMATION of the Governor and Captain-General to the Inhabitants of Buenos Ayres, respecting the designs of the Portuguese (Brazilian) Government upon Monte Video.-27th March, 1821. (Translation.)

THE Enemies of the public felicity, the declared Enemies of the Independence of the Country, persist in their dark designs: as obstinate as ungrateful to the land of their nativity, they have recourse to the vilest expedients, in order to gratify their revenge and malignity, even at the sacrifice of their Country: with them there is no medium between the destruction of liberty, and the triumph of their iniquity.

The public is aware that, some months ago, there was formed in Monte Video, in union with certain revolutionary and vicious spirits, who have been fostered amongst us, (but who have found an obstruction to every design they formed, because the Country deserted them) a Plan for annexing these Provinces to the tottering Empire of Brazil. It is also known that, in the year 1820, if the same plan was not realized, it was not for want of every exertion being used by their leaders, nor from having left untouched any means, even the plunging the Country into hitherto unknown troubles, in order to effect it.

To accomplish that plan, they overturned the Central Authority which was regularly constituted; they persecuted and disfranchised the leading characters in the Nation; and reduced to the lowest ebb the National Credit; they annihilated the Armies; they destroyed the treasures and armament which the Directory had preserved; they caused the invasion and destruction of our fields, the burning of our property, the assassination of Fathers and Children, and of the honourable and peace

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