I ne'er shall see again, a vestal livery Where you may 'bide until your date expire :a Thai. My recompense is thanks, that 's all; a Until you die. [Exeunt. ACT IV. Enter GoWER. Gow. Imagine Pericles arriv'd at Tyre, Welcom'd and settled to his own desire. His woeful queen we leave at Ephesus, Unto Diana there a votaress. Now to Marina bend your mind, Which makes her both the heart and place For certain in our story, she Would ever with Marina be. Be 't when she weav'd the sleided silk She sung, and made the night-bird mute VOL. IX. a Records-makes music-sings. W With absolute Marina: so The dove of Paphos might with the crow The pregnant instrument of wrath Presta for this blow. The unborn event I do commend to your content : Only I carried winged time Post on the lame feet of my rhyme; Which never could I so convey, Unless your thoughts went on my way.— Dionyza doth appear, With Leonine, a murderer. [Exit. SCENE I.-Tharsus. An open place near the sea-shore. Enter DIONYZA and LEONINE. Dion. Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do it. Even women have cast off, melt thee, but be Leon. I'll do 't; but yet she is a goodly creature. a Prest-ready. Dion. The fitter then the gods above should have her. Here she comes weeping for her only mistress' death. Thou art resolv'd? Enter MARINA, with a basket of flowers. a Shall as a carpet hang upon thy grave, While summer days do last. Ah me! poor maid, Dion. How now, Marina! why do you keep alone? Come, give me your flowers, ere the sea mar them. I'll not bereave you of your servant. I love the king your father, and yourself, a Carpet. So the old copies. The modern reading is chaplet. But it is evident that the poet was thinking of the green mound that marks the last resting-place of the humble, and not of the sculptured tomb to be adorned with wreaths. Upon the grassy grave Marina will hang a carpet of flowers-she will strew flowers, she has before said. The carpet of Shakspere's time was a piece of tapestry, or embroidery, spread upon tables; and the real flowers with which Marina will cover the grave of her friend might have been, in her imagination, so intertwined as to resemble a carpet, usually bright with the flowers of the needle. With more than foreign heart. We every day He will repent the breadth of his great voyage; Mar. Well, I will go; But yet I have no desire to it. Dion. Come, come, I know 't is good for you. Walk half an hour, Leonine, at the least; Remember what I have said. Leon. I warrant you, madam. Dion. I'll leave you, my sweet lady, for a while; Pray walk softly, do not heat your blood : What! I must have a care of you. Mar. [Exit DIONYZA. My thanks, sweet madam. South-west. Is this wind westerly that blows? Leon. Was 't so? Mar. My father, as nurse said, did never fear, That almost burst the deck. Leon. When was this? Mar. When I was born. Never was waves nor wind more violent; And from the ladder-tackle washes off A canvas-climber: "Ha!" says one, "wilt out?" And with a dropping industry they skip a Reserve-preserve. |