Parish Law: Or, A Guide to Justices of the Peace, Ministers, Church-wardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyors of the Highways, Vestry-clerks, and All Others Concerned in Parish Business: Compiled from the Common, Statute, and Other Authentick Books; as Also from Some Adjudged Cases Never Before Published: Together with Correct Forms of Warrants, Commitments, Indictments, Presentments, Convictions, &c. To which is Added a Choice Collection of Precedents for Justices of the Peace, Communicated by an Able Hand. With a New and Correct Table

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H. Lintot, 1753 - 389 halaman

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Halaman 12 - That I do from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical, that damnable doctrine and position, that Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any authority of the See of Rome, may be deposed or murdered by their subjects, or any other whatsoever. And I do declare, That no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm : So help me...
Halaman 272 - ... a convenient stock of flax, hemp, wool, thread, iron, and other necessary ware and stuff to set the poor on work, and also competent sums of money for and towards the necessary relief of the lame, impotent, old, blind, and such other among them being poor and not able to work...
Halaman 376 - ... be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, by warrant under the hand and seal or hands and seals of such Justice or Justices...
Halaman 12 - Westminster, or at the assizes, every such person and persons shall be disabled from thenceforth to sue or use any action, bill, plaint or information in course of law, or to prosecute any suit in any court of equity, or to be guardian of any child, or executor or administrator of any person, or capable of any legacy or deed of gift, or to bear any office...
Halaman 272 - ... for setting to work all such persons, married or unmarried, having no means to maintain them , and use no ordinary and daily trade of life to get their living by...
Halaman 4 - For as the country grew more populous, and persons more devout, several other churches were founded within the extent of the former ; and then a new parochial circuit was allotted in proportion to the new church, and the manor or estate of the founder of it. Thus certainly began the increase of parishes, when one too large and diffuse for the resort of all...
Halaman 149 - ... there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one calendar month.
Halaman 149 - ... interlude, tragedy, comedy, opera, play, farce or other entertainment of the stage...
Halaman 60 - ... of any tithes or rates, or any customary or other rights, dues or payments belonging to any church or chapel, which of right by law and custom ought to be paid for the stipend or maintenance of any minister, or curate officiating in any church or chapel...
Halaman 10 - Prayer, at the times thereby appointed ; and after such reading thereof, shall openly and publicly, before the congregation there assembled, declare his unfeigned assent and consent to the use of all things therein contained and prescribed, according to the form before appointed...

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