States differing in their Constitution and Government and the Practice in the British Provinces and West India Islands, ALL, in fome Degree, differing from each other, a Digest of their Laws and Method of Practice, or indeed any regular and exact Account of them can only be obtained by the Assistance of fome able Practiser in each. The EDITOR has, in this Work, received Assistance from feveral very respectable profeffional Characters in the United States, and is endeavouring to : form ! form an additional Literary intercourse adequate to the Purpose of a second Publication upon the Subject on a much wider Scale; and, which, as affording the only means of Information, will be more correct and of course more interesting and useful. The present Work, the EDITOR is confcious, can only be confidered as an imperfect Sketch :-but as there exists, at present, no Treatise exprefsly upon the Subject, and the Intercourse is still confiderable between the People of Great Britain and America, the EDITOR flatters himself that the present present Publication, under all its Imperfections, will be found of fome fervice to Gentlemen of the Profeffion, as well as the Merchants of both Countries. |