| 1783 - 736 halaman
...ihall be their boundaries, riz. Art. U. Provifionál Articles of Peace with Air etfca. Vol. 4! Art. II. From the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands which... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1800 - 624 halaman
...it is hereby agreed and declared that the following are and fhall be their boundaries, viz. Art. II. From the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fourcc of St. Croix River to the Highlands: along the faid iflands, which... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1785 - 652 halaman
...United States may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are and (hall be their boundaries, viz. From the north-weft angle...Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. C'roix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands, which... | |
| William Gordon - 1788 - 500 halaman
...hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and fliall be their boundaries, viz. ARTICLE II. From the north-weft angle of Nova-. Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands which... | |
| Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 halaman
...all difputes which might arife in future on the fubject of the boundaries of the faid United States may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared,...Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands which... | |
| Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 574 halaman
...all difputes which might arife in futurc on the fubject of the boundaries of the faid United States may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared,...Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands which... | |
| Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 halaman
...boundaries, viz. from the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north, from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands, along the laid Highlands which divide tliofe rivers that empty themfelves into the river St. Lawrence, from thofe... | |
| United States - 1796 - 508 halaman
...tlnited States may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and /hall be their boundaries, viz. From the north-weft angle...Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line, drawn due north from the fource of Saint Croix river to the Highlands ; along the faid Highlands .which... | |
| 1796 - 784 halaman
...prevented, it is hereby agreed' and declared, that the following are and (ball be their boundaries, víz. From the north-weft angle of Nova Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource oí St. Croix river to tUe Highlands, along the faid Highlands, which... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1800 - 632 halaman
...difputcs which might arife in future on jthe fubjd of the boundaries of the faid United States m.iy be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that...Scotia, viz. that angle which is formed by a line drawn due north from the fource of St. Croix river to the Highlands, along the faid Highlands, which... | |
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