The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions, Foreign and Domestick. For the Year 1716-1738, Jilid 15Sun Fire Office, 1730 |
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according to Order alſo Anſwer appointed Aſſiſtance Bart Becauſe Bed of Justice Bill Bishops Britain Bull Cafe Camerlengo Cardinal cauſe Chancellor Church Clerk Commiſſioners Committee Confideration Conſequence Conſtitution Counſellors County Court Crown Daughter deceas'd Declaration defire Duke Duty Dy'd Earl effectual Emperor Eſq Eſtate Excellency expreſs faid faid Heads fame Fees fince firſt fome fuch Governor Honour Inſtruction Intereſt Ireland itſelf John juſt Juſtices King King's Kingdom Kingdom of Ireland laſt late Lord Majesty Majesty's marry'd Maſter Meaſures Minifters moſt muſt neceſſary Number obſerve Occafion Office order'd ourſelves Parliament paſſed Peace Perſons pleaſed Pleaſure Pope preſent Preſident Prince Priſoner Publick Purpoſe Queſtion raiſed Reaſon receiv'd refolved refuſe repreſent Reſolution Reſpect Royal ſaid ſame ſay ſeems ſent Serjeant at Arms ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhould Sire ſome ſuch therein theſe Thomas thoſe tion Treaty Treaty of Seville Truſt Tuscany Unigenitus uſed whole Houſe whoſe William
Petikan popular
Halaman 62 - Bounty (that is, the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy).
Halaman 5 - HIS MAJESTY having taken into consideration the said Report, and the Draft Charter accompanying it, was pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to approve thereof, and to order, as it is hereby ordered, that the...
Halaman 219 - Then the lord chancellor, by his majefty's command, faid : My lords, and gentlemen, It is his majefty's royal will and pleafure, that this parliament be prorogued to Tuefday, the fifth day of September next, to be then here holden ; and this parliament is accordingly prorogued to the fifth day of September next.
Halaman 106 - HOBART (according to order) reported from the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to...
Halaman 33 - One of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middlefex, and for the City and Liberty of Weftminfter.
Halaman 65 - The ratifications of the prefent preliminary articles fliall be expedited in good and due form, and exchanged in the fpace of one month, or fooner, if it can be done, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the prefent articles. In witnefs whereof, we the underwritten Minifters Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majefty, and of his Catholic Majefty, by virtue of our...
Halaman 19 - Britain; and that the King's Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, had, hath and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the Crown of Great Britain in all cases whatsoever.
Halaman 96 - Ame" rica ; and for more elfectually preventing the " clandeftine running of goods in the faid colonies " and plantations;" might be read. And the fame being read accordingly; he moved, " That this houfe will, upon this day feven" night, refolve itfelf into a committee of the " whole houfe, to take into confideration the duty
Halaman 53 - Negotiation hath been carry'd on, and finifliM, •with a perfect Union, Harmony, and Fidelity, between me and my Allies, with no other View but to prevent the Miferies and Confufion of a War, which if once kindled in Europe? it had been as hard to know the End, as to determine the Succefs of fuch a fatal Event. . As this Alliance is "built upon the Foundation, and is agreeable to the Purport and Intentions of former Treaties, without any Alterations in the principal Articles, but fuch as tend to...
Halaman 80 - February 7, 1771, printed for J. Wheble, as misrepresenting the speeches, and reflecting on several of the members of this house, in contempt of the order, and in breach of the privilege of this house :