THE Hiftorical Regifter, Containing An Impartial RELATION WITH A Chronological Diary OF ALL The remarkable OCCURRENCES, VOLUME XV. For the Year 1730. LONDON, 1 Printed and fold by R. NUTT in the Old Baily, ; N. B. This Title is design'd for fuch Persons as think fit to bind the laft Four Registers in one Volume: And for the fame Reason is added a Table of the Principal Mat ters contain'd in them. N the last Quarterly Register we gave an Account of the Proceedings and Adjournment of the General Court of New-England; and were, for Want of Room, oblig'd to break off before we intended; but we will now present our Readers, according to our Promise then, with what is fince come to our Hand, relating to these Affairs. WEST-INDIES. Proceedings of the Qeneral Court of New-England, continued from Page 309 of the last Register. ON the N the 20th of August, 1729, his Excellency William Burnet, Esq; met the Great and General Court at Salem, and in the Afternoon made a Speech to them, and on the 23d was pleased to adjourn the faid Court to the 27th of that Month, then to meet at Cambridge. The faid Speech is as follows: The SPEECH of his Excellency William Burnet, Eft Captain-General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Provinces of the Maffachusets-Bay in NewEngland, &c. to the Great and General Court of Affembly of the faid Province, met at Salem, on Wednesday, August 20, 1729. t I Gentlemen of the Council, and House of Representatives, Have deferr'd to speak to you hitherto, on purpose that you might remain free and disengaged from any Share in the Disputes I have had with the late House of Representatives, 'till I had obtain'd the Judge 6 ment A |