Proviso as to collecting and keeping Feints. Penalty 2001. When Licences to expire. Continuance of Act and of and shall be pumped into the Low Wine Still as hereinafter mentioned; and the proper Officer of Excise shall and may from time to time, during such time as aforesaid, take a true Gauge, and try the Strength of all Feints in such Feint Cask, and caft and compute the fame at the Rate of Seven per Centum above Hydrometer Proof, and keep an exact Account thereof: Provided always, that no such Distiller shall collect or keep at any one time a greater Quantity of Feints than is sufficient for One Charge of the Low Wine Still used by him or her; and that so soon as such Quantity of Feints shall be fo collected as aforesaid, every such Distiller shall, and he and she is hereby required to give Notice to the proper Officer that such Feints are so collected, and of his or her Intention to charge his or her Low Wine Still therewith, and upon the Officer's attending pursuant to fuch Notice, to pump all such Feints, in the Prefence of such Officer, from and out of such Feint Cask into the Low Wine Still used by such Distiller, and to run the Produce thereof from such Low Wine Still into the Low Wine Receiver; and any Distiller offending in any of the above Particulars shall for every Offence for. feit and pay the Sum of Two hundred Pounds. XI. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any Distiller or Distillers to apply at any time for a Licence to distil under the Authority of this Act, but that every such Licence shall expire on the Ninth Day of November immediately subsequent to the Day of the Commencement of such Licence. XII. And be it further enacted, That this Act and the faid first recited Act, as altered and amended by this Act and hereby con56 G. 3. c. 106. tinued, shall be and remain in force until the faid Tenth Day of Act may be altered, &c. this Seffion. 5 4 Edw. 4. c. J. 1 Ann. Stat. 2. ε. 18. November One thousand eight hundred and twenty; and the faid reqited Act and this Act shall be construed and receive Effect together, in the fame manner as if such Parts of the faid first recited Act as are hereby continued had, as hereby altered, been made Part of this Act. XIII. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, varied or repealed by any Actor Acts to be passed in this present Seffion of Parliament. CAP. LI. An Act to amend certain Acts passed in the Fourth Year of King Edward the Fourth; First and Tenth Years of Queen Anne; First, Twelfth and Thirteenth Years of King George the First; Thirteenth, Twenty second and Twenty ninth Years of King George the Second; and Thirteenth and Fifty seventh Years of King George the Third; prohibiting the Payment of the Wages of Workmen in certain Trades otherwife than in the lawful Coin or Money of this Realm. [30th May 1818.] HEREAS in and by certain Provisions contained in an Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King Edward the Fourth, and by certain other Provifions of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen • Anne, intituled An Act for the more effectual preventing the Abuses • and Frauds of Persons employed in the working up the Woollen I • Liner Linen, Fuftian, Cotton and Iron Manufactures of this Kingdom; and by certain other Provisions of an Act passed in the Tenth 10 Ann. c. 16. • Year of the Reign of Her said Majesty, intituled An At for ، ، ، ، ، 6 ، ، ، regulating, improving and encouraging the Woollen Manufacture of Mixt or Medley Broad Cloth, and for the better Payment of the Poor employed therein; and by certain other Provisions of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of His late Majesty 1 G. 1. Stat. 2. King George the First, intituled An Act to make an Act of the Tenth c.15. Year of Her late Majesty, intituled An A& for regulating, improv ing and encouraging of the Woollen Manufacture of Mixt or Medley Broad Cloth, and for the better Payment of the Poor employed therein, more effectual for the Benefit of Trade in general ; ' and also to render more effectual an Act of the Seventh Year of Her 7 Ann. c. 13. 'Said Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act for the better ascertaining 'the Lengths and Breadths of Woollen Cloth made in the County of York; and by certain other Provisions of an Act passed in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George the 12 G. I. C. 34. First, intituled An Act to prevent unlawful Combination of Workmen employed in the Woollen Manufacture, and for the better Payment of their Wages; and by cert in other Provisions of an Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty 13 G. 1. c. 23. King George the First, intituled An Act for the better Regulation of the Woollen Manufacture, and for preventing Disputes among the Persons concerned therein ; and for limiting a time for profecuting 'for the Forfeiture appointed by an Act of the Twelfth Year of His Majesty's Reign, in case of Payment of the Workmen's Wages in any other manner than in Money; and by certain other Provisions ' of an Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His 13 G.2. c.8. late Majesty King George the Second, intituled An Act to explain ' and amend an At made in the First Year of the Reign of Her ، late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled An Act for the more effectual ' preventing the Abuses and Frauds of Persons employed in the working up the Woollen, Linen, Fustian, Cotton and Iron Manufactures of this Kingdom, and for extending the faid Act to the Manu'factures of Leather; and by certain other Provisions of an Act passed in the Twenty second Year of the Reign of His said late 22 G. 2. C. 27. Majesty King George the Second, intituled An Act for the more F ' effectual preventing of Frauds and Abuses committed by Perfons ' employed in the Manufacture of Hats, and in the Woollen, Linen, Fustian, Cotton, Iron, Leather, Fur, Hemp, Flax, Mohair and • Silk Manufactures; and for the preventing the unlawful Com'bination of Journeymen Dyers and Journeymen Hotpressfers, and of › all Perfons employed in the faid feveral Manufactures; and for ' the better Payment of their Wages; and by certain Provisions of ، • an Act paffed in the Twenty ninth Year of the Reign of His 29 G. 2. c. 33. • said Majesty King George the Second, intituled An Alt to render ، more effectual an Act passed in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of • His late Majesty King George, to prevent unlawful Combinations of Workmen employed in the Woollen Manufactures, and for better • Payment of their Wages; and also an Act passed in the Thirteenth • Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty, for the better Regu ، lation of the Woollen Manufacture, and for preventing Disputes among the Persons concerned therein, and for limiting a time for • profecuting for the Forfeiture appointed by the aforesaid Act, in cafe 17 G. 3. c. 56. 57 G. 3. c. 115. † Sic. • cafe of the Payment of the Workmen's Wages in any other manner ' than in Money; and by certain other Provisions of an Act passed ' in the Thirteenth Year of His present Majesty, intituled An ' At for amending and rendering more effectual the feveral Laws now in being for the more effectual preventing of Frauds and Abuses, by Perfons employed in the Manufacture of Hats, and in the Woollen, Linen, Fustian, Cotton, Iron, Leather, Fur, Hemp, Flax, Mohair and Silk Manufactures, and also for making Provisions to prevent Frauds by Journeymen Dyers; as well as by • the Provisions of Two other Acts of the Fifty seventh George + Third, the one intituled An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act ' of the Twelfth Year of His late Majesty King George the First, and ، 57 G. 3. c. 122. 6 Wages may be ، ، an Act of the Twenty fecond Year of His late Majesty King George ' the Second, against the Payment of Labourers in Goods or by Truck, ' and to secure their Payment in the lawful Money of this Realm to ' Labourers employed in the Manufacture of Articles made of Steel, or ' of Steel or Iron combined, and of Plated Articles, and of other • Articles of Cutlery; and the other intituled An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act of the Twelfth Year of His late Majesty King George the First, and an Act of the Twenty Second Year of His • late Majesty King George the Second, against Payment of Labourers • in Goods or by Truck, and to secure their Payment in the lawful Money of this Realm, to Labourers employed in the Collieries, or ' in the working and getting of Coal, in the United Kingdom of Great • Britain and Ireland; and for extending the Provisions of the said Ads to Scotland and Ireland; the Payment of the Wages of • Workmen in certain Trades and Occupations in the aforesaid Acts • enumerated, in any other way than in the lawful Coin or Money • of this Realm, is prohibited and made penal: And Whereas it › would be expedient that Persons concerned in the Trades or Oc• cupations, or concerned in the Employment of Artificers, Work• men or Labourers, of the Descriptions mentioned in the aforefaid • Acts, should be permitted in all Cafes where such Artificers, • Workmen or Labourers, shall be willing to receive the fame in Payment, to fatisfy and pay the Wages of such Artificers, Work• men or Labourers, in Notes of the Governor and Company of the • Bank of England, or in Notes of any duly licensed Banker or < Bankers, issued under the Authority and according to the Pro‹ visions of the Acts for the time being for granting and regulating the Stamp Duties, and other the Act or Acts for the time being, ، for that Purpose made and provided: Be it therefore enacted by The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and every Person or Persons concerned in the Trades or Occupations, or concerned in the Employment of Artificers, Workmen or Labourers of the Descriptions mentioned in the aforesaid Acts, or any of them, to pay the Wages of their, his or her Workman or Workmen, Labourer or Labourers, Artificer or Artificers, in a Note or Notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or in a Note or Notes of any duly licensed Banker or Bankers, issued under the Authority of the Statutes for the time being in that behalf made and provided, and according to the Provisions of the Statutes for 6 the ، the time being for granting and regulating the Stamp Duties in all Cafes where his, her or their Labourer or Labourers, Workman or Workmen, Artificer or Artificers, shall freely and voluntarily confent, and be willing to accept and receive the fame in Payment or Satisfaction of his, her or their Wages, but not otherwise. • II. And Whereas by the faid Acts or some of them it is pro'vided, that the Forfeitures and Penalties thereby imposed on Per' sons concerned in the Trades and Occupations, or concerned in the Employment of Artificers, Workmen and Labourers of the De' scription therein mentioned, who shall pay the Wages of the said Artificers, Workmen or Labourers, or any Part thereof, otherwise than in the lawful Coin or Money of this Realm, contrary to the • Provisions of the said Acts, shall be paid in some Cafes to the Artificers, Workmen and Labourers, and in other Cafes One Moiety to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Party or • Parties aggrieved: And Whereas it would tend to the more easy • Conviction of Offenders, if the said Forfeitures and Penalties were ' in future in all Cafes to be paid, One Moiety to the Informer, and ' the other Moiety to the Use of the Poor of the Parish in which the Offence is committed; Be it therefore enacted, That so much of the said Acts or any of them as directs the Payment of the faid For. feitures and Penalties, either to the Labourers, Artificers or Workmen themselves, or in equal Moieties to the Informer and to the Party or Parties aggrieved, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. So much of recited Acts as relates to Payment of For feitures re pealed. One Moiety of other to the III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, if any Perfon or Persons shall incur and be convicted in any Penalty or Penalties under any of the said Acts, such Penalty or Penalties, in which any fuch Person or Persons shall be so convicted, instead of being applied as by the said Acts or any of them is directed, shall be paid and applied, One Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Churchwardens and the Parith. Overseers of the Poor, or in Scotland to the Kirk Seffion of the Parish within which the said Offence shall have been committed, for the Use of the Poor of the faid Parish. Scotland to the IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if the In- In what cafe former shall be called to give Evidence, the Whole of the Penalty Penalty to shall in that Cafe go to the Poor of the Parish. Poor. V. And Whereas Difficulties have occurred in the Execution Form of Con⚫ of the aforesaid Acts by reason of there being no Form of Con- viction in Scheviction therein enacted; Be it therefore enacted, That for the dule (A.) tu he more effectually preventing the pernicious Practices mentioned in the adopted. said recited Acts, and for the more easy and effectual carrying into Effect the wholesome Provisions of the said Acts, the Form of Conviction inferted in Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, shall be deemed and taken to be the legal and proper Form of Conviction as to any Penalty or Penalties to be incurred under any or either of the aforesaid Acts. VI. And be it also further enacted, That all the Powers, Pro- Powers of revisions, Regulations, Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures in the said cited Acts exActs or any of them contained, for the Purposes aforesaid, shall tended to this be exercised, enforced, levied, recovered and applied, in as ample and full a manner as if the fame had been hereby enacted. 58 GEO. III. N SCHEDULE Act, 1 (Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County aforefaid), of , , in the Penalty of 52 G. 3. C. 17. 6 ८ CAP. LII. An Act to continue, until the Twentieth Day of June One ، WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Fifty second Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled An At for the more effectual Prefervation of the Peace, by enforcing the Duties of Watching and Warding, until the First Day of March One thousand eight ' hundred and fourteen, in Places where Disturbances prevail or are ' apprehended; which Act was afterwards renewed, and has been ' continued, by an Act of the last Seffion of Parliament, until the • Fifteenth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen ; • and it is expedient that the same shall be further continued;' Be it therefore enacted by The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the said Act of the Fifty second Year of His faid Majesty's Reign shall be and the fame is hereby further continued until the Twentieth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and twenty. continued. 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