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28 Hen.8.c.17.

XXIII. And be it declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That an act of parliament made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An att giving authority to fuch as shall fucceed to the crown of this realm when they come to the age of twenty-four years, to make frustrate fuch acts as shall be made afore in their time; and one other act made in the and 1 Ed. 6. first year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth, intituled, An C. 11. deteract for the repeal of a certain ftatute made in the eight and twentieth mined. year of the reign of the late King, of most famous memory, Henry the Eighth, for revoking of acts of parliament, are determined, and of no force or effect whatsoever.


An act for laying out, making and keeping in repair, a road proper for the passage of troops and carriages from the city of Carlifle to the town of Newcattle upon Tyne.


HEREAS the making and keeping a free and open communication between the city of Carlifle and the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, by a road proper for the passage of troops, horses and carriages, at all times in the year, would be of great use and fervice to the publick; and it hath been found by experience, that the want of fuch road, passage and communication, hath been attended with great inconvenience and danger to this kingdom: and whereas fuch road cannot be laid out, or the charge of making the same be defrayed, otherwise than at the expence of the publick, and by the authority of parliament; but is is apprehended that such publick road when finished, may be supported, and kept in repair, by proper tolls and duties to be raised and collected thereupon for that purpose: may it therefore please your most excellent Majesty, that it may be enacted, &.

The new road shall extend from the west gate of Newcastle to East Denton, and by Chapel Houses to Haddon on the Wall, Harlow Hill, Port Gate, Chollerford Bridge, Walwick, Carrawburgh, Winshelds, Clowgill, Brampton, High Crosby, Drawdikes and Stanwix, to the Scotch gate of Carlifle. Trustees to nominate officers, &c. Copies of the accounts and of all contracts, &c. to be delivered to each house of parliament. Surveyors may dig gravel in waste grounds, &c. without paying for the fame; levelling the pits. Justices to determine differences. Trustees may purchase lands to be taken into the road, &c. Persons neglecting to treat for the fale of fuck lands, trustees may assess the recompence, by a jury. The recompence charged on the monies granted by parliament for making the road. 3,000l. to be paid out of the supplies for the year 1751, towards making the road; 1,000l. to the trustees of Cumberland, and 2,000l. to the trustees of Northumberland. Accounts of the monies to be laid before parliament. When the road shall be made, turnpikes and toll-houses are to be erected, and tolls to be taken. One third of the tolls only to be taken at any one tollgate in Northumberland, and one half in Cumberland. Penalty on carriages with four wheels, drawn by more than four horses, or with fewer wheels, by more than three horfes. Owners of collieries may lay waggonways cross the road, and repair the fame. Justices to determine the statutework to be done on the road. Persons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter-feffions. Trustees may lessen the tolls. Justices may appoint perfons to infpect the road, who shall enquire of the application of the tolls, and cer

3 Geo, z. c. 26.

tify any misapplication. On death, &c. of trustees others to be chosen. Road to be measured, and mile-stones erected. Tolls to continue, until otherwise provided by parliament.

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An act for cleanfing and enlightening the open places, streets, and other paflages; and regulating the nightly watch and bedels in the parish of Saint Matthew Bethnal Green, in the county of Middlesex.


An act to enable the present and future proprietors and inhabitants of the houses in Golden Square, in the parish of Saint James, Wettminster, in the county of Middlesex, to make and levy a rate on themselves, for raising money fufficient for the better inclosing, paving, enlightening and adorning of the said square; and supporting and keeping of the fame in repair for the future.


An act for repairing the road from the top of Crickley Hill in the county of Gloucester, to Frogg-Mill, through the towns of Northleach, Burford and Witney, and parishes of Hanborough and Bladen, to Campsfield, in the parish of Kidlington, in the county of Oxford; and also the road from Witney, through Enham, Cumner and Botley, to the city of Oxford. Certain tolls granted for 21 years.


An act for repairing the road leading from the town of Ludlow in the county of Salop, through Woofferton and Little Hereford, to a place called Monks Bridge in the said county; and also from the faid town of Ludlow, to a place or house called the Maindenhead at Orleton in the county of Hereford. Certain tolls granted for 21 years.


An act for repairing the high roads leading from Darlington in the county of Durham to West Auckland, and several other roads in the faid county therein mentioned. Certain tolls granted for 21 years.


An act for explaining, amending and enforcing an art passed in the thirteenth year of his late Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the better regulation of the linen and hempen manufactures in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for further regulating and encouraging the faid manufactures.


act paffed in the thirteenth year of the

reign of bis late majesty King George the First, (intituled, An act for the better regulation of the linen and hempen manufactures in that part of Great Britain called Scotland) certain rules and regulations were established for encouraging and improving of the faid manufactures, and for preventing of frauds and abuses in the fame: and whereas the faid rules and regulations have been found useful and beneficial, and have been a means of improving the faid manufactures, which might be still brought to greater perfection, and be further extended, if some parts of the faid act were explained, amended and enforced, and further regulations established: may it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be

bad lintseed or

it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That all and every person and perions who shall import, or cause to be imported, into any port or place in Importers of Scotland, any bad, mixed or damnified lintseed or hempfeed, or hempfeed, or any lintseed or hempseed which shall not be thoroughly cleanfed, short lintfeed. or any lintfeed commonly called or known by the name of Short Lintfeed, he and they shall, for every fuch offence, forfeit fuch lintfeed or hempfeed, and shall also be subject and liable to a forfeit 31. per. penalty, not exceeding three pounds sterling for every hogshead hogthead. of fuch feed; and so in proportion for any less quantity.

being damni

II. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That if all or Upon proof of any of fuch damnified lintseed or hempseed shall be only damag- the lintfeed ed, in the conveyance by fea, the importer or importers, pro-hem by fea, prietor or proprietors thereof, shall not be liable or fubject to importer not the faid forfeiture or penalty: in cafe he or they shall immedi- to forfeit; ately, upon the landing of fuch feed, produce fufficient proof before some justice of the peace, or other magiftrate, that fuch

damage was occafioned as aforesaid, and give fufficient security giving fecuri. as foon as may be unto the trustees appointed, or to be appoint-ty for its beed, in pursuance of the faid act of the thirteenth year of his late ing exported Majesty's reign, that fuch seed shall not be sown, but shall be or made into made into oil, or exported under the penalty of five pounds for oil. every hogshead of fuch damnified feed; and so in proportion for any less quantity.

&c. of the

III. Provided also, and be it enacted, That if any lintseed or Proprietor of hempfeed of the growth of Scotland shall be bad, short, dam- short or bad, nified or otherwise improper and unfit for fowing, the proprie- &c. lintseed, tor or proprietors thereof shall not be subject or liable to any pe- growth of nalty or forfeiture inflicted by the said former act, for the felling Scotland, or expofing to fale any bad or damnified lintseed or hempseed, in cafe he shall, before he shall fell fuch feed, or expose the fame to give fecurito sale, give fufficient fecurity to the said trustees, that fuch feed ty that the shall not be fown, but made into oil, or exported, under the exported, or penalty of five pounds for every hogshead of fuch feed, and so made into oil. in proportion for any less quantity.

same shall be

IV. And whereas a doubt hath arifen with relation to the exact measure by which all lintfeed and hempfeed is by the faid act directed to be fold; be it enacted, That all lintseed and hempseed shall be Lintseed, &c. fold by the Linlithgow Barley Measure streaked, and that all fuch to be fold by measures shall be first marked and stamped by the dean of guild the Linlithof some royal borough, with the usual mark of such borough, gow barley and also with these words Linlithgow Barley Measure


; and if any
or hempseed by any measure streaked,

person shall vend or fell any lintfeed
that shall not be marked and stamped, in manner as aforesaid,
fuch perfon shall forfeit for every such offence such measure, and
also the fum of forty shillings sterling.


V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Perfor's felling all and every person and perfons who shall fell and deliver to any ten pecks, to one buyer, at one time, ten pecks, or any larger quantity of one buyer, to give a certifi- lintseed or hempseed, without delivering therewith a certificate

cate of the

quantity, price, and growth, &c.

Officers may

enter warehouses for keeping lintfeed, &c.

shall be found bad, &c.

subscribed by such person or perfons, expressing the quantity. and price of the feed, and if the same shall be of foreign production, the port from whence the fame was imported, and the name of the country where it grew, and the year of its growth; and if such seed shall be of the produce of Britain, the year of its growth, and the name of the county where it grew; ; such person or perfons shall forfeit a fum not exceeding five pounds, nor less than fifty thillings sterling, for every hogthead of such feed; and fo proportionably for any less quantity.

VI. And be it further enacted, That all stamp-masters, riding-officers, surveyors or other officers, acting under the directions and authority of the faid trustees, may, with their assistants at all time by day, enter into any warehouse, or other place made use of for keeping lintseed or hempfeed, and into any place where they shall have reason to suspect that lintseed or hempfeed is kept, and may inspect and survey all lintseed and hempfeed which shall be found in fuch places, and shall and may seize and seize what and carry off, or otherwise secure, all bad, short, damnified, or mixt lintseed or hempseed, and such as shall not be clean and good, and detain the fame until it shall be legally tried, whether fuch lintseed or hempseed is by the faid former or this present act prohibited to be imported or fold, or exposed to fale, or to be sown; and in case it shall be adjudged, that such feed is prohibited to be imported, fold or exposed to sale, the same shall be forfeited, and the proprietor or proprietors thereof shall be subject and liable to a penalty not exceeding three pounds fterling for every hogshead of such feed, and so in proportion for any less quantity; and in case it shall be adjudged that the feed fo feized is prohibited to be sown, and the proprietor or proprietors thereof shall not make it appear that sufficient security hath been given to the said trustees, in manner as aforefaid, for the exporting or making of fuch feed into oil, or that application hath been made, and sufficient security tendered to the faid truftees for that purpose, such feed shall be alfo forfeited, and the proprietor or proprietors thereof fubject and liable to the penalty aforesaid.

Penalty if the

feed shall be adjudged to be prohibited,


Seed seized

VII. Provided always, That in all cafes where it shall be not to be de- proved, that application hath been only made for giving sufficilivered, until ent security as aforesaid, fuch feed so seized and detained shall the security. not be delivered to the proprietor or proprietors thereof, until such security shall be actually entered into, and executed to the fatisfaction of the faid trustees.

Flax raisers

Hemp and flax VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, to be fold 161b. That all and every person and persons who shall fell or dispose of to the stone. any hemp or flax, by any other weight than by the stone, confifting of fixteen pounds weight averdupois: and also all flax raisers and hecklers who shall not affix their names and places of abode, upon every mat or quantity of flax by them fold, shall respectively for each and every fuch offence, forfeit a fum not exceeding five pounds sterling.

and hecklers to affix their names upon

every mat.

IX. And

IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Penalty of fel That every person who shall fell or expose to fale, in one and ling flax or the fame mat or other package, flax or hem of different quality ferent quality or fineness, shall forfeit a fum not exceeding five pounds ster- in the fame ling for every fuch mat or other package.

hemp, of dif


X. Provided always, That the faid penalty shall not extend to Exception. any person selling a ton or any larger quantity of hemp or flax

to any one person at one time.

XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Plain linen That it shall and may be lawful to work up and manufacture may be made plain linen cloth, with flaxen and tow yarn mixed, by inaking with flaxen and tow yarn the woof of fuch cloth of one of the faid yarns, and the warp mixed. of the other; but that the yarn which shall be used for the Penalty if the warp, shall be of the fame quality and fineness throughout such warp be not warp, and that the yarn which shall be used for the woof, of the fame shall be of the same quality and fineness throughout such woof, fineness throughout, under the penalty of a fum not exceeding forty shillings, nor less as also the than ten thillings sterling, to be paid by the weaver; any thing woof. in the said former act, or this present act, to the contrary notwithstanding.

XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Yarns of diffeThat it shall and may be lawful to make use of yarns of different rent forts, &c. forts, qualities and fineness, in the working up and manufactur- may be used ing of striped, chequered and flowered linens, but so that each in manufacturing striped, fort of fuch yarn shall be of equal quality and fineness, through- &c.liens, &c. out each piece of such striped, chequered or flowered linens, under the penalty of a sum not exceeding forty shillings, nor less than ten shillings sterling, to be paid by the weaver; any thing in the said former act, or this present act, contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Penalty of felThat all and every person and persons who shall make, fell or ling or buyexpose to fale, or shall buy one or more reel or reels, which ing reels not shall not be of the standard and dimensions prescribed by the of the dimenfions prefcribsaid former act, thall over and above the forfeiting of such reel or edi reels, forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings, nor less than ten shillings sterling, for every such reel; and that all and every person or persons who shall be convicted of false reeling and making up yarn, or expofing to sale, selling or buying yarn of the produce of Scotland, knowing the same to be reeled or made or false up contrary to the directions of the faid act, shall, over and yarn of the above the forfeiting of such yarn, forfeit a fum not exceeding Scotland, ten nor less than two shillings sterling, for every spindle thereof and fo proportionally for any less quantity.

produce of

XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to import, fell, and expose to fale, any foreign Foreign yarn yarn, although such yarn shall not be reeled and made up, accord- excepted. ing to the directions of the said act or this act, any thing in the

faid act or this act contained to the contrary notwithstanding..

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Maker of That every maker of heckles, wheels, reels, weaving-looms heckles, &c.




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