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At the Meeting of every Court of Rulers, a Receiver from amongst themselves shall be chosen, who for that Day shall keep the Key of the Court-Box, and an Account in writing of what each Person that Day paid; and upon telling over the Cash before the major Part of the Rulers then present, and the Clerk; if the Cash shall appear to be less than the Receiver's Order 4. P. or Clerk's Entries, that Receiver at the 16, 17, 18, next Court of Rulers, shall make good such Deficiency: but if the Cash be more than was entered, by such Receiver or Clerk, a particular Entry of that Overplus shall be entered by both the Receiver and Clerk, or each neglecting shall forfeit Twenty Shillings for every Five Shillings not fso accounted for; and at the close of every such Court, the Rulers then present shall sign the Day Book, or each neglecting forfeit Twenty Shillings. Every Ruler behaving himself disorderly in such Court, to forfeit Five Shillings; The Chairman, for the Time being, to call into Court every Person in that Order in which he came. No Ruler to mix the Sunday Ferry Money with the other Cash.

If any Ruler shall, or do directly or Order 4. indirectly, by himself or other, receiver. 18, 19.


Order 6. p. 19.

Order 7.

p. 20.

Order 8. p. 20.

Order IC. P. 22.

Order 11.

P. 23, 24.

any Fee or Reward, to give his own, or folicit any other's Vote in any General Court, or Court of Rulers, to forfeit 10/. and be disabled from continuing or being any Member of such Courts, or any Officer of the Company.

If any Ruler or other Officer be convicted before the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, upon the Charge of any Three of the Comptrollers, under their Hands, of fuch an Offence as forfeits his Office; then that Court shall and may dismiss such Offender, and a new one to be chofen in his Stead.

All Rulers being duly summoned to appear at every General Court, and not to depart without leave, on forfeiture for each Offence of Five Shillings.

The Rulers to provide proper Quarteridge Books for Bindings and Freedoms.

Two of the Rulers at the least shall witness every Indenture, and cause the fame to be fairly entered in a Book for that purpose: And none to be bound, turned over, or made free, but before the major Part of the Rulers.

The Rulers to make none Free, unless he hath actually served, &c. seven Years; and unless the major Part of the Rulers


are present, and the major Part of the Rulers present, and the Clerk, sign such Freedoms, or each neglecting, to forfeit 51. And those Rulers who shall refuse to make Free, or Register such as have a Right thereunto, forfeit Ten Pounds a-piece.

Every Ruler who refuseth to turn over an Apprentice according to this 12th Order, forfeits Five Pounds. The Rulers, when requested, obliged to make Order 14. those absent Free who have a Rights. 26. thereunto.

No Victualler capable of being chosen Order 17. a Ruler; and if a Ruler, after chosen by p. 28. himself, or any other, keep a Victualling House, he forfeits Ten Shillings per


The Rulers obliged upon all Occasions Order 19. (other than the Binding of Apprentices, P. 31. or making them Free) to advise with the Auditors.

The Rulers in every June to appoint Order 21. the short Plying-places; and every other P. 32. July the long Plying-places: or for the first Omission, each to forfeit Twenty Shillings, and for the Second Forty Shillings.

The Rulers empowered to allow a Wit- Order 23. ness what is reasonable, and to oblige ap. 33, 34.



false Informer to make Satisfaction, not exceeding Twenty Shillings.

Order 26.

The Rulers to serve without Fee or

P. 35

Reward, and to give due Notice of all Order 34. Complaints or Offences which theyknew


Order 38.

P. 42.

Order 49.

p. 49. Order 50.

P. 49.

Order 51.

P. 51, 52.

Order 54.

p. 55, 56. Order 55. p. 56.

Order 57. p. 58.

Order 62. p. 65.

of, on forfeiture of Five Shillings.

Rulers to hear all Complaints in relation to Damages, &c on London-Bridge, and to endeavour to determine the fame.

The Rulers to give Twenty Shillings to such as shall give them due Information of any unregistered Persons keeping or working any Lighter or Flat Boats, &c.

All Rulers, other Officers and Members, obliged to give the Comptrollers Information of all Offences within their Cognizance, or each neglecting to forfeit Forty Shillings.

Such Three of the Rulers to keep the Cash as the General Court shall order, &c. The Rulers Quarterly to pay the Poor, &c.

No Ruler to take more than the fettled Fees, &c.

Any Two of the Rulers, under their Hands, and the Seal of the Company, are to summon Offenders for fuch Offences upon which they intend to levy Ten Shillings, as well as the Penalty incurred.


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An Abstract of the Duty of an

Auditor, as particularly expref

fed, &c.

A Uditor refufing to serve, or neglect-Cl. 5. P. 4.

ing his Duty, forfeits 51. And therefore they must Audit the Order 19. Company's Accounts twice a Year, and P. 31. oftener if the General Court shall so order, and be assisting to the Rulers with their Advice upon all Occafions required; and if the Auditors cannot with the Rulers adjust their Accounts, they shall lay them before the General Court; and if not there adjusted, before the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, in order to be there determined (if they can be) for the common Good of the Company.

The Auditors must give the Comptrollers Notice of all Embezzlements of the Stock, or other Offences of any Officers, on forfeiture of 40s.

Auditors must serve gratis.

An Auditor to be removed, when con- Order 6. victed before the Court of Lord Mayor. 19. and Aldermen of such an Offence as (by the Constitution) forfeits his Place.

The Comptroller's Duty is fully ex

pressed in the 51st Order, p. 50.



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