CONVENTION with Austria, Prussia, &c. relative to the free
Navigation of the Elbe...Dresden, 23d June, 1821... 953
.............1795 to 1818... 687
PAPERS, relative to the Changes of Government in Naples and
Piedmont, and to the Proceedings of the Allied So-
vereigns at Troppau, Laybach, &c. 1820, 1821......1128, 12411
CONVENTION of Armistice between the Austrian and Sicilian
Armies....................Capua, 20th March, 1821...1194
for the Occupation of Naples by the Austrian
Army.......................Aversa, 23d March, 1821...1195
with Prussia, Saxony, &c. relative to the free
Navigation of the Elbe...Dresden, 23d June, 1821... 953
PAPERS relative to the withdrawal of the Austrian and Russian
Ministers from Lisbon ...........April to August, 1821... 772